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< Heat
Revision as of 02:46, 21 June 2013 by Asalkeld (talk | contribs) (When a stack is created with these resources the following happens:)

Heat Autoscaling now and beyond

AS == AutoScaling


The AWS AS is broken into a number of logical objects

  • AS group (heat/engine/resources/autoscaling.py)
  • AS policy (heat/engine/resources/autoscaling.py)
  • AS Launch Config (heat/engine/resources/autoscaling.py)
  • Cloud Watch Alarms (heat/engine/resources/cloud_watch.py, heat/engine/watchrule.py)
Current architecture

When a stack is created with these resources the following happens:

  1. Alarm: the alarm rule is written into the DB
  2. Policy: nothing interesting
  3. LaunchConfig: it is just storage
  4. Group: the Launch config is used to create the initial number of servers.
  5. the new server starts posting samples back to the cloud watch API

When an alarm is triggered in watchrule.py the following happens: