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Installing and Running GBP with Cisco APIC

The following are a set of instructions for installing and working with the Cisco APIC:

Devstack Installation

1. Follow the instructions here: https://github.com/group-policy/gbp-devstack/tree/juno until step 6.

2. cd devstack

3. Configure the local.conf file.

  • Replace enable_service q-agt with disable_service q-agt
  • Set HOST_IP
  • Set Q_PLUGIN_EXTRA_CONF_PATH. This should point to the path where the ml2_conf_cisco.ini file resides. Note it should NOT start with a /.

4. Configure ml2_conf_cisco.ini at the path you chose. For complete instructions on available options see this document. An example file would look like this:

# Unique Name for identifying the Openstack Cluster

# Host Name for the APIC Controller

# Username for the APIC Controller

# Password for the APIC Controller

# How to map  names to APIC: use_uuid or use_name

# Switch to hypervisor port mapping

5. pip install apicapi

6. pip install python-opflex-agent

7. ./stack.sh

8. Ensure your uplink to ACI fabric is up and a port is created on OVS.

sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-em1 eth1

8. source openrc demo demo

9. Use the "gbp" CLI binary ("gbp --help" will give you the commands)