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< Governance
Revision as of 20:24, 3 June 2015 by Mark T. Voelker (talk | contribs) (Meetings)

This Committee was formed during the OpenStack Ice House Summit in Hong Kong by Board Resolution on 11/4.

DefCore sets base requirements by defining 1) capabilities, 2) code and 3) must-pass tests for all OpenStack products. This definition uses community resources and involvement to drive interoperability by creating the minimum standards for products labeled "OpenStack."

Our mission is to define "OpenStack Core" as chartered by the by-laws.

Important Artifacts

  1. Terms Definition
  2. 10 Core Principles (board approved Hong Kong Summit)
  3. Capability Levels: Component and Platform (board approved October 2014)
  4. 12 Scoring Criteria (board approved Atlanta Summit)
  5. 10 Designed Sections Principles (board approved December 2014)
  6. DefCore Governance:
  7. DefCore Process
  8. Capabilities & Sections
    1. 2015.03 (review JSON for details)
    2. 2015.04 (review JSON for details)
    3. 2015.next

Objective / Scope

The DefCore charter is around how the OpenStack brand is applied for commercial uses. Initially, this focus is on "what is core" and sustaining that definition over time. The scope will likely expand since brand is an ongoing concern related to specialized marks and other use cases.

There are three ways in which the community uses the OpenStack brand including referring to projects.

  1. General community use of the mark
  2. Project-specific use associated with development activity
  3. DefCore-governed commercial use

While the top two of these uses are out of scope for DefCore, the committee has a need to participate in the discussion to ensure consistent and clear use.

How to Engage?


Beginning with the Flag cycle, the DefCore Committee has adopted an alternating-week schedule in an attempt to encourage more international participation. Meeting times and channels can be found on the official OpenStack IRC meeting list. An ICS file of all OpenStack meetings is also available.

DefCore Flag Cycle Process/Capabilities Combined Meetings:

Meetings information (etherpads, etc) from past cycles can be found here.

Process Cycles

Defining OpenStack Core is a long term process and we are doing the work in progressive cycles. For reference, we have named the cycles. This helps describe concrete deliverables for a cycle while allowing discussion of the broader long term issues. For example, we may say that "item X is important to DefCore but out of scope for Elephant." We have found that this approach to breaking down the problem is necessary to maintain community consensus because we are taking smaller bites of the larger challenge (aka eating the elephant).

See Process Cycles

The current cycle is named the Scale Cycle.

Current Committee Participants

Current Participants