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Revision as of 08:15, 20 November 2013 by Fei Long Wang (talk | contribs) (Design Details)


This proposal aims to recover an image which is in 'pending-delete' state so as to provide the revert capability for the purposes of allowing emergency operational action to recover from an accidental delete

General Workflow

  1. The 'delayed_delete' config entry is enabled in glance-api.conf
  2. Delete the specific image
  3. List the images which are 'pending-delete'
  4. User PUT /v2/images/{image-uuid} on the requested image to recover it
  5. Eventually, the requested image should be in 'active' state after recovering successfully.

Design Details

HTTP Request - PUT /v2/images/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc
Response: 200 OK

Known code impact

1. List pending-delete image
2. Only the image which in 'active' status can be recovered to 'pending-delete'
