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A pre-caching system for OpenStack

Personal Details

  • Name: Anastasios Andronidis
  • Email: anastasisand at hotmail dot com
  • Name of your school or university: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki <http://www.auth.gr>
  • IRC nickname[freenode]: AnastasiosAndron

Project Description

Please find everything concerning the proposal here.


Describe your backgroud that could be related to your project or be taken into account.

  • Open source contribution

My first GSoC experience was in the apache Hama project. After the GSoC period has ended, I continued working on various parts of the project and now I am a PMC member of the project <http://hama.apache.org/team-list.html#Members>.

Developer and designer of an opensource BigData statistics platform based on Hadoop/Pig and MongoDB for EGI. <https://github.com/ARGOeu>

Github account<https://github.com/andronat> includes my contribution to various small projects or other renown (like Ansible <https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/1009>, or CERN <https://github.com/cernops/landb-gem/graphs/contributors>).

Small contributions to other projects on apache foundation, like apache Pig <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PIG-3515>

  • Academic background

Undergraduate bachelor student in the Computer Science Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

  • Intern or work experience

2010-2014 System administrator and developer for a GRID site at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Summer 2012 Internship at CERN Openlab

Summer 2013 Google Summer of Code Student at apache Hama project

2013 - Today Technical student at CMS, CERN

More information: <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/anastasis-andronidis/59/303/a14>

  • Programming language or software skills

Languages: Python, Ruby, Java, C++ and Bash

Software: Postgresql, MongoDB, Hadoop, Pig, Hama, Centos, ActiveMQ, Git, Ansible