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Add a New Backend to Oslo.Cache

Difficulty Medium
Topics storage, python, oslo
Mentor Alejandro Cabrera

Oslo Cache provides a simple, Python dictionary-like abstraction over remote object caching. Currently, only a memory backend is implemented. To make this library more valuable, it's be amazing to have a few more backends available so that system operators could choose between them as needed.

With this project, it will be your mission to implement (at least) one new backend.

Assumed Knowledge

  • Basic Python: classes, objects
  • Basic command line prowess

Anything else you need to learn or need to know, we're happy to help with!

Project Goals

  • Create a github repository for the project
  • Implement the new backend
  • Have it pass all existing unit tests
  • Add new tests, if needed

Project Nice-to-Haves

  • Benchmark it - how fast is it?
  • Demonstrate that it works over the network
  • Provide a PyPI package (oslo-cache-X)
  • Write the Docs! Include documentation about how to deploy with it