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Revision as of 13:15, 25 May 2016 by Memo Garcia (talk | contribs)

Note If you want to install an specific branch, make sure to do the following steps for each repo:

 git clone -b stable/mitaka https://github.com/openstack/freezer



on ubuntu/debian, install openjdk

 sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre

download elasticsearch from https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch and make sure the version is <2.0

and the install elasticsearch

 sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch.deb

start elasticsearch

 sudo service elasticsearch start

Install freezer api

It is recommended to install the api in a virtual environment

 git clone https://github.com/openstack/freezer-api.git
 cd freezer-api
 virtualenv .venv
 source .venv/bin/activate
 pip install -e .

Edit configuration file

 sudo cp etc/freezer-api.conf /etc/freezer-api.conf

edit parameters to your environment

 sudo vi /etc/freezer-api.conf

Mappings for elasticsearch

Elasticsearch needs to know what type of data each document's field contains. This information is contained in the "mapping", or schema definition. Elasticsearch will use dynamic mapping to try to guess the field type from the basic datatypes available in JSON, but some field's properties have to be explicitly declared to tune the indexing engine. To do that, use the freezer-db-init command:

 freezer-db-init [db-host]

The url of the db-host is optional and can be automatically guessed from /etc/freezer-api.conf

API Registration

 openstack user create --password-prompt freezer
 openstack role add --project <tenant> --user freezer admin
 openstack service create --name freezer --description "Freezer Backup Service" backup
 openstack endpoint create \
   --publicurl http://freezer_api_publicurl:port \ 
   --internalurl http://freezer_api_internalurl:port \
   --adminurl http://freezer_api_adminurl:port \
   --region regionOne \

Run the API

in kilo

 freezer-api  <ip_host>

liberty onwards

 freezer-api --bind-host <ip_host>