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Revision as of 09:24, 23 July 2013 by Zhenguo Niu (talk | contribs)

Flavor Extra Specs Key List

On Dashboard Flavor Extra Specs create page, It would be a great help to users to have a variety of common key list available in a dropdown. This common list should contain keys which users agree on them, eg. Instance Resource Quota keys.

blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/flavor-extra-specs-templates

Instance Resource Quota Keys

Config IO limit for the specified instance type

nova-manage flavor set_key --name m1.small  --key quota:read_bytes_sec --value 10240000
nova-manage flavor set_key --name m1.small  --key quota:write_bytes_sec --value 10240000

Config CPU limit for the specified instance type

nova-manage flavor set_key --name m1.small  --key quota:cpu_quota --value 5000
nova-manage flavor set_key --name m1.small  --key quota:cpu_period --value 2500

Config Bandwidth limit for instance network traffic

nova-manage flavor set_key --name m1.small  --key quota:inboud_average --value 10240
nova-manage flavor set_key --name m1.small  --key quota:outboud_average --value 10240