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Revision as of 19:30, 2 May 2013 by Adrian Otto (talk | contribs) (Security)

Proposal Only

Please recognize that this is only a proposed service to be considered for development. This is NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. Proposed by Adrian Otto on 2013-05-02.


Both Nova and Heat (Autoscale) have a need to kick off regularly scheduled task flows. We expect that it may be convenient to trigger Heat Orchestrations as well, which may in turn trigger Convection task flows. A discussion on our Dev ML[1][2] about scheduled snapshots in Nova has made it clear that this would be useful as a general purpose service that multiple projects could utilize.

In the spirit of Gall's Law we wish to create something simple, functional, and useful that can be evolved over time to support a wider range of utility.

ML References

  1. http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-April/008307.html
  2. http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-May/008332.html


An API service for allowing for a future event to be triggered, or repeatedly triggered on a regular schedule until deletion. Start with the ability to register a webhook that will be executed on a specified interval of time. For example:

  • Every N Seconds (with some sensible minimum, probably 60)

The actual start time of the event is not guaranteed, but the attempt to start such an event at least once every cycle of the interval is guaranteed.



Verb URI Description
GET /{tenant_id}/events List existing scheduled events
GET /{tenant_id}/events/{id} Get event details
PUT /{tenant_id}/events Create a new event
DELETE /{tenant_id}/events/{id} Delete an event

Event Creation

Verb URI Description
PUT /{tenant_id}/events Create a new event

Schedule a recurring event to run once per 24 hours:

   "name": "Nightly Snapshot Trigger",
   "webhook": "http://example.org/aabbccdd",
   "deleteWebhook": "http://example.org/aabbccdd834903",
   "intervalSeconds": "86400",
   "overlapPolicy", "kill",
   "timeoutSeconds": 3600

Schedule single event to run at a future date

   "name": "Nightly Snapshot Trigger",
   "webhook": "http://example.org/aabbccdd",
   "deleteWebhook": "http://example.org/aabbccdd834903",
   "runAtEpochSeconds": "1399057324",
   "timeoutSeconds": 3600


  • name: A short descriptive string assigned upon creation to identify the task.
  • webhook: The webhook URL that the event scheduler system will trigger on the specified interval.
  • deleteWebhook: (optional) The webhook URL that the event scheduler system will trigger if the timeout is reached, or overlapPolicy triggers.
  • runAtEpochSeconds: The unix epoch time (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT) to start the task. May not be combined with intervalSeconds or overlapPolicy.
  • intervalSeconds: The frequency in seconds that this task will be triggered on. May not be combined with runAtEpochSeconds.
  • overlapPolicy: (optional) How to handle the situation there the completionWebhook was not called before the start of the subsequent start time
    • skip: Do not start an overlapping task. May not be combined with runAtTime.
    • delete: Delete the prior task using the deleteWebhook (kill/rollback the task in the task system)
    • default: Start another task
  • timeoutSeconds": (optional) Number of seconds to wait before calling deleteWebhook if completionWebhook is not called first. Default: 3600

One-Time Events

If the runAtEpochSeconds attribute is used to indicate a specific future run time for the task, the system may execute it at that precise time, or some time after that time, and before runAtEpochSeconds+timeoutSeconds. If the system can not guarantee to trigger the even during this window, then an error may be returned to refuse the PUT request. (Error code TBD).

Get Event Details

Verb URI Description
GET /{tenant_id}/events/{id} Get event details
   "id": "aaaaaa-bbbbb-cccc-dddd-eee",
   "name": "Nightly Snapshot Trigger",
   "webhook": "http://example.org/aabbccdd",
   "deleteWebhook": "http://example.org/aabbccdd834903",
   "completionWebhook": "http://example.org/aabbccdd78437834798382782",
   "intervalSeconds": "86400",
   "overlapPolicy", "skip",
   "timeoutSeconds": "3600",
   "lastExecution", "1367519917",
   "status", "IDLE"


  • id: The server-assigned GUID string of the scheduled event
  • name: A short descriptive string assigned upon creation to identify the task.
  • webhook: The webhook URL that the event scheduler system will trigger on the specified interval.
  • deleteWebhook: The webhook URL that the event scheduler system will trigger if the timeout is reached, or overlapPolicy triggers.
  • completionWebhook: The webhook that the task executor must call to mark this task as completed in the EventScheduler system.
  • intervalSeconds: The frequency in seconds that this task will be triggered on.
  • overlapPolicy: How to handle the situation there the completionWebhook was not called before the start of the subsequent start time
    • skip: Do not start an overlapping task.
    • delete: Deelte the prior task using the deleteWebhook (kill/rollback the task in the task system)
    • default: Start another task
  • timeoutSeconds"': The timeout in seconds after which the
  • lastExecution, The unix epoch time (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT) the last task was started. Default: 0
  • status: Indicate the status of the event, in accordance with the Event Lifecycle

Event Lifecycle

State Description
IDLE The task is not running, and will be scheduled to run in the future.
RUNNING The task for this event has been started and is running.
TIMEOUT The task has been timed out after timeoutSeconds, and the deleteWebhook is being called.
ERROR The task could not be started because the POST request to the webhook URL failed.

Triggering Tasks

Scheduled events trigger task flows (aka: workflows) in an external system (probably Convection) by using a webhook. The output of a GET on that single event will be passed in the body of the POST to the specified webhook URL. This will inform the task execution system of the completionWebhook to call when it finishes the task.


The webhooks will need to be signed in a way that the receiver of the webhook (most likely Convection) will be able to authenticate the request, and take the appropriate action. We may want a feature that restricts the domains that are allowed in the URL of the supplied webhooks.

Pending Questions

  1. What features should be included?
  2. Where should the service be incubated, and if/how it should be integrated with Oslo? The answer to this should indicate where the blueprints should be filed.
  3. Are there volunteers to work on this?