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Source file names

For file names, use bk_, ch_, section_, and app_ at the beginning of the file name to indicate the type of file it is in the hierarchy of the build. For further organization, you can use subdirectories to organize the files by a particular grouping such as project or topic.

Book check list

Use the following check list for books:

Task Description Complete?
pom.xml file Your pom.xml file uses the latest (non-SNAPSHOT) cloud-doc plugin version and is configured correctly. To find the version number of the latest plugin, go to Clouddocs Maven Plugin Release Notes.
TOC Your pom.xml file configures a TOC for your book.
Glossary Embed the shared glossary and mark terms with the <glossterm> tag in your document.
Doc conventions Your content uses the recommended doc tagging.
Preface Your book has a preface.
Doc history The preface includes the doc history. Also make sure that you have included a revision entry for your latest changes.
Title Title is correct.
Code samples Code samples are in separate files and included in chapter, section, or appendix file.
Chunking Chapters and appendices are in separate files and included in the book file.
Source file names Source file names use file naming conventions. Book files = bk_*; Chapter files = ch_*; Appendix files = app_*; Section files = section_*.