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< Documentation
Revision as of 14:06, 2 May 2012 by AnneGentle (talk) (Document how to release the documentation site)
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Here are the checklist steps for creating a release of the Documentation from the http://github.com/openstack/openstack-manuals repository.


Create a local branch that will become the stable/releasename branch. Then, do all these things to it:

Actions on Final Branch

1. Change all pom.xml files:

  • Update the <plugin><version> to the known version of the Cloud docs plugin that works with this book. For the api-quick-start, you must use 1.0.9 or move to 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT. I'd prefer to avoid the use of SNAPSHOT in a release deliverable since it's a work-in progress untested build of the plugin.
  • Leave <release.path.name>unknown</release.path.name> alone, Jenkins fills that in.

2. Change all the book files:

  • Update the URL to the PDF file so that it matches the change to the pom file to insert the release name in the PDF file name.
  • Ensure the revision history table notes the final update.
  • Ensure the book file contains the date of final publish.
  • Ensure the book file contains the correct release name and not "trunk".

3. Create a test build of each book and look at the PDF and HTML output, ensuring images are displaying properly and that the PDF and RSS links work.

4. Change the index.html files in the /www folder to point to the release name version of each deliverable.

5. Check in this final branch for review.

6. Notify the CI team of the branch that is ready for cutting as a release branch.

Continuous Integration and Automation

On Jenkins:

  • Ensure Disqus comments are turned on for the release with the ${comments.enabled} setting.