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Documentation/Guide conventions

Guide conventions

The following lists conventions used for writing specific guides. In general we want to be consistent between guides, especially since some guides include the same files.


  • Mentioning Bugs. If there is a bug that causes some workaround or limitation to be documented, the link to the bug report should be included. This makes it easier to maintain and update such notes.

Install Guide

  • Use controller instead of the controller node management interface IP address Use replaceable for it like <replaceable>controller</replaceable>.
  • Use computeX instead of the compute node management interface IP address for compute nodes. Replace X with a number starting from 1. The management interface IP address of the first compute node is, the second is, etc.
  • Use blockX instead of the block storage node management interface IP address for block storage nodes. Replace X with a number starting from 1. The management interface IP address of the first block storage node is, the second, etc.
  • Use objectX instead of the object storage node management interface IP address for object storage nodes. Replace X with a number starting from 1. The management interface IP address of the first object storage node is, the second, etc.
  • Try to reference the name of a network interface as described in the architecture chapter. For example, say "configure the management interface IP address as" rather than "configure eth0 as".
  • The example IP addressing structure allows up to 10 controller nodes, network nodes, compute nodes, block storage nodes, and object storage nodes.
  • Database passwords are written as SERVICE_DBPASS, e.g. NOVA_DBPASS
  • Keystone passwords are written as USERNAME_PASS, e.g. GLANCE_PASS
  • rabbit_userid is guest
  • Networking services
    • Use "OpenStack Networking (neutron)" for chapter/section titles and first instance. Use "OpenStack Networking" or "Networking" for additional instances.
    • Use "legacy networking (nova-network)" for chapter/section titles and first instance. Use "legacy networking" for additional instances.
  • Structure for steps that involve commands:
1) Run the following command to install the components:
    a) apt-get install package1 package2
  • Structure for steps that involve configuration:
1) Edit the /etc/abc/abc.conf file:
    a) Configure database access in the [database] section:
        connection = mysql://
    b) Configure RabbitMQ message broker access in the [DEFAULT] section:
        rabbit_host = controller
    c) Configure Identity service access in the [keystone_authtoken] section:
        auth_host = controller
    • Example code snippet for editing /etc/heat/heat.conf:
<procedure os="ubuntu;rhel;centos;fedora;sles;opensuse">
  <title>To configure the Orchestration components</title>
  <para>Edit the <filename>/etc/heat/heat.conf</filename> file and perform
    the following tasks:</para>
    <para>Configure database access in the <literal>[database]</literal>
    <para>Replace <replaceable>HEAT_DBPASS</replaceable> with the password
      you chose for the Orchestration database.</para>
    <programlisting language="ini">[database]
connection = mysql://heat:<replaceable>HEAT_DBPASS</replaceable>@<replaceable>controller</replaceable>/heat</programlisting>
  <step os="ubuntu;sles;opensuse">
    <para>Configure <application>RabbitMQ</application> message broker
      access in the <literal>[DEFAULT]</literal> section:</para>
    <para>Replace <replaceable>RABBIT_PASS</replaceable> with the password
      you chose for the <literal>guest</literal> account in
    <programlisting language="ini">[DEFAULT]
rpc_backend = heat.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu
rabbit_host = <replaceable>controller</replaceable>
rabbit_password = <replaceable>RABBIT_PASS</replaceable></programlisting>

Operations Guide

The Operations Guide follows for some cases the O'Reilly style guide.