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Designate: Interactive Workshop - Install and Operate - Openstack Summit, May 2015

Designate provides DNSaaS services for OpenStack.

This interactive workshop will guide attendees on how Designate can be installed with PowerDNS. For the purposes of the workshop the various designate components will be installed on a single node. Once installed it shows some of the V1 and V2 APIs for domain and record management. The workshop will conclude by using a tool like dig to retrieve the added records from the PowerDNS backend, showing a fully functional by-hand deployment.

The workshop will also cover the steps for contributing to the development of Designate.

Several of the Designate contributors will be on hand during the workshop to help attendees work through the deployment.

See also: "Designate: An Overview of DNSaaS for Openstack" and “Designate: Deep Dive for Operators/Deployers”

Designate Installation Instructions

Install Designate and its dependencies

cd /home/vagrant/designate pip install -r requirements.txt sudo python setup.py develop

Make copies of designate config files from templates

cd /home/vagrant/designate/etc/designate

==The configuration file is set for you at etc/designate/designate.conf, you can diff it with ===designate.====conf.sample = ========Create directory for maintaining designate log files (this directory was referenced by 'logdir' =======variable in designate.conf file) mkdir /home/vagrant/logs/

Create, Initialize and sync the databases

The Designate database

mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE `designate` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;' designate-manage database sync

The PowerDNS database

mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE `powerdns` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;' designate-manage powerdns sync f26e0b32-736f-4f0a-831b-039a415c481e

Restart pDNS after replacing it's DB

sudo service pdns restart

Start the Designate Central Service

sudo stop designate-central sudo start designate-central

Start the Designate API Service

sudo stop designate-api sudo start designate-api

Start the Designate mDNS Service

sudo stop designate-mdns sudo start designate-mdns

Start the Designate Pool Manager Service

sudo stop designate-pool-manager sudo start designate-pool-manager

Setup the Designate Keystone service and endpoints

First set user 'admin' particulars then create service and endpoint

source /home/vagrant/openrc.admin

keystone service-list | grep designate | awk '{print $2}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty -n 1 keystone service-delete

keystone service-create --name designate --type dns --description "Designate Service" keystone endpoint-create --service designate --publicurl =-adminurl http://127.===0.====0.1:9001 --internalurl

Confirm the service exists

keystone catalog --service dns

Install Designate Client

cd /home/vagrant/python-designateclient sudo pip install -r requirements.txt sudo python setup.py develop

Install Designate Horizon Panels

cd /home/vagrant/designate/contrib/designate-dashboard python setup.py sdist sudo pip install dist/*.tar.gz sudo cp designatedashboard/enabled/_70_dns_add_group.py /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled sudo cp designatedashboard/enabled/_71_dns_project.py /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled sudo service apache2 restart

Tell designate what you want your ns records to be

designate server-create --name ns.example.com.

Additional Notes on the workshop

  • A single node was used so that it is easier to control and easier for newbies to install.