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< Designate
Revision as of 13:05, 6 August 2013 by Kiall (talk | contribs) (Use HTTP PATCH, even for partial updates. Sync's with Keystone V3.)
This is a DRAFT of the Designate Version 2 API. The draft shall not be considered final until a implementation is complete.


This specification document is intended to describe the concepts and conventions the Designate v2 API will conform to. Several common, or new, resources have been explicitly detailed, others have not. Any resources not explicitly detailed shall follow the conventions set in this document.

The Designate v2 API will eventually replace the v1 API, but there will be a period of time where both APIs exist alongside each other. The v1 API will not be affected by this spec. The length of time the v1 API is kept for is not addressed by this specification.

When in doubt - We follow the conventions set forth in the Keystone V3 API.

Basic APIv2 Requirements

  1. Switch from string based rdata to dict based rdata. This allows for a sane API for the more complex record types (SRV, GeoIP, WRR etc).
    1. This complicates simple record types, but simplifies complex record types (SRV, GeoIP, Weighted RR, Failover etc)
  2. Introduce the concept of RecordSets. This helps our API more accurately reflect the DNS specs, and provides saner grouping of related rdatas.
    1. See RFC2181 Section 5
  3. Document the concept of "server pools". This allows the API to remain the same if/when we introduce private DNS instances.
  4. Provided a mechanism to prevent concurrent modifications.
    1. This is intended to allow end users to prevent their API calls from updating a resource, if the resource has already been updated by another API client.
  5. Pagination
  6. Filtering of result sets


  • All Tenants Access
  • How do we include "total items" in paginated response?
  • How do we optionally include a nested collection?
  • Document Error Response Format



A "pool" is a set of DNS servers to which a Zone may be scheduled. Each pool has a distinct Zone namespace, allowing "example.com" to exist in multiple pools.

Pools may be defined by the provider, and marked "public". Public pools will have zones from multiple customers while private pools will be restricted to a single project_id.

Additionally, private pools may be created by a customer. Available pool flavors are defined by the provider, and may include attributes such as "Number of Nameservers", "AnyCast" etc.

The intention of this API is twofold:

  1. In order for the provider to offer multiple tiers of service. For example, a "standard" service operated out of two datacenters, and a "premium" service operated via many datacenters using AnyCast.
  2. In order to allow customers to create "private" nameservers, intended for use only be their instances. This allows customers to create "dev.local" style domains, without conflicting with other users or exposing these names to the global internet.
Property Type Default Required Immutable Read Only
id uuid Generated
project_id uuid None
name string None
flavor_id string None
public boolean False
nameservers list<string> Empty List
notes string None
status string None
version int Generated
created_at timestamp Generated
updated_at timestamp Generated

The "status" property may have value of "ACTIVE", "PENDING", "DELETING", "ERROR", "ERROR_DELETING" or "SUSPENDED".


Property Type Default Required Immutable Read Only
id uuid Generated
pool_id uuid Configured
project_id uuid None
name string None
email string None
ttl int 3600
serial int Generated
notes string None
status string None
version int Generated
created_at timestamp Generated
updated_at timestamp Generated

The "status" property may have value of "ACTIVE", "PENDING", "DELETING", "ERROR", "ERROR_DELETING" or "SUSPENDED".

Record Set

Property Type Default Required Immutable Read Only
id uuid Generated
zone_id uuid Configured
name domainname None
type string None
ttl int nil
records list<rdata> Empty List
notes string None
status string None
version int Generated
created_at timestamp Generated
updated_at timestamp Generated

The "status" property may have value of "ACTIVE", "PENDING", "DELETING", "ERROR" or "ERROR_DELETING".


Note: This list of RData is NOT the entire list. Additional RData types, including psuedo RData's for things likle GeoIP/WRR/Failover, may be added without violating the spec.


Property Type Default Required Immutable Read Only
address ipv4 None


Property Type Default Required Immutable Read Only
address ipv6 None


Property Type Default Required Immutable Read Only
cname hostname None


Property Type Default Required Immutable Read Only
preference int None
exchange hostname None


Property Type Default Required Immutable Read Only
nsdname hostname None


Property Type Default Required Immutable Read Only
ptrdname hostname None


Additional Restrictions: Only 1 SOA record may be present in a zone, and it must be at the root of the zone
Property Type Default Required Immutable Read Only
mname domainname Generated
rname domainname Generated
serial int Generated
refresh int Generated
retry int Generated
expire int Generated
minimun int Generated


Property Type Default Required Immutable Read Only
text string None


Property Type Default Required Immutable Read Only
priority int None
weight int None
port int None
target hostname None


Property Type Default Required Immutable Read Only
algorithm int None
type int 1
fingerprint string None


Property Type Default Required Immutable Read Only
text string None



Synchronous vs Asynchronous

All Create, Update, and Delete operations can be either asynchronous or synchronous. Asynchronous operations are restricted to resources containing a "status" attribute. API Consumers MUST NOT make the assumption that any API call is always asynchronous or synchronous. This document defines the method which API consumers may use to determine if a completed API call was asynchronous or synchronous.


Synchronous Create/Update/Delete API calls will return a HTTP status of either "201 Created", "200 OK" or "204 No Content" respectivly. Additionally, resources which contain a "status" property MUST have the value "ACTIVE".


Asynchronous Create/Update/Delete API calls will return a HTTP status of "202 Accepted". The "status" property MUST NOT have the value "ACTIVE".

Clients can determine if an asynchronous job is complete by querying the resource URL (or, for creates, the URL returned in the "Location" header) and checking the value of the "status" property. Once the job is complete, the status field will be "ACTIVE".


The following conventions apply to all collections, unless otherwise noted below.


A links object will exist at the root of all Collection responses. At the minimun, it will contain a "self" link. If the collection resultset is not complete, a "next" and/or "previous" link will be included for pagination.


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: application/json
   "examples": [{
     "id": "a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",
     "....": "...."
   }, {
     "id": "fdd7b0dc-52a3-491e-829f-41d18e1d3ada",
     "....": "...."
   "links": {
     "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/examples?page=2",
     "next": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/examples?page=3",
     "previous": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/examples?page=1"


Pagination is available on all collections and is controlled using a combination of two query paramaters - `page=2&per_page=10`. Collection responses will include a `links` object containing absolute URLs for the `next` and `previous` pages. These links may be omitted, or null, at the edges of a paginated collection.


 GET /v2/examples?per_page=10&page=2 HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 Accept: application/json
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: application/json
   "examples": [{
     "id": "a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",
     "....": "...."
   }, {
     "id": "fdd7b0dc-52a3-491e-829f-41d18e1d3ada",
     "....": "...."
   "links": {
     "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/examples?per_page=10&page=2",
     "next": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/examples?per_page=10&page=3",
     "previous": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/examples?per_page=10&page=1"    


Filtering is available on all collections and is controlled using query parameters which match the name of the attribute being filtered. It is *not* required that all attributes are available as filter targets, but the majority will be. Filters are an exact match - use of wildcard or substring matching is not supported.

Wildcard and substring matching may be introduced in a later revision of the v2 API, so long as the implementation is backward compatible.


 GET /v2/examples?title=MyExample HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 Accept: application/json
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: application/json
   "examples": [{
     "id": "a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",
     "title": "MyExample",
     "....": "...."
   }, {
     "id": "fdd7b0dc-52a3-491e-829f-41d18e1d3ada",
     "title": "MyExample",
     "....": "...."
   "links": {
     "...": "..."

Nested Collections

A nested collection is a collection without a URI of it's own. The only current example we have of this is the "records" array under the RecordSet resource.

By default, Nested Collections shall not be included in the listing of it's parent resource. For example, List RecordSets shall not include the "records" collection for each of the RecordSets returned.


The following conventions apply to all resources, unless otherwise noted below.


A links object will exist inside of resource object. At the minimun, it will contain a "self" link.


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: application/json
   "example": {
     "id": "a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",
     "....": "....",
     "links": {
       "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/examples/a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",


Zone Operations

Create Zone


 POST /v2/zones HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 Accept: application/json
 Content-Type: application/json
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****
   "zone": {
     "name": "example.org.",
     "email": "joe@example.org.",
     "ttl": 7200


 HTTP/1.1 201 Created
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: application/json
 Location: https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/{zone-id}
   "zone": {
     "id": "a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",
     "pool_id": "7d62d10d-3a16-4828-85dd-7b3fdc0ba989",
     "project_id": "4335d1f0-f793-11e2-b778-0800200c9a66",
     "name": "example.org.",
     "email": "joe@example.org.",
     "ttl": 7200,
     "serial": 1351800588,
     "status": "ACTIVE",
     "version": 1,
     "created_at": "...",
     "updated_at": null,
     "links": {
       "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3"

Get Zone


 GET /v2/zones/{zone-id} HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 Accept: application/json
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: application/json
   "zone": {
     "id": "a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",
     "pool_id": "7d62d10d-3a16-4828-85dd-7b3fdc0ba989",
     "project_id": "4335d1f0-f793-11e2-b778-0800200c9a66",
     "name": "example.org.",
     "email": "joe@example.org.",
     "ttl": 7200,
     "serial": 1351800588,
     "status": "ACTIVE",
     "version": 1,
     "created_at": "...",
     "updated_at": null,
     "links": {
       "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3"

List Zones


 GET /v2/zones HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 Accept: application/json
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: application/json
   "zones": [{
     "id": "a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",
     "pool_id": "7d62d10d-3a16-4828-85dd-7b3fdc0ba989",
     "project_id": "4335d1f0-f793-11e2-b778-0800200c9a66",
     "name": "example.org.",
     "email": "joe@example.org.",
     "ttl": 7200,
     "serial": 1351800588,
     "status": "ACTIVE",
     "version": 1,
     "created_at": "...",
     "updated_at": null,
     "links": {
       "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3"
   }, {
     "id": "fdd7b0dc-52a3-491e-829f-41d18e1d3ada",
     "pool_id": "7d62d10d-3a16-4828-85dd-7b3fdc0ba989",
     "project_id": "4335d1f0-f793-11e2-b778-0800200c9a66",
     "name": "example.net.",
     "email": "joe@example.net.",
     "ttl": 7200,
     "serial": 1351800588,
     "status": "ACTIVE",
     "version": 1,
     "created_at": "...",
     "updated_at": null,
     "links": {
       "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/fdd7b0dc-52a3-491e-829f-41d18e1d3ada"
   "links": {
     "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones",
     "next": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones?page=2"

Update Zone

In both examples below, we update the TTL to 3600.

Request Option 1 - Normal Request:

 PATCH https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/{zone-id} HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 Accept: application/json
 Content-Type: application/json
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****
   "zone": {
     "ttl": 3600

Request Option 2 - JSON-Patch Request:

 PATCH https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/{zone-id} HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 Accept: application/json
 Content-Type: application/json-patch+json
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****
   {"op": "test", "path": "/zone/version", "value": 1},
   {"op": "replace", "path": "/zone/ttl", "value": 3600}


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: application/json
   "zone": {
     "id": "a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",
     "pool_id": "7d62d10d-3a16-4828-85dd-7b3fdc0ba989",
     "project_id": "4335d1f0-f793-11e2-b778-0800200c9a66",
     "name": "example.org.",
     "email": "joe@example.org.",
     "ttl": 3600,
     "serial": 1351800588,
     "status": "ACTIVE",
     "version": 2,
     "created_at": "...",
     "updated_at": "...",
     "links": {
       "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3"

Delete Zone


 DELETE https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/{zone-id} HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****


 HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

RecordSet Operations

Create RecordSet

Create RecordSet (A)


 POST https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/{zone-id}/recordsets HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 Accept: application/json
 Content-Type: application/json
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****
   "recordset": {
     "name": "www.example.org.",
     "type": "A",
     "ttl": 3600,
     "records": [{
       "address": ""
       "address": ""


 HTTP/1.1 201 Created
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: application/json
 Location: https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/{zone-id}/recordsets/{recordset-id}
   "recordset": {
     "id": "9e27811d-0320-4179-abb7-0e00e371e25b",
     "zone_id": "a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",
     "name": "www.example.org.",
     "type": "A",
     "ttl": 3600,
     "records": [{
       "address": ""
       "address": ""
     "status": "ACTIVE",
     "version": 1,
     "created_at": "...",
     "updated_at": null,
     "links": {
       "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3/recordsets/9e27811d-0320-4179-abb7-0e00e371e25b"

Create RecordSet (SRV)


 POST https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/{zone-id}/recordsets HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 Accept: application/json
 Content-Type: application/json
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****
   "recordset": {
     "name": "_xmpp-server._tcp.example.org.",
     "type": "SRV",
     "ttl": 3600,
     "records": [{
       "weight": 0,
       "priority": 10,
       "target": "xmpp1.example.org."
     }, {
       "weight": 0,
       "priority": 20,
       "target": "xmpp2.example.org."


 HTTP/1.1 201 Created
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: application/json
 Location: https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/{zone-id}/recordsets/{recordset-id}
   "recordset": {
     "id": "9e27811d-0320-4179-abb7-0e00e371e25b",
     "zone_id": "a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",
     "name": "_xmpp-server._tcp.example.org.",
     "type": "SRV",
     "ttl": 3600,
     "records": [{
       "weight": 0,
       "priority": 10,
       "target": "xmpp1.example.org."
     }, {
       "weight": 0,
       "priority": 20,
       "target": "xmpp2.example.org."
     "status": "ACTIVE",
     "version": 1,
     "created_at": "...",
     "updated_at": null,
     "links": {
       "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3/recordsets/9e27811d-0320-4179-abb7-0e00e371e25b"

Get RecordSet


 GET https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/{zone-id}/recordsets/{recordset-id} HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 Accept: application/json
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: application/json
   "recordset": {
     "id": "9e27811d-0320-4179-abb7-0e00e371e25b",
     "zone_id": "a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",
     "name": "www.example.org.",
     "type": "A",
     "ttl": 3600,
     "records": [{
       "address": ""
       "address": ""
     "status": "ACTIVE",
     "version": 1,
     "created_at": "...",
     "updated_at": null,
     "links": {
       "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3/recordsets/9e27811d-0320-4179-abb7-0e00e371e25b"

List RecordSets


 GET /v2/zones/{zone-id}/recordsets HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 Accept: application/json
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: application/json
   "recordsets": [{
     "id": "9e27811d-0320-4179-abb7-0e00e371e25b",
     "zone_id": "a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",
     "name": "www.example.org.",
     "type": "A",
     "ttl": 3600,
     "status": "ACTIVE",
     "version": 1,
     "created_at": "...",
     "updated_at": null,
     "links": {
       "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3/recordsets/9e27811d-0320-4179-abb7-0e00e371e25b"
   }, {
     "id": "dedf6879-fd9a-41d6-a7c2-eeac316fa7b3",
     "zone_id": "a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",
     "name": "_xmpp-server._tcp.example.org.",
     "type": "SRV",
     "ttl": 3600,
     "status": "ACTIVE",
     "version": 1,
     "created_at": "...",
     "updated_at": null,
     "links": {
       "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3/recordsets/dedf6879-fd9a-41d6-a7c2-eeac316fa7b3"
   "links": {
     "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3/recordsets",
     "next": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3/recordsets?page=2"

Update RecordSet

In both examples below, we add "" to the RRSet records list.

Request Option 1 - Normal Request:

 PATCH https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/{zone-id}/recordsets/{recordset-id} HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 Accept: application/json
 Content-Type: application/json
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****
   "recordset": {
     "records": [{
       "address": ""
     }, {
       "address": ""
     }, {
       "address": ""

Request Option 2 - JSON-Patch Request:

 PATCH https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/{zone-id}/recordsets/{recordset-id} HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 Accept: application/json
 Content-Type: application/json-patch+json
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****
   {"op": "test", "path": "/recordset/version", "value": 1},
   {"op": "add", "path": "/recordset/records/-", "value": {"address": ""}}


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Vary: Accept
 Content-Type: application/json
   "recordset": {
     "id": "9e27811d-0320-4179-abb7-0e00e371e25b",
     "zone_id": "a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3",
     "name": "www.example.org.",
     "type": "A",
     "ttl": 3600,
     "records": [{
       "address": ""
     }, {
       "address": ""
     }, {
       "address": ""
     "status": "ACTIVE",
     "version": 2,
     "created_at": "...",
     "updated_at": "...",
     "links": {
       "self": "https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/a86dba58-0043-4cc6-a1bb-69d5e86f3ca3/recordsets/9e27811d-0320-4179-abb7-0e00e371e25b"

Delete RecordSet


 DELETE https://dns.provider.com/v2/zones/{zone-id}/recordsets/{recordset-id} HTTP/1.1
 Host: dns.provider.com
 X-Auth-Token: HPAuth_*****


 HTTP/1.1 204 No Content