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Revision as of 15:56, 20 September 2017 by Jay Bryant (talk | contribs) (Using Constants for Microversions)


This page contains a summary of the subjects covered during the Queens PTG in Denver, Colorado Wednesday September 13th, through Friday September 15th, 2017.

The full etherpad and all associated notes may be found here.

Wednesday 9/13/2017

Etherpad with Detailed Notes


Cinder T-Shirt Discussion

  • Decision: Team does want to do a Cinder team T-Shirt with just our new Logo on the front.
  • Action: Jay to work on making this happen before the next PTG.

Replication Failback

  • Action: (jbernard) Going to propose a spec that describes a two step process for promoting a backend to be primary for failback.
  • Action: (jungleboyj) Add the spec, when available, to the priority review list so that this get attention early in the release.
  • Action: (jungleboyj) Follow up with Xing to find out how this impacts group replication.

Using Constants for Microversions

  • Agreement: We want to move to using constants to track microversions.
  • Agreement: Reviewers in the future should enforce using constants for microversions.
  • Action: (smcginnis) A patch will be posted with a proposal on how to do this. Core team needs to review and use it as the example going forward.
  • Action: (smcginnis) Share the review with Ben so that Manila can do something similar.

Review of Base Required Features

""Agreement:"" Nothing needs to be changed right now. As features continue to evolve we can readdress again in the future.


Default Policy in Code

""Agreement:"" We don't want to mix changing our policy granularity, defaults, naming, etc. at the same time as moving the default in code. ""Agreement:"" Do patches as a dependency chain. ""Action:"" (TommyLikeHu) Existing patches will be updated soon based on the agreed upon items above. ""Action:"" Core team to work to merge these as soon as possible to avoid merge conflicts, etc.

Multi-Attach Discussion

""Info:"" Concerns about each driver needing changes to support multi-attach. Could be handled by having a capability of multi_attach = False by default unless drivers enable it. ""Agreement:"" Need some way for drivers to indicate when a connection is shared. This can then be used to help Brick handle things properly. ""Agreement:"" Need good documentation on how this works so that the driver maintainers can properly implement it.