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CNBB Securities Comany Overview

  • Company Info
  • Carmen (IT Director)
  • Chuck (IT Architect Architect/Cloud admin)
  • Calvin (Lead Developer/Cloud user)

CNBB Securities is a large financial services company. They have a large IT infrastructure that runs many mission-critical applications. They are rarely on the cutting edge of new technologies but they are aware of them. They value solid, industry standard technology backed up by vendor support.

They have a large cloud environment with a smaller test and development environment. Their only OpenStack environment is currently a small evaluation project used as a test and development environment for one department.

 <script src="js/scripts.js"></script>
 <header>CNBB Securities Cloud Environment</header>

Private, <500 Nodes

 <a id="greenSmall" href="CloudUserRoles.html"></a>

Private, <50 Nodes

Private, <10 Nodes

  Applications Test and Development
  POC Evaluation