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Revision as of 11:55, 25 May 2012 by ThierryCarrez (talk)

Bug Days

What ?

Bug days are a day-long event where all the OpenStack community focuses exclusively on a task around bugs corresponding to the bug day topic. There can be Bug squashing days (where we try to close as many bugs as possible), or Bug triage days (where we try to sanitize our bug databases by covering the tasks described at BugTriage). With so many community members available around the same task, those days are a great way to start joining the OpenStack community.

When ?

The next day will happen on June 7th, 2012: Bug triage day.

Where ?

The event happens mostly online, in a dedicated #openstack-bugday IRC channel on Freenode (that all participants are encouraged to join for the duration of the event). It can also happen in various places around the world, as the community informally gathers around food and drinks to deal with nasty bugs !

More details ?

Follow the link to the next bug day for more details.

Archived bug days
