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Arista Neutron ML2 Driver


Arista ML2 Mechanism Driver implement ML2 Plugin Mechanism Driver API. This driver can manage all types of Arista switches. For further details, please refer to Arista OpenStack Deployment Guide provided by Arista Networks.

Directory Structure

The Arista Neutron ML2 Driver can be downloaded from the repository located at:

https://git.openstack.org/openstack/networking-arista (branch: master)

This repository includes the latest development code and actively maintained branches. Tagged releases for networking-arista are available from the Python Package Index at: https://pypi.org/project/networking_arista/.


  • Prior to enabling Arista Driver, Arista EAPI Host (see configuration example below) must be up and running. For details, please see Arista OpenStack Deployment Guide
  • Ensure that jsonrpclib is installed (see Arista OpenStack Deployment Guide)


Arista Driver configuration (Neutron server node)

  • Edit /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_arista.ini:
# (StrOpt) EOS IP address. This is required field. If not set, all
#          communications to Arista EOS will fail
# eapi_host =
# Example: eapi_host =
# (StrOpt) EOS command API username. This is required field.
#          if not set, all communications to Arista EOS will fail.
# eapi_username =
# Example: arista_eapi_username = admin
# (StrOpt) EOS command API password. This is required field.
#          if not set, all communications to Arista EOS will fail.
# eapi_password =
# Example: eapi_password = my_password
# (StrOpt) Defines if hostnames are sent to Arista EOS as FQDNs
#          ("node1.domain.com") or as short names ("node1"). This is
#          optional. If not set, a value of "True" is assumed.
# use_fqdn =
# Example: use_fqdn = True
# (IntOpt) Sync interval in seconds between Quantum plugin and EOS.
#          This field defines how often the synchronization is performed.
#          This is an optional field. If not set, a value of 180 seconds
#          is assumed.
# sync_interval =
# Example: sync_interval = 60
# (StrOpt) Defines Region Name that is assigned to this OpenStack Controller.
#          This is useful when multiple OpenStack/Neutron controllers are
#          managing the same Arista HW clusters. Note that this name must
#          match with the region name registered (or known) to keystone
#          service. Authentication with Keysotne is performed by EOS.
#          This is optional. If not set, a value of "RegionOne" is assumed.
# region_name =
# Example: region_name = RegionOne

Start the neutron service by providing the relevant configuration files

cd <neutron_path> && python <neutron_path>/bin/neutron-server --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf_arista.ini