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Revision as of 16:08, 16 September 2015 by Dachary (talk | contribs) (fix the link to the codebase)
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Docs http://docs.akanda.io/en/latest/
Past IRC Meetings http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/akanda
Patches in review
Code series https://launchpad.net/akanda
Codebase https://github.com/stackforge/akanda
Meeting agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/akanda

What Is Akanda

Akanda is the only open source network virtualization solution built by OpenStack operators for real OpenStack clouds. Akanda eliminates the need for complex SDN controllers, overlays and multiple plugins for cloud networking by providing a simple integrated networking stack (routing, firewall, load balancing) for connecting and securing multi-tenant OpenStack environments.

Akanda is layer 2 agnostic and interfaces with the OpenStack Neutron REST APIs. Akanda includes a sophisticated lifecycle management and orchestration platform to monitor, configure, and manage 3rd party virtualized routers, load balancers and firewalls.

The Name - Project names are a powerful tool because they can be used to bond teams, communicate effectively and convey the end goal. Like many projects, we considered many names until a member of our team sought out to find a word appropriate for an open project. This word enables us to say something more clearly and with a bevy of excellent synonyms by using the Sanskrit word अखण्ड (akhaNDa) which has such lovely connotations as "non-stop, "undivided, "entire," "whole," and most importantly, "**not broken**."

Installing Akanda

Operating Akanda

Rug ctl commands http://docs.akanda.io/en/latest/operation.html#id1

Akanda Development Plans

Akanda is only open source and OpenStack. We have only have code in https://git.openstack.org. From our Liberty Summit development plans here https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/liberty-akanda-design, the Akanda project is working towards supporting more OpenStack Neutron Advanced services, more stability, better performance, and better OpenStack code integration. All the details of our plans are outlined in our blueprints and specs that can be found here https://blueprints.launchpad.net/akanda.