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Revision as of 16:16, 10 October 2011 by JayPipes (talk)

Integration Test Suites


Black Box

Uses httplib2.

Uses a config file (INI-style) to tell the test runner about the environment it is running against.

Capable of testing Swift + Nova + Glance + Keystone

Uses unittest2 and nose wrapper for testing framework.

Simple shell script wrapper (run_tests.sh) around its Python-based test runner (run_tests.py). Similar to the runners for Glance/Nova.

Uses "tagging" (a unittest2/nose feature) to mark individual test cases as belonging to a group of tests (nova, glance, rabbitmq, etc)

Tests are NOT self-contained. They have side-effects and each test case is numbered (like 001_test_auth) to ensure that tests are run in an appropriate order.


Black Box

Uses httplib2. Has directories for Nova and Swift.


Uses DTest to fire tests in multiple processes.

Uses novaclient to execute commands against the OpenStack API

Uses a BaseIntegrationTest class that houses a number of methods that fire novaclient commands. The test cases themselves verify the results from the novaclient calls.

Tests ARE self-contained. Because of the use of DTest, any test case can be run simultaneously which means test cases clean up after themselves.

There are a couple of simplistic stress tests included (in /stress directory) that count how many

Some decent documentation on how to run tests and, importantly, how to create/add new tests.




Black Box

Uses httplib2.

Uses a config file (INI-style) to tell the test runner about the environment it is running against.

Capable of testing Swift + Nova + Glance + Keystone

Uses unittest2 and nose wrapper for testing framework.

Python test runner (bin/stacktester).

Tests are self contained.