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Self-Organized Distributed OpenStack

Revision as of 12:43, 20 March 2015 by Cdion (talk | contribs) (Inspiration)

Self-Organized Distributed OpenStack

A no SPOF self-organized solution to make 100 OpenStack clusters​ collaborate

We propose to handle multiple OpenStack as a unified one. Our solution uses a consensus algorithm to manage a highly-available distributed OpenStack to optimize geo-distributed resources.

Our proposal is fully integrated with current OpenStack APIs and services, and has no impact neither on the api specifications nor the service functionnalities.

Added values of such an architecture enable relevant features: smart orchestration of appliances inside a distributed OpenStack, high availability of project appliances, community cloud creation, simulation of outage, disaster recovery, reduction of costs and energy footprint...


What's up in datacenters OpenStack area?

The data center market is seen as a growing market, where new leaders will emerge. The number of data centers in academia, industry and public sector is now significant (>3500 colocation data centers worldwide, 32 OpenStack public clouds and 29 OpenStack hosted private clouds according to http://www.openstack.org/marketplace)

This market is segmented, depending of the usage. The main topics covered in data centers are colocation, hosting (shared, dedicated, managed), datacenter facilities (power and cooling, eco-efficiency), CDN, utility computing.

The market is also starting to rationalize in order to get companies with critical size. (Orange bought CloudWatt...)

Generally, the actors can take two different directions to handle the scalability of their infrastructures:

  • Vertically - the infrastructures are gathered in a huge centralized data centers (Google, Apple, Amazon...)
  • Horizontally - the infrastructures are distributed over multi geo-distributed and independent data centers (Comcast...).

Why do we need multi data center?

What are the needs of cloud providers with multi data center?

What already exist in OpenStack?


We work with a telco that owns is own network. One way to improve the network is by providing computation and storage capabilities closer to its customer. Our client aspires to open medium size data centers on his geographically distributed nodes and of course all the abore requiements.

Our team has a strong expertise on distributed system, through academic research (Inria/Myriads), publications (Cambridge & Scholars Publishing, IEEE Internet Computing, 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD))and participation in numerous projects such as Contrail, Virtual Execution Platform, ConPaaS, Snooze. We propose our telco client to work on a generic architecture that can also fulfill their needs.

Use cases

Functional architecture

Technical architecture




Source code