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Revision as of 14:45, 25 February 2015 by Ioram7 (talk | contribs) (Database Schema)

Policy Relational Database Schema for Openstack


This document describes a relational database schema that stores security policies for Openstack. This schema reflects the current policy engine rules, stored in policy.json files.

Supported Operations

Policies stored in the database will support CRUD operations on policies, and also complex SQL queries, for instance, to find out which are the necessary conditions to perform a given action.

Besides these, two operations will also be supported:

  • Import policy.json file into the database: In this operation, policies conflicts will be eliminated. Duplicate rules will also be removed.
  • Export policies from database to new policy.json files. These new files will reflect the managed set of rules.

Database Schema

The following figure presents the database schema to store security policies in Openstack.

Policy Database Schema

The purpose of all the tables are described below:


A condition represents the basic element of a policy. The policy engine will verify if the content of the "attribute" field matches with the "value" one. Attributes can be of different Attribute Types, for instance:

  1. Action

Policies in Openstack are assigned to Actions. Actions are represented in the policy.json file by "service:action" entries. They serve as triggers for the Policy Engines to know which rule will be verified. In this database model, they are stored as conditions.

  1. Role


Represents the Openstack Policy. We can say that all policies in Openstack are combined using the OR logical operator. For instance, we can see entries in a policy.json files as follows: (action: "identity:get_user" AND rule: "admin_required) OR (action: "