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Revision as of 15:36, 30 July 2014 by Denis M. (talk | contribs) (Justifications)


Trove should provide API to create/update datastores and its versions


For now trove-manage utility provides CLI to create datastores and version. The problem is that utility can be accessed only from host where Trove was deployed. Which seems to be a bottleneck for Trove functionality and wide-accessability.


Proposed changes would provide an ability to manipulated datastores through the Trove API. Datastore/version modifications are available for Admin role.


Proposed changes would change the way of datastores and versions are being registered.





API Calls

Create datastore

HTTP request and routeː POST /mgmt/datastores

       "datastore": {
           "name": "Mysql"

HTTP response:

Status: 200 OK

Statusː 403 Forbidden (regular user used)

       "datastore": {
           "id": 1
           "name": "Mysql"
           "versions":  [ ]

Update datastore

HTTP request and routeː PATCH /mgmt/datastores/{id}

       "datastore": {
           "name": "Mysql" # optional
           "datastore_version": "5.5" # optional

HTTP response:

Status: 200 OK

Statusː 403 Forbidden (regular user used)

       "datastore": {
           "id": 1,
           "name": "Mysql",
           "default_version"ː 53eb2b38-eb0d-4fc8-a335-5c2cac6f65fd,
           "datastore_version": [ 
                       u'name': u'5.5', 
                       u'links': [
                                   u'href': u'',
                                   u'rel': u'self'
                                   u'href': u'', 
                                   u'rel': u'bookmark'
                       u'image': u'32123676-ef2d-488a-9b25-8b75509beae7', 
                       u'active': True, u'packages': u, 
                      u'id': u'53eb2b38-eb0d-4fc8-a335-5c2cac6f65fd'
                    }, ],

Create version

HTTP request and routeː POST /mgmt/datastores/versions

         "version": {
             "name": "5.5"
             "manager": "mysql"
             "packages": "mysql-server-5.5" #optional
             "image_id": 000
             "active": True #optional, default is True

HTTP response:

Status: 200 OK

Statusː 403 Forbidden (regular user used)

       "version": {
           "id": 1
           "name": "5.5"
           "manager": "mysql"
           "packages": "mysql-server-5.5 bc mc gedit" #Typeː String
           "image_id": 000
           "active": True

Update version

HTTP method and routeː PATCH /mgmt/datastores/{datastore_id}/{version_id} # if datastore mentioned HTTP method and routeː PATCH /mgmt/datastores/versions/{uuid} # if no datastore mentioned

         "version": {
              "active": False

HTTP Response:

Status: 200 OK

Statusː 403 Forbidden (regular user used)

       "version": {
           "id": 1
           "name": "5.5"
           "manager": "mysql"
           "packages": "mysql-server-5.5"
           "image_id": 000
           "active": False

CLI view

trove datastore-create {name}

trove datastore-update --name {new_name, optional} --default_version {name/uuid, optional} {name/uuid}

trove datastore-version-create --datastore {name/uuid, required} --manager {manager, required} --packages {packages_list, optional} --image {image_id, required} --active {true/false, optional} {name}

trove datastore-version-update --datastore {name/uuid, optional} --manager {manager, optional} --packages {packages_list, optional} --image {image_id, optional} --active {true/false, optional} --name {new_name, optional} {name/uuid}