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Main Page/cobbler

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Revision as of 10:46, 26 May 2014 by Yj.yuan@huawei.com (talk | contribs) (Abstract)

Release Notes


  • Ovirt-node is a lightweight hyperviosr management system based on KVM and linux system like centos, fedora. Kimchi is an HTML5 based management tool for KVM. This project aims to integrate them together and to build iso based on them.
  • User can use this project to rapidly create environment for creating VM.


1. Install a host with CentOS 6.5(fedora may also be ok but we haven't made tests on it by now)

2. Config yum for ovirt-node, kimchi which may need OS, epel. You can config them by yourself, or just run the following commands

cd compute

sh installrepo.sh

3. Install some dependent packages for building ovirt-node, kimchi

sh installdeps.sh

4. Build iso

sh autobuild.sh

5. Install iso

(1) The procedure is the same as installing ovirt-node

(2) Config static ip, ssh login and host name in configuration page

6. Use web browser like chrome to access kimchi, the URL is