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PCI configration Database and API

Revision as of 06:49, 6 December 2013 by Yongli.he@intel.com (talk | contribs) (user requests SRIOV)

API for whitelist

not only the whitelist, the alias API also meaningful for administrator's pespective. the horizon could utilized the alias db to find what kind of device is avaliable to the tenants, and these configration more reasonable in form of API.

white list/ alias on demand is all some kind of (k, v) pairs, PCI API can exploit this to achive high flexibility.

and the group key configration is kind of policy for PCI and won't change rapidly, it's hould stay in the config file.

Use cases

admin inspect PCI devices (discuss)

admin might want to know if there are some pci device avaliable to use, eventhough admin should know such infomation but if the inspect works, it's convenience. there is 2 methods to implemt inspect.

  1. via database
  currently pci device in the  databse is after filter, if want inpect the deive on node, we should let all device going in to database. so problem is  db will too large then eventually slow down query, became a scale problem.  another problem is  whitelist take effective the libvirt layer not in compute node (pci traker), this becuase same thing, reduce un-necessary infomation. 

  1. via RPC call
  for inspect one node, use RPC call to get reulst from a node, show it to admin.  this need investigate more.

admin create global groups

suppose data center have some identical hosts with same configration, so the address for same device will have same address, then amdin want group the address '0000:01:00:7' and '0000:01:01:7' to a group say 'QucikAssist'

than admin can create the white list in one cmd:

   nova pci-config create white-list  set description='xx'   address='0000:01:00:7','0000:01:01:7'  group=QuickAssist'

the API call then will be :


with data:

   { 'group':'QuickAssist',  'address': ['0000:01:01:7', '0000:01:00:7'], 'description': "xxx"}

admin create per host groups

say data center have a special powerfull machine with a powerfull PCI 'QucikAssist' card located at '0000:01:00:7', admin want group it's VF to 'PowerDecode'.

create the white list in one cmd:

   nova pci-config create white-list  compute-node-id=<hostid> description='xx'  address= '0000:01:00:7'  group=PowerDecode'

the API call then will be :


with data:

   { 'group':'PowerDecode',  'address':'0000:01:00:7',  'description': "xxx"  , 'compute-node-id':'hostid'}

Check if white list work well

after about 30 seconds, white list take effect, so admin want to check is the white list work corretly, so use this: ( this API is covered by another bp(list it here for a full picture view): https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/pci-api-support )

nova pci-list node_id

admin configures alias that request device from a specific group

to allocate the device from a group, you need to create alias for it firstly, the flow is in same way as white list,except alias always global.

create the alias in one cmd:

   nova pci-config create alias  set name='GetMePowerfulldevice'  group=PowerDecode'

the API call then will be :


with data:

    { 'group':'PowerDecode', 'name': "GetMePowerfulldevice"}

admin configures flavours use above flavor

nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:alias=GetMePowerfulldevice:2

admin boot VM with this flavours

nova boot mytest --flavor m1.small --image=cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec

admin want to modify a white-list

if want to chang a white list, ie, want use just intel's accelerator, and remove a specify address from group:

  1. list avaliable global white list
   nova pci-config list white-list 

API will be:

   return global white-list list
  1. check the specify node's white-list:
   nova pci-config list white-list  node <node_id>

API will be:

   return all white-list 
  1. get detailed infomation about this whitelist:
   nova pci-config show white-list  <white-list UUID>

API will be:

   return detailed white list dict.
  1. delete one key from a pci white list
   nova pci-config update  white-list <UUID>   unset  address= '0000:01:01:7'

API will be:

    with data { 'address':  '0000:01:01:7'}
  1. append or change one key's valule
   nova pci-config update  white-list  <UUID>  set vonder_id= '8086'

API will be:

    with data { 'address':  '0000:01:01:7'}

admin want to delete a whole white-list

delete white list by uuid:

    nova pci-config delete white-list  <UUID>

API will be:


user requests SRIOV

  1. setup a group for NIC allocation, the group can based on PF or address.
   nova pci-config create white-list  set "description"='xx'   "address"='0000:01:00:7','0000:01:01:7'  "group"='Intel.NIC.vlan'
  1. config the pci manager to use the key 'group' to grouping the device
   add following configration to nova.conf
   pci_tracking_group_by = ['group']

if lack of this, the default grouping policy is use [vendor_id, product_id]

  1. config the alias
   nova pci-config create alias  set "name"='vlan-SRIOV'  "group"='intel.NIC.vlan'
  1. config the flavor: this is under discuss, neutron might want use --nic command line.
   nova flavor-key m1.small set "pci_passthrough:sriov:<nic1-tag>:alias"="vlan-SRIOV:2"

for sriov there should be a marker <nic1-tag> for nic, the <nic1-tag> will be store in the device allocated to this nic. after allocation finised on compute node, related network module can find the device via the <nic1-tag> to perferm interface configration.

  1. admin boot VM with this flavours
   nova boot mytest --flavor m1.small --image=cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec

transite config file to API

  1. the config file for alias and whitelist defination is going to deprecated.
  2. if database is not NULL , configration is ommit and given deprecated warning.
  3. if database is NULL, config if read from the file, also given a deprecated notice, which will be remove start from next release.

with this solution, we move pci config from file to API.

DB for pci configration

  talbe: pci_config{
               id   : data base of this k,v pair
               UUID: which alias/whitelist k,v belong to
               compute_node_id:  easy to query per host configration, NULL for global configration
               object : easy to query by object whitelist/alias
               value_type:  string, RE, list  # for further enhancement 

alias is always global.


   pci_config_get(context, obj_name):
   pci_config_get_by_node(context, obj_name, node_id):
   pci_config_update(context, obj_name, node_id, vlaues):
       update the one object one time, ie, the white list on host "A":  pci_config_update(context, 'whitelist', "A", {"vendor_id":"v1", "proudect_id":"p1", "address":"a1"  }):

PCI releated Objects

  Objects: white list/ alias/ group keys(on demand grop)
  objects property:  sets of k,v

API interface

   config-object-name:  whitelist/alias/group
    show the pci configraion objects name.
    {"pci_config": ['alias', 'whitelist', 'group']}
   show the pci configraion object's detail
    i.e {config-object-name} is pci_alias:
     {"pci_alias": [{'product_id':'8086', 'group':'nic-g1', 'compute-node-id':""}]}

   show the pci configraion object's detail
    i.e {config-object-name} is pci_whitelist:
     {"pci_whitelist": {'product_id':'8086', 'group':'nic-g1', 'compute-node-id':"3"}}

   ie.   i.e {config-object-name} is pci_whitelist:
    {"pci_whitelist": {'product_id':'8086', 'address':'a1' , 'group':'nic-g1'}}
   change a global configration. 
   make config 'config-object-name' take effect.