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< Solum
Revision as of 16:33, 26 November 2013 by Paul Montgomery (talk | contribs)

This is currently a non-approved discussion of potential security measures that Solum may incorporate. Once we get alignment on the high level topics, blueprints may be created for specific topics.

  • Logging: Identify confidential data which should not be disclosed to end users/customers and flag it in the logs for easy filtering on the backend. Recently Ceilometer had a security issue where logs (INFO level) contained backend database credentials as an example of why this is important. It is strongly recommended to utilize a structured log format such as JSON to hold log data.
  • Default Secure Configuration: The default Solum installation must be placed into a highly secure mode by default. It will be up to the Solum operator to change that configuration.
  • Log Potentially Insecure Configurations: If there is a configuration option that could potentially expand the attack surface of Solum in a meaningful way, log the configuration option in question and a brief description of the potential results.
  • Authentication Backoff: In order to prevent dictionary attack spam, failed authentication should trigger backoff times where a user must wait an increasing amount of time before attempting re-authentication.
  • Prevent Authentication Timing Attacks: There should be no easily discernible difference in response to a valid vs a failed authentication attempt in order to prevent attackers from using timing attacks to locate valid accounts in �Solum.