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< Solum
Revision as of 19:07, 9 October 2013 by Roshan Agrawal (talk | contribs) (End Generic Note)


Git Integration

Generic note on Solum's User Interface
Solum exposes its "user interface" via the following mechanisms:

    • Consumed by:
      • CLI interface
      • GIT
      • a set of SDK's in various languages
      • UI Console
      • IDE Plugins

The CLI, GIT, SDK's and the UI console all consume the REST API. User can also directly call into the REST API.

End Generic Note


A deployment unit (DU) is a unit of deployment for the application being deployed. For example, if Solum is configured to use containers for deploying application code, then the a DU would refer to a container instance.

As an application developer, I want to push my code to my git repository, and have the platform automatically detect the code push and generate a running application using the new code.

I would be able to use git push for deploying a new application, or to update an existing application.

I would be able to specify the the application characteristics (AppName, size and number of deployment units, auto scale policies, etc) .

Following are the application characteristics that can be specified (this is an indicative list, not intended to be a comprehensive list)

Attribute name Description Required?
AppName Name of application (Unique at tenant level) Optional (if AppName is not provided, Solum generates one)
DU Count Initial number of deployment units. Optional (default = 1)
Flavor Size of each DU (as determined by RAM, CPU, disk space, allocated to each DU). Small, medium, large, extra large, etc. the sizing characteristics of what is small and what is large is configurable by the platform service provider Optional (if no flavor is provided, then a default flavor will be used. The default flavor is configurable by the service provider)
AutoScale Should the application auto-scale (Y/N) Optional (default = N)
MinInstances Minimum number of DU's (lower threshold for the auto scale policy) Optional (default = 1)
MaxInstances Maximum number of DU's (upper threshold for the auto scale policy) Optional (default = specified DU Count during app creation)
ShellEnvironment Set application specific shell environment variables at app start up Optional
LanguagePack User could specify the language pack (say MyPythonPack) to be used during app creation. If no language pack is specified, then the platform would auto-detect the default language pack associated with the code being pushed. Optional
Services List of services that the application will bind to (e.g.Trove, NewRelic). The services list would also optionally contain any service initialization parameters if the service support it. An example of this will be an SQL script passed to a database service to create the custom application scheme. Optional
