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This proposal unifies the new upload workflow, new download workflow, and image cloning blueprints in an extensible, consistent, and easy-to-learn way.

General Workflow

  1. User posts a request to /v2/tasks
  2. Glance returns a 201 with Location: /v2/tasks/{task-uuid}
    • The resource at /v2/tasks/{task-uuid} will be an expirable entity
  3. User polls /v2/tasks/{task-uuid} for status information on the requested task
  4. Eventually, when the task is completed, the resource will contain
    • task result information, e.g.,
      • if the task was successful, the location of the result of the task
        • for import or clone tasks, this will be an /images resource
        • for export, it will be a location where the exported item may be retrieved
      • if the task was not successful, an informative message
    • the expiration datetime of the tasks resource itself

Task Entities

An task entity is represented by a JSON-encoded data structure.

An task entity has an identifier (id) that is guaranteed to be unique within the endpoint to which it belongs. The id is used as a token in request URIs to interact with that specific task.

An task is always guaranteed to have the following attributes: id, type, status, and self. The other attributes defined in the task schema below are guaranteed to be defined, but will only be returned with a task entity if they have been explicitly set.

Task Schema

A json-schema for the task entity will be available at the URI /v2/schemas/task

And it goes a little something like this:

    "name": "task",
    "properties": {
        "id": {
            "description": "An identifier for the image", 
            "pattern": "^([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){12}$", 
            "type": "string"
        "task_type" : {
            "description": "The type of task represented by this content",
            "enum": [
            "type": "string"
        "task_status" : {
            "description": "The current status of this task.", 
            "enum": [
            "type": "string"
        "expires_at": {
            "description": "Datetime when this resource is subject to removal",
            "type": "string",
            "required" : false
        "location_uri": {
           "description": "",
           "type": "string",
           "required" : false,
    "links": [
            "href": "{self}", 
            "rel": "self"
            "href": "{file}", 
            "rel": "enclosure"
            "href": "{schema}", 
            "rel": "describedby"


Tasks Requests

The basic tasks request will be Content-type: application/json and will look like this:

    "task-type": "{task-name}",
    "task-info": {
         /* content will depend on the task type */

Tasks Response

The basic tasks response will be Content-type