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Revision as of 20:42, 22 April 2024 by Jbernard (talk | contribs) (Wednesday 10 April)


The Ninth virtual PTG for the 2024.2 (Dalmatian) cycle of Cinder was conducted from Tuesday, 9th April, 2024 to Friday, 12th April, 2024, 4 hours each day (1300-1700 UTC). This page will provide a summary of all the topics discussed throughout the PTG.

Cinder 2024.2 (Dalmatian) Virtual PTG 10 April 2024

This document aims to give a summary of each session. More information is available on the cinder 2024.2 Dalmatian PTG etherpad:

The sessions were recorded, so to get all the details of any discussion, you can watch/listen to the recording. Links to the recordings for each day are below their respective day's heading.

Tuesday 9 April


Wednesday 10 April

general info/observations

Continue doc conversation from day before

Cross project with glance about same store image migration (whoami-rajat)

  • Meeting will be in the Cinder "room"
    • https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/apr2024-ptg-glance#L157
    • https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/914639
    • Generic Image migration + Optimization for same store migration
    • WIP Spec (high level details for discussion purposes): https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/914639
    • Description:
      • Currently the preferred way of migration in glance is two step
        • 1. Copy the image from source store to destination store
        • 2. delete the image from source store
      • As i can see, it has two problems with this approach:
        • 1. requires manual intervention from operators after waiting for image copy to finish and then delete the image from source store
        • 2. No way for stores to optimize the operation
      • This can be addressed by introducing a migration operation in glance which will have two features
        • 1. A generic migration workflow where we will perform the image copy and delete in the same API operation
        • 2. Allow an interface for glance store methods to optimize the migration if possible else it will fall back to the generic workflow

Cross project session with nova and glance about in-flight image encryption (rosmaita)

  • https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance-specs/+/609667
  • Nova and Cinder require LUKS format
    • for encryption, cinder gets the binary secret (a byte array) from barbican and converts it into a string of hex digits (which is used as the luks passphrase), Nova doesn't - it generates passphrases directly and stores them in Barbican
  • current proposal/patchset:
  • new proposal (as interpreted by mhen)
    • get rid of GPG encryption and vastly simplify the patchset by using LUKS encryption for images like Cinder and Nova already do when creating images of encrypted disks
      • as proposed by Dan Smith (Nova)
    • figure out which metadata to add to Glance images to properly reflect the new use cases
      • maybe streamline existing attributes like "cinder_encryption_key_id" and rename it to the same as Nova and the (to-be-introduced) user-side are using
    • Cinder would keep its behavior for Cinder-created encrypted volumes
      • Cinder lets Barbican generate a binary key as secret_type=symmetric
      • Cinder uses binascii.hexlify() on the binary key and passes the result as passphrase to LUKS
      • any image created from such volume would keep the reference to the key that is marked as secret_type=symmetric and would trigger the binascii.hexlify() call before use
    • support for Nova- or user-supplied images is to be added to Cinder
      • secret_type=passphrase indicates that the Barbican secret carries the final passphrase (not binary), this instructs Cinder *not* to binascii.hexlify() the secret payload before passing it to LUKS
      • users can use qemu tooling to create a LUKS image and put the passphrase into Barbican by specifying secret_type=passphrase
        • as an alternative users can have Barbican create the key, do hexlify themselves and specify secret_type=symmetric to imitate what Cinder does, if they want the entropy of Barbican (e.g. HSM)
      • Cinder can use the LUKS encryption contained in the image as-is and copy the LUKS-encrypted blocks 1:1 into the volume backend storage, it just needs to differentiate between secret_types to handle the key/passphrase correctly
        • it already does this when restoring images it created itself during the "os-volume_upload_image" Cinder API action from encrypted volumes

Thursday 11 April

Add Active-Active support for NetApp iSCSI/FCP drivers

  • As part of this release, we will implement active-active support for NetApp iSCSI and FCP drivers. This will allow users to configure NetApp iSCSI/FCP backends in cinder clustered environments.
  • failover and failover_completed methods will be implemented as proposed in this spec https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/cinder-specs/specs/ocata/ha-aa-replication.html
  • geguileo: Sounds good, and they already have experience since they did it for the NFS driver
  • Mind the release schedule and deadlines (feature freeze)

Discuss bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/2060830

  • create volume from volume/snapshot creates a lock with delete_volume
  • operations are serialized due to single lock for clone operations
  • lock prevents source volume from being deleted during operation (same for snapshots)
  • other operations managed by status field to handle this
  • why do we use a shared lock for this particilar one?
  • we could update the status as with other operations
  • problem: no reference counting for nested operations, no way to reach original state
  • gorka empathizes
  • a read-write lock would be quite approproate for this case
  • tooz makes this ^ complicated
  • consensus growing around cinder-specific solution using the DB to implement a rw-lock
  • DB will be mysql/mariadb as it's the one we officially support
  • alternative is to set status field and implement ref counts, not ideal but consistent with code base
  • #action: revisit in upstream meeting if anyone interested can assemble a solution using db locking semantics

Volume encryption with user defined keys

  • Spec: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cinder-specs/+/914513/1
  • Cinder currently lags support the API to create a volume with a predefined (e.g. already stored in Barbican) encryption key.
  • Meeting Notes:
    • The idea is to create volumes from pre-existing keys from barbican
    • The preferred way is to ask cinder to create an encrypted volume and cinder communicates with barbican to create the key
    • Cinder creates the passphrase by converting the barbican key into a hex value (binascii.hexlify())
    • The user will not be able to decrypt the volume with their keys in barbican since they need to mimic cinder's procedure for encryption using the custom passphrase as long as Cinder strictly transforms it using binascii.hexlify() like it does currently
    • here's the info about the secret types:
    • The proposal is to have the development in parallel of
      • 1. API change to allow creating volumes with pre-existing secret in barbican
        • implement passing Barbican secret ids during volume creation API call and skip secret order create done by Cinder internally
        • but check received secrets in regards to their metadata (cipher, mode, bit length) to be compatible with the volume type's encryption specification
          • (which Cinder didn't need to do before since it always created secrets itself in a closed ecosystem)
      • 2. support for "passphrase" secret types from Barbican which will circumvent Cinder's binascii.hexlify() conversion and used as passphrases as-is in Cinder
        • currently only "symmetric" is supported, which is transformed using binascii.hexlify() by Cinder before passing it to LUKS
    • need to review the documentation around this, particularly, what an encryption type is and what the fields are used for (admin facing), and also what needs to be supplied as end user facing docs

Review CI updates


Friday 12 April

Review development cycle processes & schedule & documentation --> postpone

Cinder Backup improvements

Just FYI: new Spec for Image Encryption with LUKS