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< Meetings
Revision as of 05:18, 11 January 2017 by TonyBreeds (talk | contribs) (Agenda for next meeting)

Weekly Requirements team meeting

MEETING TIME: Wednesdays at 10:00 UTC #openstack-meeting-alt.

Agenda for next meeting

Ping list for the meeting (please add yourself): tonyb, sigmavirus, prometheanfire, number80, dirk, coolsvap, toabctl

* Roll-call
* Any controversies in the Queue?
  - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/418534/
* Requirements priorities for Ocata
  - #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/requirements-track-constraints-usage
* Next meeting
* Open Discussion

Regular agenda

Copy/Paste into IRC to kick the meeting off:

#startmeeting requirements

Then, once the bot has caught up and everyone is settled:

#topic rollcall

Once folks have checked in, run the agenda by the group present:

#topic agenda
cut and paste agenda from above

Previous meetings