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< Meteos
Revision as of 05:18, 9 December 2016 by HiroyukiEguchi (talk | contribs) (4. Parse a raw data)

Predict a Sales Figures using Meteos

In this example, you create a prediction model which predict sales by using Linear Regression.

Linear Regression is one of the algorithms in supervised learning.


1. Create a experiment template

Create template of experiment. Experiment is a workspace of Machine Learning.

You have to confirm a glance image id of meteos image, and a neutron network id before creating a template.

You can use a format located in python-meteosclient/sample/json/template.json

$ glance image-list | grep meteos
| 45de4bbd-8419-40ff-8ed7-fc065c05e34f | meteos                          |
$ neutron net-list | grep public
| 84c13e76-ced9-4142-a885-280784f1f7a3 | public  | a14de1c5-b8d4-434b-a056-9b0049b93402             |
$ vim sample/json/template.json
$ cat sample/json/template.json
    "display_name": "example-template",
    "display_description": "This is a sample template of experiment",
    "image_id" : "45de4bbd-8419-40ff-8ed7-fc065c05e34f",
    "master_nodes_num": 1,
    "master_flavor_id": "4",
    "worker_nodes_num": 2,
    "worker_flavor_id": "2",
    "spark_version": "1.6.0",
    "floating_ip_pool": "84c13e76-ced9-4142-a885-280784f1f7a3"
$ meteos template-create --json sample/json/template.json
| Property      | Value                                   |
| cluster_id    | None                                    |
| created_at    | 2016-12-04T07:16:29.000000              |
| description   | This is a sample template of experiment |
| id            | 8b7b9b89-f119-4b9b-b9b0-31598f819f1a    |
| master_flavor | 4                                       |
| master_nodes  | 1                                       |
| name          | example-template                        |
| project_id    | 67401cca74c2409b939e944bc6c8fcbe        |
| spark_version | 1.6.0                                   |
| status        | available                               |
| user_id       | 181b1caa9d5b470393ca66b9e511d5b0        |
| worker_flavor | 2                                       |
| worker_nodes  | 2                                       |

2. Create a experiment from template

Create a experiment by using template created in the above step. You have to confirm a neutron private network id and create keypair before creating a template.

You can use a format located in python-meteosclient/sample/json/experiment.json

$ nova keypair-add key1 > ~/key1.pem && chmod 600 ~/key1.pem
$ neutron net-list | grep private
| 8abc626e-2b06-4c67-9b2c-0231f0cef5b8 | private | cb58940f-859b-48c6-b92a-3861470f1fc1 |
$ vim sample/json/experiment.json
$ cat sample/json/experiment.json
    "display_name": "example-experiment",
    "display_description": "This is a sample experiment",
    "key_name": "key1",
    "neutron_management_network": "8abc626e-2b06-4c67-9b2c-0231f0cef5b8",
    "template_id": "8b7b9b89-f119-4b9b-b9b0-31598f819f1a"
$ meteos experiment-create --json sample/json/experiment.json
| Property           | Value                                |
| created_at         | 2016-12-04T07:20:11.000000           |
| description        | This is a sample experiment          |
| id                 | 91504a65-01cf-428f-81aa-596be7ca8619 |
| key_name           | key1                                 |
| management_network | 8abc626e-2b06-4c67-9b2c-0231f0cef5b8 |
| name               | example-experiment                   |
| project_id         | 67401cca74c2409b939e944bc6c8fcbe     |
| status             | creating                             |
| user_id            | 181b1caa9d5b470393ca66b9e511d5b0     |

Meteos creates a experiment using OpenStack Sahara spark plugin.

You can see a sahara cluster and nova VMs created by Meteos as below.

$ openstack dataprocessing cluster list (or sahara cluster-list)
| Name             | Id                                   | Plugin name | Plugin version | Status   |
| cluster-91504a65 | 13418fd9-5d2a-4ee6-b384-cb250b7e7714 | spark       | 1.6.0          | Spawning |
$ openstack server list (or nova list)
| ID                                   | Name                       | Status | Networks | Image Name |
| 58818eb5-ade7-407c-8c76-9fd9809632b4 | cluster-91504a65-workers-1 | BUILD  |          | meteos     |
| a151dbd9-de51-43ca-afb8-1fdeecce2891 | cluster-91504a65-workers-0 | BUILD  |          | meteos     |
| d02d85c5-0960-4b7e-880c-26b73c5dd8ad | cluster-91504a65-master-0  | BUILD  |          | meteos     |

3. Upload a raw data

Upload a raw data (in this example past sales figures data) to OpenStack Swift.

You can use a sample data located in python-meteosclient/sample/data/linear_data.txt

Raw data shows "sales figures", "day", "month", "year", "day of week", "parameter which indicates weather", "degree", "humidity" from left.

$ cd sample/data/
/sample/data$ head linear_data.txt
/sample/data$ swift upload meteos linear_data.txt

4. Parse a raw data

Parse a raw data to eliminate exception data.

In this case, you have to eliminate holiday sales figures because exception data affect the accuracy of prediction model.

You can use a sample format located in python-meteosclient/sample/json/dataset_parse.json

You can see the head data of parsed dataset by executing "meteos dataset-show <dataset-uuid>" command.

$ vim ../python-meteosclient/sample/json/dataset_parse.json
$ cat sample/json/dataset_parse.json
    "source_dataset_url": "swift://meteos/linear_data.txt",
    "display_name": "sample-data",
    "display_description": "sales figures dataset",
    "method": "parse",
    "params": [{"method": "filter", "args": "lambda l: l.split(',')[0] != '0'"}],
    "experiment_id": "fad1b912-8f7d-4600-b048-7db27aae1af3",
    "swift_tenant": "demo",
    "swift_username": "demo",
    "swift_password": "nova"
$ meteos dataset-create --json sample/json/dataset_parse.json
| Property    | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2016-12-08T02:31:49.000000           |
| description | sales figures dataset                |
| head        | None                                 |
| id          | 4e2bfa7c-b22e-4a2c-ad6c-2ebaa91ff7de |
| name        | sample-data                          |
| project_id  | 0e3e0f01952948848d8ae438279122fe     |
| status      | creating                             |
| stderr      | None                                 |
| user_id     | 2c3120e8228c4d0e9768f09346fe842d     |
$ meteos dataset-list
| id                                   | name        | description           | status    | source_dataset_url             | created_at                 |
| 4e2bfa7c-b22e-4a2c-ad6c-2ebaa91ff7de | sample-data | sales figures dataset | available | swift://meteos/linear_data.txt | 2016-12-08T02:31:49.000000 |
$ meteos dataset-show 4e2bfa7c-b22e-4a2c-ad6c-2ebaa91ff7de
| Property    | Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| created_at  | 2016-12-08T02:31:49.000000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| description | sales figures dataset                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| head        | [u'4500,1,1,2016,5,0,40,50', u'8000,2,1,2016,6,1,60,80', u'9500,3,1,2016,0,2,88,92', u'5000,4,1,2016,1,3,90,90', u'4500,6,1,2016,3,3,80,90', u'4000,7,1,2016,4,1,60,80', u'4500,8,1,2016,5,0,40,50', u'8000,9,1,2016,6,0,30,50', u'9500,10,1,2016,0,0,40,50', u'5000,11,1,2016,1,1,60,80'] |
|             |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| id          | 4e2bfa7c-b22e-4a2c-ad6c-2ebaa91ff7de                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
| name        | sample-data                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
| project_id  | 0e3e0f01952948848d8ae438279122fe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| status      | available                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
| stderr      |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| user_id     | 2c3120e8228c4d0e9768f09346fe842d                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |

5. Create a prediction model

In this example, User creates a Linear Regression Model from parsed dataset.

Parsed dataset has been already distributed in hdfs of experiment environment.

So, you spefity the internal url (internal://<dataset-id>) in source_dataset_url parameter.

$ vim sample/json/model_linear.json
$ cat sample/json/model_linear.json
    "display_name": "linear-model",
    "display_description": "LinearRegression Model",
    "source_dataset_url": "internal://4e2bfa7c-b22e-4a2c-ad6c-2ebaa91ff7de",
    "model_type": "LinearRegression",
    "model_params": "{'numIterations': 200}",
    "experiment_id": "fad1b912-8f7d-4600-b048-7db27aae1af3"
$ meteos model-create --json sample/json/model_linear.json
| Property    | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2016-12-08T02:35:29.000000           |
| description | LinearRegression Model               |
| id          | 8a4e0313-3fc1-4467-8117-198320c05493 |
| name        | linear-model                         |
| params      | eydudW1JdGVyYXRpb25zJzogMTAwfQ==     |
| project_id  | 0e3e0f01952948848d8ae438279122fe     |
| status      | creating                             |
| stderr      | None                                 |
| stdout      | None                                 |
| type        | LinearRegression                     |
| user_id     | 2c3120e8228c4d0e9768f09346fe842d     |
$ meteos model-list
| id                                   | name         | description            | status    | type             | source_dataset_url                              | created_at                 |
| 8a4e0313-3fc1-4467-8117-198320c05493 | linear-model | LinearRegression Model | available | LinearRegression | internal://4e2bfa7c-b22e-4a2c-ad6c-2ebaa91ff7de | 2016-12-08T02:35:29.000000 |

6. Predict

Create a learning job predicting a Sales Figures.

Specify the input value as "args" parameter.

Retrieve a predicted data as a stdout of job execution.

$ vim sample/json/learning.json
$ cat sample/json/learning.json
    "display_name": "example-learning-job",
    "display_description": "This is a sample job",
    "experiment_id": "fad1b912-8f7d-4600-b048-7db27aae1af3",
    "model_id": "8a4e0313-3fc1-4467-8117-198320c05493",
    "method": "predict",
    "args": "1,7,2016,5,0,60,80"
$ meteos learning-create --json sample/json/learning.json
| Property    | Value                                |
| args        | MSw3LDIwMTYsNSwwLDYwLDgw             |
| created_at  | 2016-12-08T02:42:35.000000           |
| description | This is a sample job                 |
| id          | 38fdc2e1-85f8-4f4d-89d3-e896e8511c89 |
| method      | predict                              |
| name        | example-learning-job                 |
| project_id  | 0e3e0f01952948848d8ae438279122fe     |
| status      | creating                             |
| stderr      | None                                 |
| stdout      | None                                 |
| user_id     | 2c3120e8228c4d0e9768f09346fe842d     |
$ meteos learning-list
| id                                   | name                 | description          | status    | args               | stdout        | created_at                 |
| 38fdc2e1-85f8-4f4d-89d3-e896e8511c89 | example-learning-job | This is a sample job | available | 1,7,2016,5,0,60,80 | 4044.73614882 | 2016-12-08T02:42:35.000000 |