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< Meteos
Revision as of 06:12, 20 October 2016 by HiroyukiEguchi (talk | contribs) (1. Create a template of experiment)

Predict sales using Meteos

In this example, user create a prediction model which predict sales by using Linear Regression. Linear Regression is one of the algorithms in supervised learning.

"Supervised learning is the machine learning task of inferring a function from labeled training data. The training data consist of a set of training examples. In supervised learning, each example is a pair consisting of an input object (typically a vector) and a desired output value (also called the supervisory signal). (From Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supervised_learning)

In this example, sales is the desired output value.


1. Create a experiment template

Create template of experiment. Experiment is a workspace of Machine Learning.

$ cat json/create_template.json

   "display_name": "example-template",
   "display_description": "This is a sample template of experiment",
   "image_id" : "c48f5dba-45be-4165-9825-f4564fecebcd",
   "master_nodes_num": 1,
   "worker_nodes_num": 2,
   "spark_version": "1.6"

$ meteos template-create --json json/create_template.json

| Property    | Value                                   |
| cluster_id  | 0984a3e7-cd8b-4b7e-b4f0-f58dc4fc6c28    |
| created_at  | 2016-10-20T02:10:13.483231              |
| description | This is a sample template of experiment |
| id          | 26cbc33b-179e-4d22-8b1b-23c9a305f196    |
| image_id    | c48f5dba-45be-4165-9825-f4564fecebcd    |
| name        | example-template                        |
| project_id  | 5f011d076a6f4a328989c57ac7b4e501        |
| status      | available                               |

2. Create a experiment from template

Create a experiment using template created in the above step.

$ cat json/create_experiment.json

   "display_name": "example-experiment",
   "display_description": "This is a sample experiment",
   "key_name": "key1",
   "net_id": "bc85cb2a-53ad-4375-801e-ed507d416e09",
   "template_id": "26cbc33b-179e-4d22-8b1b-23c9a305f196"

$ meteos experiment-create --json json/create_experiment.json

| Property    | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2016-10-20T02:11:51.778930           |
| description | This is a sample experiment          |
| id          | 0550a7db-b148-4319-bb35-16a9e4500d4a |
| name        | example-experiment                   |
| project_id  | 5f011d076a6f4a328989c57ac7b4e501     |
| status      | available                            |

Meteos creates a experiment using OpenStack Sahara spark plugin. User can see a sahara cluster and nova VMs created by Meteos.

$ sahara cluster-list

| name             | id                                   | status | node_count |
| cluster-0550a7db | 13b04f2e-5605-4b6b-b9fb-1ddf3dd85550 | Active | 3          |

$ nova list

| ID                                   | Name                       | Status  | Task State | Power State | Networks                          |
| f526ec88-9000-4ddd-8f3b-ab60abbf7ca6 | cluster-0550a7db-master-0  | ACTIVE  | -          | Running     | private=,  |
| 6812aaa6-430d-4622-acd6-a558e1505e05 | cluster-0550a7db-workers-0 | ACTIVE  | -          | Running     | private=,  |
| 825727cf-f115-4d50-af26-99224ec94f8f | cluster-0550a7db-workers-1 | ACTIVE  | -          | Running     | private=, |

3. Upload a raw data

Upload a raw data (sales data) to OpenStack Swift. Raw data shows "sales", "day", "month", "year", "day of week", "parameter which indicates weather", "degree", "humidity" from left.

$ head meteos-test-data.txt

0,5,10,2016,3,3,58,60 # a horiday

$ swift upload meteos meteos-test-data.txt


4. Download a raw data to experiment

Download a raw data from swift to experiment. Downloaded data is distributed in HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System).

$ cat json/download_dataset.json

   "display_name": "sample-data",
   "display_description": "This is a sample dataset",
   "account": "demo:user01",
   "password": "0251c36e80584efd",
   "authurl": "",
   "container_name": "meteos",
   "object_name": "meteos-test-data.txt",
   "experiment_id": "0550a7db-b148-4319-bb35-16a9e4500d4a"

$ meteos dataset-download --json json/download_dataset.json

| Property    | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2016-10-20T02:17:27.831814           |
| description | This is a sample dataset             |
| id          | bd134722-22cd-4247-8e20-538933e0975d |
| name        | sample-data                          |
| project_id  | 5f011d076a6f4a328989c57ac7b4e501     |
| status      | available                            |

5. Parse a raw data

Parse a raw data to enable MLlib (Apache Spark's scalable machine learning library) to handle it. Requirement format depends on machine learning algorithms. In this example, convert to a list format using map method and remove unused fields using filter method.


$ cat json/parse_dataset.json

   "id": "bd134722-22cd-4247-8e20-538933e0975d",
   "method": "parse",
   "params": ["method": "map", "ars": "lambda l: l.split(',')",
              "method": "filter", "ars": "lambda l: l[0]! = '0'"],
   "experiment_id": "0550a7db-b148-4319-bb35-16a9e4500d4a"

$ meteos dataset-parse --json json/parse_dataset.json

6. Create a prediction model

$ cat json/create_model.json

   "display_name": "sample-lr-model",
   "display_description": "This is a sample model",
   "dataset_id": "bd134722-22cd-4247-8e20-538933e0975d",
   "method": "LinearRegression",
   "args": "{'numIterations': 10, 'desired_output':0}",
   "experiment_id": "c08027ab-2ea5-4b57-840c-563908cfca46"

$ meteos model-create --json json/create_model.json

| Property    | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2016-10-20T02:17:27.831814           |
| description | This is a sample model               |
| id          | c48f5dba-45be-4165-9825-f4564fecebcd |
| name        | sample-lr-mode                       |
| project_id  | 5f011d076a6f4a328989c57ac7b4e501     |
| status      | available                            |

7. Predict

Create a predict job.

$ cat json/predict_data.json

   "display_name": "predict job",
   "display_description": "This is a sample job",
   "model_id": "bd134722-22cd-4247-8e20-538933e0975d",
   "method": "predict",
   "args": "11,10,2016,2,0,57,58",
   "experiment_id": "c08027ab-2ea5-4b57-840c-563908cfca46"

$ meteos job-create --json json/predict_data.json

| Property    | Value                                |
| created_at  | 2016-10-20T02:17:37.644234           |
| description | This is a sample job                 |
| id          | c38b9c22-d72c-4255-8236-7e319d351fad |
| name        | predict_job                          |
| project_id  | 5f011d076a6f4a328989c57ac7b4e501     |
| status      | executing                            |

Retrieve a predicted data as a stdout of job execution.

$ meteos job-show c38b9c22-d72c-4255-8236-7e319d351fad

| Property                   | Value                                           | 
| stdout                     | Value : (325944.477851)                         |
| stderr                     |                                                 |