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< Neutron
Revision as of 14:55, 22 August 2016 by Bence.romsics (talk | contribs) (Drawings)

This page mostly describes the (work-in-progress) implementation, based on (but occasionally intentionally departing from) v4 of the trunk port spec.


Neutron extension to access lots of neutron networks over a single vNIC as tagged/encapsulated traffic.


API-CLI mapping

CLI verb (as in the spec) CLI verb (openstack client) HTTP method URL
trunk-create network trunk create POST /v2.0/trunks
trunk-delete network trunk delete DELETE /v2.0/trunks/$trunk_id
trunk-list network trunk list GET /v2.0/trunks
trunk-show network trunk show GET /v2.0/trunks/$trunk_id
trunk-subport-add network trunk set PUT /v2.0/trunks/$trunk_id/add_subports
trunk-subport-delete network trunk unset PUT /v2.0/trunks/$trunk_id/remove_subports
trunk-subport-list network subport list GET /v2.0/trunks/$trunk_id/get_subports

Network dump

Dump of the Work-in-Progress API:


FIXME Special values to legacy port attributes, eg: device_owner, device_id

FIXME Ignored and/or problematic neutron port attributes for subports:

attribute name reason
mac_address no mechanism to tell the guest os/app what mac to use
binding:* FIXME

CLI usage example

# Business as usual.
openstack network create net0
openstack network create net1
openstack network create net2
openstack subnet create --network net0 --subnet-range subnet0
openstack subnet create --network net1 --subnet-range subnet1
openstack subnet create --network net2 --subnet-range subnet2
openstack port create --network net0 port0 # will become a parent port
openstack port create --network net1 port1 # will become a child port: at trunk create time
openstack port create --network net2 port2 # will become a child port: later

# Create a trunk using port0 as parent port (ie. turn port0 into a trunk port).
openstack network trunk create --parent-port port0 trunk0
# A port can be part of one trunk only.
# Error expected: Port UUID is currently in use and is not eligible for use as a parent port.
openstack network trunk create --parent-port port0 trunk1

openstack network trunk list
openstack network trunk show trunk0

openstack network trunk delete trunk0

# A trunk can be created with subports too.
openstack network trunk create --parent-port port0 --subport port=port1,segmentation-type=vlan,segmentation-id=101 trunk0
openstack network trunk list
openstack network trunk show trunk0
openstack network subport list --trunk trunk0

# The only vNIC in your instance corresponds to the parent port, so boot your instance with the parent port given.
# Do not add child ports as NICs to 'nova boot / openstack server create'.
# Use an image with support for vlan interfaces. CirrOS will not cut it.
# eg: sudo ip link add ... type vlan ...
#openstack server create --flavor m1.nano --image VLAN-CAPABLE-IMAGE --nic port-id=port0 --wait vm0

# The typical cloud image will auto-configure the first NIC (eg. eth0) only and not the vlan interfaces (eg. eth0.VLAN-ID).
ssh VM0-ADDRESS sudo ip link add link eth0 name eth0.101 type vlan id 101

# Error expected: Failed to add subports to trunk 'trunk0': Port UUID is in use by another trunk.
openstack network trunk set --subport port=port1,segmentation-type=vlan,segmentation-id=999 trunk0
# Error expected: Failed to add subports to trunk 'trunk0': segmentation_type vlan and segmentation_id 101 already in use on trunk UUID.
openstack network trunk set --subport port=port2,segmentation-type=vlan,segmentation-id=101 trunk0
# Add subports to a running instance.
openstack network trunk set --subport port=port2,segmentation-type=vlan,segmentation-id=102 trunk0
openstack network trunk show trunk0

# Again you need to bring your subport vlan interfaces up.
ssh VM0-ADDRESS sudo ip link add link eth0 name eth0.102 type vlan id 102

# Delete subports from a running instance.
ssh VM0-ADDRESS sudo ip link delete dev eth0.102
openstack network trunk unset --subport port2 trunk0

# Cannot delete ports used as parent or subports. Delete the trunk first.
# Error expected: FIXME HttpException: Conflict
openstack port delete port0
# Error expected: FIXME HttpException: Conflict
openstack port delete port1

# Clean up.
#openstack server delete vm0
openstack network trunk delete trunk0
openstack port delete port2 port1 port0
openstack network delete net2 net1 net0

openvswitch vlan model

FIXME draw picture of wiring of tap interfaces, trunk and integration bridges


