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Revision as of 14:43, 6 January 2016 by Spzala (talk | contribs) (Targeted work items for 0..4.0 release)

Tool to translate non-heat templates to Heat Orchestration Template.


Heat-Translator is an Openstack project and licensed under Apache 2. It is a command line tool which takes non-Heat templates as an input and produces a Heat Orchestration Template (HOT) which can be deployed by Heat. Currently the development and testing is done with an aim to translate OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) templates to HOT. However, the tool is designed to be easily extended to use with any format other than TOSCA.


Heat-Translator tool takes an in-memory graph from TOSCA Parser as an input, maps it to Heat resources and then produces a HOT.

Link to the TOSCA Parser project: https://github.com/openstack/tosca-parser






Development Meetings

The development team meets every Thursday at 1600UTC on IRC #openstack-heat-translator channel.



IRC Channel

The IRC channel is #openstack-heat-translator

Mitaka release development plan

TOSCA Parser and Heat-Translator PyPI Release PyPI Bug Fix Release (0.0.X) Approx. Target Date (TOSCA-Parser) Approx. Target Date (Heat-Translator) Comments
0.3.0 12/02/2015 12/15/2015 Considering Tokyo summit & thanksgiving holidays.
0.4.0 01/25/2015 02/12/2015 Considering personal vacations & Christmas/New year holidays.
0.5.0 03/14/2015 04/01/2016
0.6.0 05/06/2015 05/20/2016

Enhancements made under 0.3.0 release

OpenStack Nova flavor for TOSCA flavor constraints - until now there was a pre-defined set of flavors to use with translation but with this feature flavors are fetched dynamically from Nova, based on constraints defined in the TOSCA template, when run heat-translator in an OpenStack environment.

New option to only validate template - allows user to only validate TOSCA template file without running translation.

New option to save translation output to desired file – produces a ready to deploy HOT template.

New test suite for the shell

Leverage the new features of latest 0.3.0 PyPI release of TOSCA-Parser

Documentation update

Other small fixes

Targeted work items for 0..4.0 release

New test suite for OpenStackClient, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat-translator/+spec/automate-osc-translation-testing

Enable deployment of translated template https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat-translator/+spec/stack-create-translated-template

Bug Fixes