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Meeting time is scheduled based on the ISO week-numbering year. You may determine the week number by running date "+%V".


        Thursday at 23:00 UTC (odd weeks) in #openstack-meeting
        Thursday at 16:00 UTC (even weeks) in #openstack-meeting-3

* Roll Call
* Announcements
* Review Action Items
* Blueprint Review
* Open Discussion

Agenda for Jun 03

Agenda: Health API for openstack apps and operators

* health check API
* cloudpulse client

Deep dive: High level architecture and functional modules Module ownership discussion

Regular agenda

Copy/Paste into IRC to kick the meeting off:

#startmeeting cloudpulse

Then, once the bot has caught up and everyone is settled:

#topic rollcall

Once folks have checked in, run the agenda by the group present:

#topic agenda
cut and paste agenda from above

Copy/Paste for IRC

#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloudpulse
#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cloudpulse