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< Monasca
Revision as of 08:33, 6 February 2015 by Christian Brandstetter (talk | contribs) (Monasca Agent)

This page documents the Monasca Logging solution that is in progress.

Currently we only have this page to discuss our proposals. For that reason some "metric related stuff" can be found here too. We will move or remove it whenever the discussion is finished.

Monasca Agent

Additionally needed functionality.

Collect and forward Log Data

The agent should be extended to collect log data and forward them to the Monasca Log API.

Victors approach:

  • The (external) statsd-client send logs (as metric) with the metric type ‘l’ to the Monasca-agent.
  • The Monasca-agent send these logs as “GAUGE” metric to the forwarder and from there to the Monasca (Metric) API.


Note: the Monasca-agent is based on DataDog The DataDog agent can parse metrics and events from logs, so the data within can be send as metric...

Log Collector for the Monasca-Agent

Implement or integrate a Logstash-like collector (e.g. Beaver) in python. Beaver is a lightweight python log file shipper that is used to send logs to an intermediate broker for further processing by Logstash.

OpenStack Hypervisor/VM Monitoring

The Monasca Agent should monitor each created VM (logs and metrics)

  • Install agent (automatically) on each created VM.

Metrics as well as logs can be forwarded to Monasca.

The Monasca Agent should monitor the OpenStack Hypervisor (basic VM metrics like CPU, RAM only)

Metrics only!


  • Nova

Supported by agent?

  • KVM

Supported by agent?

  • VMware vSphere

vSphere is not supported by agent. A new plugin must be developed (blueprint...).

  • VMware ESXi

Probably not supported by agent?


  • OpenStack administrator
  • OpenStack user (multi tenancy! Can agent add the tenant ID per VM?)

Monasca Ceilometer Plugin should forward Metrics

Metrics only!

Data Flow: Hypervisor --> Nova --> Ceilometer --> Monasca-Ceilometer-Plugin --> Monasca

  • KVM

KVM sends metrics to Nova, but Ceilometer (currently?) doesn't poll that data. Monasca-Ceilometer-Plugin is not in "product status", that means no metrics are forwarded to Monasca.

  • VMware vSphere

Although Nova provides support for VMware vCenter Server, Ceilometer does not. It does not collect metrics of virtual machines deployed on VMware virtualization platform. It will be necessary to extend this support in Ceilometer. The aim is to implement a polling agent that queries samples from VMware vCenter Server.


Windows Support

The Monasca agent should run on Windows also. Note: the Monasca-agent is based on DataDog DataDog supports Windows since November 9th, 2012, but currently the Monasca agent runs on Ubuntu only.

Log Management Backend

Integrate ELK stack into the existing Monasca architecture. Receiving logs, authentication, processing and storing of logs.

Log Data Flow


Monasca Log API

We currently consider two possible approaches:
1) We could mimic the Loggly API in order to let end users benefit from the simplicity of the API usage.

2) Or we could aim to achieve a high consistency with existing metric API. In the later approach we would simplified speaking copy the existing Monasca API and tweak it a bit. We would do this intentionally for consistency reasons. As a result, this would be kind of similar to Victors approach, however we would prefer to have a dedicated API in order to let them evolve separately.

To summarize the two API approaches again:
1) Mimicking Loggly API:

curl -H "content-type:text/plain" -d 'Hello World' http://logs-01.loggly.com/inputs/TOKEN/tag/http/

curl -H "content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d '{"message":"hello world!", "from":"hoover"}' http://logs-01.loggly.com/inputs/TOKEN/tag/http/ 

curl -H "content-type:text/plain" -d $'Hello\nWorld' http://logs-01.loggly.com/inputs/TOKEN/tag/http/
  • simpler
  • authentication via a customer token in the URL. Maybe the X-Auth-Token can be used for that purpose.
  • no required structure or fields like host, name, dimensions, timestamp (user is responsible and can organize his data for his needs)
  • the request body contains only the payload (log entry) and no meta-data (simpler for parsing the payload (e.g. special characters)).
  • tags could be used to organize/filter logs easily (probably also possible with the Monasca “dimensions”)

2) Consistency with Monasca metric API:

POST /v2.0/metrics HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Auth-Token: 27feed73a0ce4138934e30d619b415b0
Cache-Control: no-cache

  • Simple speaking: copy Monasca Metric API
  • replace “metric” with “log”
  • instead of a “double value” (in the JSON structure of the request body) we will expect a “string value” in JSON format (must be valid JSON! escape special characters...)

Currently, we are thinking about which approach would be better for customers and acceptable for Monasca.

Log Management Frontend

Monasca Log API

Visualization of logs. TODO