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API Special Interest Group

Revision as of 05:33, 14 October 2014 by Alex Xu (talk | contribs) (Members)

Status: Forming

Organizers: Jay Pipes, Christopher Yeoh, Everett Toews


To propose, discuss, review, and advocate for API guidelines for all OpenStack Programs to follow.

Any member of the working group is able to propose API guidelines. These proposals will be discussed by the working group. When a spec for an API schema is up for review (e.g. a Nova spec for one of the Nova API schemas), the working group members should review the spec and provide feedback with respect to how well it follows the guidelines. The working group members are also responsible for advocating for following the API guidelines within the OpenStack Programs that they work on.


For email, we will use the openstack-dev mailing list and prefix the subject line with [api]. Ideally, any OpenStack developer in any program that is discussing their API will also begin to use the [api] prefix so the working group members can be alerted to relevant discussions.

For IRC, we will use #openstack-dev on Freenode.

For the OpenStack Summit, design summit sessions.


Agreed upon and accepted guidelines must be added to Governance/Proposed/APIGuidelines.

Review comments on code changes and specs that affect any OpenStack Program API.


The API Working Group is focused on creating guidelines for the HTTP APIs that expose the features to the application developers/operators using those APIs. It is not concerned with the implementation of those APIs.

There is the related End_User_Working_Group (EU WG). The API Working Group (API WG) is complementary to the End User Working Group. The API WG is focused on creating guidelines for the APIs whereas EU WG is focused on creating applications that consume the APIs. The place where these groups meet in the middle is the API, which forms the contract between the two. Members of the EU WG are encouraged to be members of the API WG and vice versa.

How to Join

Join the openstack-dev mailing list, watch for emails that are prefixed by [api], and join the discussion.


Q. My OpenStack Program doesn't have an API schema or a spec review process (like Nova's). What do I do?

A. Propose that your OpenStack Program adopt an API schema language and spec review process. The best way to give the API Working Group some teeth is by reviewing specs of API schemas. Commenting on reviews and giving a +1 or -1 to APIs that follow or don't follow the API guidelines will give this working group the potential to affect real change in OpenStack.


Please add yourself to this list if you are committed to making the OpenStack APIs better.