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< TripleO
Revision as of 21:45, 16 August 2013 by Radix (talk | contribs) (create blueprint.)
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Please edit this page, anyone who is interested!

Use Cases

  • Heat would be able to use this API to generate images automatically to be used in instances that it orchestrates.
  •  ???


Design and implement an API that allows building of OpenStack images from scratch.

It should provide multiple ways of building images.

  1. building images "statically", i.e. with diskimage-builder
  2. building images by booting a base image, running a configuration management tool, and then snapshotting
  3. building images by booting an installer ISO, "kickstarting" the install, and performing additional post-install configuration (???)

As a first pass, only the diskimage-builder support is necessary, but an eye should be aimed at extensibility.