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< Neutron
Revision as of 22:07, 25 October 2012 by Nati ueno (talk)
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'Scope:' [Short overview and high level description of what the blueprint is trying to achieve.] This service provide quantum network monitoring service. - monitoring service will create a probe port with specified quantum network - User can ping from the probe port - User can nc -vz to check tcp port from the probe port - User can nc -l to access the probe port

Note this is extended version of quantum-debug command

Use Cases':' [Short overview and high level description of what the blueprint is trying to achieve.] For development - Quantum developer can check network functionalities using this function

For User - User can get health check of network connections

Implementation Overview: [Provide an overview of the implementation and any algorithms that will be used]

- This spec is based on service insertion blueprint

Data Model Changes: [Are you introducing new model classes, or extending existing ones?] No change Monitoring service will use port's device owner attribute

Configuration variables: [List and explanation of the new configuration variables (if they exist)]

API's: [List and explanation of the new API's (if they exist)]


Plugin Interface: [Does this feature introduce any change?] No

Required Plugin support: [What should the plugins do to support this new feature? (If applicable)] No

Dependencies: [List of python packages and/or OpenStack components? (If applicable)] No

CLI Requirements: [List of CLI requirements (If applicable)]

quantum probe-create <net-id> quantum probe-delete <net-id> quantum probe-ping <probe-id> ipaddress quantum probe-nc-check <probe-id> ipaddress port quantum probe-nc-listen <probe-id> port

Horizon Requirements: [List of Horizon requirements (If applicable)]

Usage Example: [How to run/use/interface with the new feature. (If applicable)]

Test Cases: [Description of various test cases. (If applicable)]