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Revision as of 02:59, 4 May 2011 by Cerberus (talk)


The number of people contributing code to nova has grown dramatically over the last few months, and it is becoming difficult to maintain a clear picture of the entire code base. We are attempting to move towards a somewhat more sectioned view of the code, where there is at least one person who is responsible for maintaining a given section of code. This is similar to the process used for linux development.


OpenStack API

Brian Waldon


Network Service

Ryu Ishimoto

Compute Service

Volume Service

Scheduler Service

Ed Leafe

Libvirt Driver

Brian Lamar

Xen Driver

Matt Dietz

VMWare Driver

HyperV Driver



Anne Gentle

Other Possible Sections

  • Billing / Usage
  • Monitoring
  • Scalability/Performance (dealing with issues like fakevirt & how to simulate thousands of nodes on "small" clusters)
  • Admin API
 Devin Carlen
  • Deployment (chef / puppet)
  • Packaging (ubuntu, rhel/centos, suse, debian)
 Andrey Brindeyev - RHEL