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Revision as of 16:55, 18 July 2011 by SalvatoreOrlando (talk)

This page keeps track of the unit tests implemented for the Quantum Service.

Please note that, as of today (July 6th 2011), unit tests are not yet in trunk. The branch for unit tests can be found at lp:~netstack/quantum/quantum-unit-tests.

All unit tests have been implemented for both JSON and XML formats. Functional tests will be provided by this branch as well.


List networks Success
Show network Success
Failure - NetworkNotFound
Create network Success
Failure - BadRequest
Rename network Success
Failure - NetworkNotFound
Failure - BadRequest
Delete network Success
Failure - NetworkNotFound
Failure - PortInUse
List Ports Success
Show port Success
Failure - NetworkNotFound
Failure - PortNotFound
Create port Success
Failure - NetworkNotFound
Failure - BadRequest
Delete port Success
Failure - NetworkNotFound
Failure - PortNotFound
Failure - PortInUse
Set port state Success
Failure - NetworkNotFound
Failure - PortNotFound
Failure - BadRequest
List Attachment details Success
Failure - NetworkNotFound
Failure - PortNotFound
Plug attachment Success
Failure - NetworkNotFound
Failure - PortNotFound
Unplug attachment Success
Failure - NetworkNotFound
Failure - PortNotFound



Plugin Interface

