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Revision as of 10:48, 10 November 2015 by Jan Klare (talk | contribs) (Steps to create stable/ branch)

Steps to create stable/<release> branch

Awesome! We've decided as a group to create the next stable branch. Here are some steps to remind you on how to do it.

  1. Go to for each repo as a core member and create the branch with the SHA you want.
  2. To get Gerrit to report to the #openstack-chef channel create the "stable/<release_name>" via openstack-infra/project-config project under: gerritbot/channels.yaml. Something like this is an example. You may be required to remove an old branch too, keep this in mind.
  3. Wait for the Patch to be merged by Infra
  4. Changes for each cookbook and repo, create a bug to tie all the following branch work together
    1. update.gitreview to ref defaultbranch=stable/juno
    2. update Berksfile to ref branch: 'stable/juno'
    3. update bootstrap.sh to replace master with branch name (master -> stable/kilo)
    4. see https://github.com/stackforge/cookbook-openstack-identity/commit/3a99613b89fb28d21def8cbeaa63e40da32768f5 for example
  5. Create a review with the above and put it up against the stable/<release> branch.
  6. Get it merged in and you should be good

If you think doing this manually for all the cookbooks sucks, these commands might help you automating it (please CHECK the git diff before you actually push something)

  1. first pull all the cookbooks into one folder and then try to run these commands one by one from the root folder (they are intentionally seperated, since they will create some changes that you do not want to push)
for i in $(ls | grep cookbook); do
  cd $i
  git checkout stable/liberty
  sed -i '/github/a\ \ branch: stable\/liberty' Berksfile
  sed -i 's/github.*$/&,/' Berksfile
  sed -i 's/master/stable\/liberty/' bootstrap.sh
  berks install
  sed -i '/Berksfile\.lock/d' .gitignore
  git add Berksfile.lock
  cd ..
# the next one is important, since there are changes that are wrong and should
# be corrected manually (like adding the branch: stable/liberty for a non
# openstack cookbook)
for i in $(ls | grep cookbook); do cd $i; git diff; cd .. ; done
# after you checked all your changes, you can go ahead, commit it and push it
# up for review
for i in $(ls | grep cookbook); do
  cd $i
  git commit -am 'stable/liberty release patch'
  git review
  cd ..

Steps for new master branch

Now we have a new master, need to get it in sync with matching base openstack release.

  1. Possible infra changes for changes to the gates we want for this release
  2. Decide on new levels of tools (ChefDK, rubocop, foodcritic), we have always be trying to move forward with these
  3. Changes for each cookbook and repo.
    1. update metadata with new version level
    2. update common bootstrap with newer level of ChefDK
    3. create robocop TODO file to outline that work to be done (rubocop --auto-gen-config and add "inherit_from: .rubocop_todo.yml" in your .rubocop.yml)
    4. update code with refs to old openstack release (i.e. "juno" -> "kilo" (Common release and yum attributes, ...)
    5. update all code looking for deprecation's that can now be removed
    6. update any package dependencies that have changed for each component
    7. update all spec test platforms to targeted levels we want for this release

In order to pass gates, these need to be done in the following order:

  1. Common, Identity, Ops-Database and Ops-Messaging
  2. BareMetal, Image, BlockStorage, Image, Network, Database, Data-Processing, Dashboard, Object-Storage
  3. Compute, Orchestration, Telemetry, Integration-Test, Client
  4. Repo

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