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< GroupBasedPolicy
Revision as of 08:13, 10 March 2015 by Snaiksat (talk | contribs) (Functional Tests)

Functional Tests

The GBP functional test suite is available in pypi with the pkg name 'gbpfunctests' to run on-demand.

After devstack installation, do the following:

1. Pip Install the package:
    pip install gbpfunctests
2. The pip install will put this package by default in
    /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gbpfunctests/ (for RHEL)
   /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gbpfunctests/ (for Ubuntu)
3. Before the user runs any test,user will source the rc file needed for keystone authentication
Usage: User can run each test-script or entire test-suite(suite_run.py) in any of two ways:
       1. If the default location of the package is appended to the $PATH
          then executable files can be run from anywhere
       2. The executable can be run from the default location    
Test Report: Depending on the location from where the suite(suite_run.py) is run, a file  named "test_reports.txt" get created in that location. This comprise the consolidated test results of the suite
Test logs: Every test-script's log file is available at /tmp/<test_case_name>.log