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Weekly Trove Team Meeting

We have weekly team meetings on Wednesdays at 18:00 UTC in #openstack-meeting-alt

Want to add an agenda item? Please append your item to the upcoming weekly agenda while keeping in mind:

Guidelines for Writing Clear Agenda Items

An agenda item should have a clearly defined objective.

  • Good: Review #xxxxx has comments on foobar.py from multiple folks and there seems to be a lack of consensus on how to solve problem ‘y’. Let’s quickly rehash the merits of both approaches in 2-5 minutes and call for a vote. Goal: choose an approach and move forward on implementation.
  • Bad: Discuss blueprint ‘xyz’
  • Bad: Revisit blueprint ‘abc’ that we talked about last week to get answers on remaining disagreements.

When referring to previous conversations or competing viewpoints, be sure to summarize them.

Agenda for July 2

Agenda for Jun 25

  • Integration-tests update (SlickNik)
  • "Vertica Datastore patch review" why no reviews ? (SnowDust)

Meeting Chat Logs: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/trove/2014/
Meeting Agenda History: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Trove/MeetingAgendaHistory#Trove_Weekly_Meeting_Agenda_History

Note: BP Meetings now have their own wiki page at: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/TroveBPMeeting