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< Trove
Revision as of 16:25, 9 April 2014 by Kpom (talk | contribs) (List capabilities for a datastore)


This proposal includes the ability to setup different capabilities for different datastore types. This is a management only feature, useful for globally enabling/disabling capabilities. The only exception to that is the List Capabilities for Datastore. That method would be available to all users, so that end users could determine the behavior of a particular datastore.

An example capability would be "volume_support". As a result of a datastore having this capability,an block storage volume would be created on server create. A datastore without this capability (such as redis) would not create a volume.


Supported with the first iteration:

  • volume_support - When creating an instance, a cinder volume will be provisioned with the server
  • enable_root_user - When creating an instance, the root user password is returned to the user

Eventually we want to add support for the following capabilities:

  • multiple_users - If not enabled, return an appropriate error code for any user related routes
  • databases - If not enabled, return an appropriate error code for any database related routes (ie, redis does not support database, but mysql should)
  • security_groups

API Resources


Verb Resource Description
GET /capabilities Supplies a list of capabilities that can be associated to a datastore
GET /datastores/{datastore}/capabilities Get a list of capabilities configured for this datastore
POST /datastores/{datastore}/capabilities Associate a capability with the datastore
DELETE /datastores/{datastore}/capabilities/{capability_id} Remove a capability from the datastore

Example Calls

List Capabilities (GET)

This call lists all capabilities

GET /capabilities


   "capabilities": {
               "id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
               "name": "Volume Support",
               "description": "If enabled, a cinder volume will be created and attached to the database server"

List capabilities for a datastore

This call lists all capabilities that are associated with a particular datastore

GET datastores/e60153d4-8ac4-414a-ad58-fe2e0035704a/capabilities


   "capabilities": {
               "id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
               "name": "Volume Support",
               "description": "If enabled, a cinder volume will be created and attached to the database server"

Add a capability to a datastore

This call allows a user to associate a capability to a datastore type

POST datastores/e60153d4-8ac4-414a-ad58-fe2e0035704a/capabilities

Request Body

    "capability_id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"


   "capabilities": {
               "id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
               "name": "Volume Support",
               "description": "If enabled, a cinder volume will be created and attached to the database server"

Remove a capability from a datastore

This call removes the association between a datastore and a capability

DELETE  datastores/e60153d4-8ac4-414a-ad58-fe2e0035704a/capabilities/550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000

Database Schema

Two new entities will be created in the trove database: capabilities and datastore_capabilities. These entities will store the capabilities and the association between those capabilities and the datastore

Capabilities (capabilities)

This table will contain the id, name and description of the capabilities

Name Data Type Length Nullable Details
id VARCHAR 36 False Primary Key, Generated UUID
name VARCHAR 64 False -
description VARCHAR 256 True -

Datastore Capabilities (datastore_capabilities)

This table maintains a many-to-many relationship of datastores to capabilities via the foreign key references to capability_id and datastore_id

Name Data Type Length Nullable Details
capability_id VARCHAR 36 False Foreign Key reference to capabilities.id
datastore_id VARCHAR 32 False Foreign Key reference to datastore.id