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< Meetings
Revision as of 19:16, 8 April 2014 by Carl (talk | contribs) (Reviewing HA Router Functionality)


  • Weekly on Thursday at 1500 UTC
  • IRC channel: #openstack-meeting-3
  • Chair: Carl Baldwin (carl_baldwin)

Logs and Minutes

Meetings, with their notes and logs, will be found under http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_l3


/join #openstack-meeting-3
#startmeeting neutron_l3
#topic Announcements
#link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Neutron-L3-Subteam



L3 Subteam Agenda


In general, I encourage you to add your action items. Please feel free. Look up meetbot for commands that you can use during the meeting.

Example: #action carl_baldwin will get something specific done this week.

l3-high-availability (safchain)

The contact for this blueprint is Sylvain Afchain

Reviewing HA Router Functionality

The l3-high-availability blueprint is currently in review on bp/l3-high-availability gerrit topic. There are some relationships between the reviews.

After reading the blueprint, a good starting place for review is the Add L3 VRRP HA base classes review. It does not have any dependencies and adds the framework. It creates the HA management network and ports, adds database support, etc. After that, there are two patches to be reviewed. They are mostly independent of each other.

  1. Add a new scheduler for the l3 HA
  2. Introduces a keepalived manager for HA

Finally, the Add HA support to the l3 agent review seems to pull them all together.

There is a patch related to adding conntrackd. It looks like it is not yet integrated with the rest. I think conntrackd may be added later. Introduces a conntrackd manager for HA

Testing HA Router Functionality

How to test L3 HA VRRP

bgp-dynamic-routing (nextone92)

A description of dynamic routing use cases

L3 Agent

rootwrap-daemon-mode (ajo, YorikSar)

While not strictly an L3 topic, the subteam has been discussing this etherpad which affects the L3 agent. https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-agent-exec-performance

Implementation for a rootwrap agent is in review under bp/rootwrap-daemon-mode topic.

neutron-ovs-dvr (Swami)

Distributed-Virtual-Router meetings are still on-going.

DNS Lookup of Instances (carl_baldwin)

Open Discussion