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Revision as of 20:20, 24 July 2010 by BretPiatt (talk)

iSCSI support for Compute/Nova

Nova currently supports persistent volumes using ATA-over-Ethernet (AoE). This is to discuss adding iSCSI support as an alternative.


Support high-end storage arrays

Support OpenSolaris / Nexenta (?)

Support Linux iSCSI target so that developers can get up and running quickly


Work is progressing in a launchpad / bazaar branch:


Currently the Linux iSCSI initiator & target are supported, and it works (though is not heavily tested)


Is the Linux iSCSI target stable (enough)? Is there a different target we should be supporting?

Has anyone looked at Sheepdog in detail? ( http://www.osrg.net/sheepdog/ )

What are the requirements around LUNs / targets? Right now, each volume is exported as a target with a single LUN? Is this workable?

Which high-end storage targets should we support? Can we get EMC/NetApp/whoever to give us a loaner?

What extra functionality can they offer us that we can expose? Snapshots? Different storage classes? IOPS guarantees/throttling?