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(Project Goals)
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openstack-training docs http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/training-guide
this wiki has moved to [[Training-guides]]
Blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/training-manuals
weekly meeting agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/training-manuals
trello storyboard https://trello.com/board/openstack-training/51d6e5fee37248fd5b003de9
sfbay-openstack hackathon https://etherpad.openstack.org/sfbay-openstack
== Project Goals ==
* Provide a structured training program to enable skill development for maintaining, consuming, and contributing to OpenStack
* Align to the OpenStack Foundation certification program
* Increase accuracy and usability of documentation and training by engaging user groups and community members across the world
* Increase the amount of skilled engineers and developers in the hiring pool for OpenStack operators and developers
* Enable underrepresented / economically disadvantaged users groups and communities (Africa, Vietnam, Etc) to develop valuable and marketable skills.
* We will be targeting the user group and university audiences first while partnering with commercial interests like Aptira. Commercial interests are encouraged to use and contribute to the project.
* We aim to have as many commercial training programs use this project for the 'core' of their training. It will only improve the quality of the content while limiting the quantity to just the very most important bits.
== Project Status ==
* Currently an incubated project under OpenStack Manuals (PTL = Anne Gentle)
* Currently focused - OpenStack Associates Course Launch
== Project requirements ==
* Reuse the openstack foundation manuals with some additional training specific pages
* Target 80% doc reuse
* Same process as existing manuals
* Leave in space and time for distro specific training
* Training material and lab work would all be based on refstack https://etherpad.openstack.org/RefStackBlueprint, but this work is still evolving
== Project dependancies / issues ==
* majority of the material will be stitched together from remote github repositories and the local openstack-manuals repository through xi:include statements through the gerrit build process
* openstack-docs refactoring https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Blueprint-restructure-documentation: as of 15jul2013, the impact will be minimal. colin and sean will continue monitor
* publishing location
* gerrit/jenkins files
:* modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/manuals.yaml
:* modules/openstack_project/files/zuul/layout.yaml
:* web index file ...
* breakdown of task management
:* in launchpad, the blueprint will hold status and links back to bugs,
:* in launchpad bugs on the published documentation will be posted,
:* on this wiki page the project status and overview will be posted
:* in trello the story boards and sprints will be published and developed
* breakdown of responsibilities of the three teams:
:* core: attend weekly IRC meets, attend core sprints when called, through gerrit review bugs and patches
::* sarob, colinmcnamara, plus up to eight others
:* community: work through sub-core sprints by checking out book chapters, fix bugs
::* sfbay hackathon team, and other user groups we can get to sign up
:* extended/education: walk through and use training-manuals, create bugs, provide content reviews
::* user groups, university, others?
==RST-XML Conversion automation==
Blueprint here https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+spec/rst-xml-conversion
This code is used to convert devref project rst documentation into xml that the openstack manuals project can use. The Training-manuals sub-project will use xi:include statements so the converted xml becomes part of the training guides during build.
The conversion script will live in the ./training-guide/sources sub directory of the training-manuals sub-project. The converted xml gets placed within ./training-guide/sources/<project> directories. The conversion script will be run at the same time as when the openstack-manuals repo updates are pulled. All 8 repositories will then be in the same state. This will allow the training manuals team to find xml content and include it with the training guides.
If the source RST has a bug, then the RST source will be patched, and the XML will get the bug fix through the next run of the conversion script.
Code details (also in the comments of the script):
The code must executed within ./openstack-manuals/doc/training-manuals/sources/. Requirement that pandoc- is installed on the local system and that the path to pandoc is part of the user profile. Find pandoc here http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/installing.html. The code will automagically create the 7 'core' openstack repositories and convert the rst docs to xml. The script has four parts: create_repo, pull_repo_updates, convert_rst, and rst_xml_cleanup.
* create_repo: clones the nova, glance, cinder, neutron, swift, keystone, oslo, and horizon repositories into the directory above openstack-manuals repository. It is assumed this is where repositories belong on the local system.
* pull_repo_updates: Intended that all the local repositories are to be pulled for updates before starting a new branch.
* convert_rst: use pandoc to convert the rst to docbook 4.5 xml. Copy over images as well.
* rst_xml_cleanup: convert docbook 4.5 xml to docbook 5.0 along with some cleanup of poorly formatted tags.
Before the rst xml conversion results are accepted in their entirety, a first patch to openstack-manuals will only include the rst files from the cinder project. That patch is here ....
== Book structure ==
* each book needs an outline published inline below
* each book needs goals that slightly overlap with the previous and next
:* 10 question quiz  and 1 scenario at the end of each chapter
:* 40+ assessment broken down by each section/question representing a different chapter
* hierarchy: set -> book -> chapter -> section
* book topics
:* openstack associate engineer
:* openstack operations engineer
:* openstack development engineer
:* openstack devOps architect
* publish to
:* docs.openstack.org/training as annegentle suggests OR
:* by each release like docs.openstack.org/trunk/training, docs.openstack.org/grizzly/training
* book structure xml details
:* bk000-preface
:* bk001-ch000-associate-preface
:* bk001-ch001-associate-what-does-this-book-intend-to-teach
:* bk001-ch002-associate-getting-started
:* bk001-ch003-associate-general (three main core sections: general, nova, glance)
:* bk001-ch004-associate-assessment
:* bk002-ch000-operations-preface
:* bk002-ch001-operations-what-does-this-book-intend-to-teach
:* bk002-ch002-operations-getting-started
:* bk002-ch003-operations-general (three main core sections: general, nova, glance)
:* bk002-ch004-operations-swift (specialization)
:* bk002-ch005-operations-glance (specialization)
:* bk002-ch006-operations-cinder (specialization)
:* bk002-ch007-operations-oslo (specialization)
:* bk002-ch008-operations-assessment
:* bk003-ch000-developer-preface
:* bk003-ch001-developer-what-does-this-book-intend-to-teach
:* bk003-ch002-developer-getting-started
:* bk003-ch003-developer-general (three main core sections: general, nova, glance)
:* bk003-ch004-developer-nova (specialization)
:* bk003-ch005-developer-neutron (specialization)
:* bk003-ch006-developer-swift (specialization)
:* bk003-ch007-developer-glance (specialization)
:* bk003-ch008-developer-cinder (specialization)
:* bk003-ch009-developer-oslo (specialization)
:* bk003-ch010-developer-assessment
:* bk004-ch000-devops-preface
:* bk004-ch001-devops-what-does-this-book-intend-to-teach
:* bk004-ch002-devops-getting-started
:* bk004-ch003-devops-general (three main core sections: general, nova, glance)
:* bk004-ch004-devops-nova (specialization)
:* bk004-ch005-devops-neutron (specialization)
:* bk004-ch006-devops-swift (specialization)
:* bk004-ch007-devops-glance (specialization)
:* bk004-ch008-devops-cinder (specialization)
:* bk004-ch009-devops-oslo (specialization)
:* bk004-ch010-devops-assessment
== Overview of training structure (Self Paced and user group paced) ==
time                  -  name                        -      topics covered
* 1 month          - associate                    -      general
* 2.5 months      - ops general                -      general, nova, glance
*                         - ops specialization      -      swift, quantum, oslo, or cinder
* 2.5 months    - dev general                -      general, nova, glance
*                        -  dev specialization      -      nova, glance, swift, quantum, oslo, cinder
* 6 months        -  devOps general          -      general, nova, glance
*                        -  devOps specializaton -      nova, glance, swift, quantum, oslo, cinder
[[File:Openstack training outline.png|none|OpenStack Training Outline]]
== Book openstack associate ==
* source content: basic install-guide repo openstack-manual/doc/src/docbkx/basic-install/src/
* What Does This Book Intend To Teach chapter
:* training would take 1 month self paced, (2) 2 week periods with a user group meeting, or 16 hours instructor led. Some time set aside for distro specific training.
:* basic knowledge of core OpenStack components (Compute, Block, Network, Dashboard)
:* create an instance
:* understand conf and log files
:* understand basics of APIs and framework architecture
:* understand shared components
:* work off a single node openstack implementation
:* get on IRC, mailing lists
:* able to deploy applications to OpenStack clouds
:* able to leverage basic functions including pools IPs and multiple disks
:* able to deploy multi-tier applications to OpenStack clouds
:* advanced knowledge of OpenStack components including new and incubated projects
:* able to create complicated network topologies
:* able to leverage advanced application topologies
:* able to operate and manage projects and elements via Horizon, and some CLI
== Book openstack operations engineer ==
* source content
:* install-guide repo openstack-manual/doc/src/docbkx/openstack-install
:* user-guide repo openstack-manual/doc/src/docbkx/openstack-user/src
:* operations-guide https://github.com/openstack/operations-guide/tree/master/doc/src/docbkx/openstack-ops/src
:* api programming https://github.com/openstack/api-site/tree/master/openstack-api-programming
:* api quick start https://github.com/openstack/api-site/tree/master/api-quick-start/src/docbkx
:* api reference https://github.com/openstack/api-site/tree/master/api-ref/src/docbkx
* What Does This Book Intend To Teach chapter
:* training would take 2.5 months self paced, (5) 2 week periods with a user group meeting, or 40 hours instructor led with 40 hours of self paced lab time. Some time set aside for distro specific training.
:* able to fix bugs
:* able to commit documentation patches
:* deep understanding of nova and glance
:* deep understanding of one other core project;; swift, quantum, olso, or cinder
:* trace workflow using zipkin
:* work off a three node openstack implementation, create a vagant/chef configuration
:* based on http://workstuff.tumblr.com/post/50911984233/some-tips-on-getting-started-with-vagrant-and-chef
:* understanding of core components interaction through APIs
:* deep understanding of core conf and log files
:* puppet/chef understanding
:* git basics, create scenarios from http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Basics
:* reference Nova API reference http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-compute/2/content/
:* Glance API reference http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-image-service/1.0/content/
:* 5-10 scenarios to diagnose, hands on
== Book openstack development engineer ==
* source content
:* repo openstack-manuals/doc/src/docbkx/training-manuals
:* operations-guide https://github.com/openstack/operations-guide/tree/master/doc/src/docbkx/openstack-ops/src
:* https://github.com/openstack/nova/tree/master/doc/source/devref
:* https://github.com/openstack/neutron/tree/master/doc/source/devref
:* https://github.com/openstack/keystone/tree/master/doc/source
:* https://github.com/openstack/cinder/tree/master/doc/source/devref
:* https://github.com/openstack/glance/tree/master/doc/source
:* https://github.com/openstack/swift/tree/master/doc/source
:* https://github.com/openstack/horizon/tree/master/doc/source
:* http://github.com/openstack/api-site -  API Quick Start, API Reference page, and Programmers Guide for Compute API with Shell and Python
:* http://github.com/openstack/compute-api - Compute Administration Guide
:* http://github.com/openstack/database-api - Database Administration Guide
:* http://github.com/openstack/identity-api - Identity Administration Guide
:* http://github.com/openstack/image-api - Image Service Administration Guide
:* http://github.com/openstack/object-api - Object Storage Administration Guide
:* http://github.com/openstack/netconn-api - Networking Administration Guide
:* http://github.com/openstack/volume-api - Block Storage Service Administration Guide
:* https://github.com/openstack/operations-guide - Operations Guide
* What Does This Book Intend To Teach chapter
:* build on concepts from Operator training
:* combine how to contribute and working with CI guides into a developers guide
:* training would take 2.5 months self paced, (5) 2 week periods with a user group meeting, or 40 hours instructor led with 40 hours of self paced lab time. Some time set aside for distro specific training.
:* include ideas from
::* http://redmine.upstream-university .org/projects/slides/repository/revisions/master/show/training
::* http://www.slideshare.net/eyepv6/open-stack-summitsurvivingyourfirstcheckin
::* http://www.slideshare.net/delapsley1/opensack-quantum-devstack-tutorial,
::* http://www.slideshare.net/khinnu4u/developing-withdevstack
:* deep understanding of APIs
:* commit python patches
:* karma greater than X
== Book openstack devOps architect ==
* source content
:* repo openstack-manuals/doc/src/docbkx/training-manuals
*  What Does This Book Intend To Teach chapter
:* Combination of Operator and Developer training
:* training would take 6 months or (12) 2 week periods with a user group meeting. 240 hours of self paced lab time.
:* Meant to be very hard to complete. Public contribution must be a considerable part of the work completed.
:* code contribution
:* CI infrastructure time in
:* implementation builds
:* contributions to answer
:* speaking at user groups
:* summit session submissions should all count towards karma/contribution
:* use TripleO for build/ops environment. include https://github.com/tripleo/incubator/blob/master/devtest.md
:* karma greater than Y
:* Passing DevOps training would make the person desirable as an employee.
:* Passing DevOps training would make the person desirable as a core contributor to any project
== Last edit {{REVISIONID}} by {{REVISIONUSER}} on {{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}} (year+month+day+UTC hour+seconds) ==
== training manuals core leaders [[User:sarob|sarob]] and  [[User:colinmcnamara|colinmcnamara]] ==

Latest revision as of 20:38, 30 May 2014

this wiki has moved to Training-guides