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'''This page is a live document and contains notes from TC members working with project teams to ensure they have everything they need and are not running into issues. This information is not necessarily complete.'''
'''This page is no longer in use.''' During discussions at the Train cycle PTG, the OpenStack TC concluded that its experiments in formally tracking problems within individual project teams was not providing enough value for the investment of effort it required. The component of it which is still deemed valuable is having specific TC members officially assigned as liaisons to each project team, so in future that will continue but will be documented in the openstack/governance Git repository's project metadata and on the project pages linked from the https://governance.openstack.org/reference/projects/ page.
TC members are attached as liaisons to each of the project teams, [https://governance.openstack.org/sigs/ SIGs], or [https://governance.openstack.org/uc/ UC working groups]. The idea is for these liaisons to keep up with the general health of the group, understand any issues they encounter, and help them work with the TC on solutions if necessary. Some TC members may be more active within the group than the basic liaison responsibilities imply, but that is not required.
== Health check list ==
==== Review visible issues ====
* If the team misses releases, has no volunteer for PTL position or does not answer pings around events organization, people will add "visible issues" in the tracker
* Same if someone notices an org diversity issue or team fragility
* In a lot of cases the visible issue has a natural explanation, so starting by asking about it is a good step
==== Is the team active? ====
* Watch summit "project update" videos, if any
* Check number of commits in recent times, and nature of them (bugfix or typo fix ?)
* Is the team keeping up with community goals ? (Completion status of previous ones, plan on the current/next ones. See also notes for new project data)
* Ask how functional and feature-complete the project is. If not, what is the roadmap ?
==== Is the team healthy? ====
* Checking Stackalytics organizational affiliation for commits, reviews, core reviews
* Checking number of people involved in commits, reviews, core reviews
* Checking the trend of changes in previously listed data: Is the project losing/gaining (core) reviewers regularily?
* Does the team have an onboarding process? Did they run onboarding sessions at recent Forums ?
==== Is the team openly collaborating (respecting the 4 opens)? ====
* Is the team holding regular meetings on an open communication channel?
* Check meeting logs and/or participate in the meeting
* Is the team using the mailing list for async communication? Check which type of topics are discussed (internal or only external-facing)
* Inquire with people who are irregular contributors to a project to see if there are issues regarding inclusivity or attention
==== Getting direct feedback from the PTL/team ====
* Ask if the PTL/team has any open question (on processes, goals, governance...)
* Ask the PTL/team how the project is doing, and whether they have any concern, fear, issue they would like to raise
* Smaller teams usually don't have a lot of needs for async communication, so they rarely have ML threads
* New projects should be aware of the goal processes, the current goals, and state their status with previous goals to match the requirements [https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/new-projects-requirements.html]
== Liaisons ==
=== SIGs ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Group !! TC members
| API || 
| Extended Maintenance || 
| FEMDC ||
| First Contact || fungi
| K8s ||  smcginnis
| Meta ||
| Operation Docs ||
| Resource Management ||
| Scientific || cdent
| Security || fungi
| Self-healing || gmann
| Upgrade ||
=== Board Committees and Working Groups ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Group !! TC members
| Foundation Finance Committee ||
| Interop Working Group || fungi
| Compensation Committee ||
| Professional Certification Working Group ||
| Diversity Working Group || fungi
| Gold And Platinum Member Committee ||
=== UC Teams and Working Groups ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Group !! TC members
| Financial Team ||
| Large Deployment Team ||
| Massively Distributed Clouds || cdent
| Operators Telecom/NFV || smcginnis
| Ops Tags Team ||
| Product Team ||
| Fault-Genes Working Group ||
| LCOO Working Group ||
| Public Cloud Working Group || cdent
=== Project Teams ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Group !! TC members
| Adjutant || lbragstad, zaneb
| Barbican || fungi, ttx
| Blazar || gmann, dims
| Chef Openstack || evrardjp, TheJulia
| Cinder || gmann, TheJulia
| Cloudkitty || evrardjp, dhellmann
| Congress || gmann, dims
| Cyborg || lbragstad, ttx
| Designate || evrardjp, dhellmann
| Documentation || lbragstad, dhellmann
| Ec2-Api || smcginnis, dhellmann
| Freezer || smcginnis, TheJulia
| Glance || lbragstad, mugsie
| Heat || cdent, zaneb
| Horizon || smcginnis, mnaser
| I18n || evrardjp, dims
| Infrastructure || fungi, cdent
| Ironic || cdent, smcginnis
| Karbor || smcginnis, mugsie
| Keystone || fungi, mnaser
| Kolla || gmann, TheJulia
| Kuryr || gmann, mnaser
| Loci || lbragstad, evrardjp
| Magnum || cdent, mugsie
| Manila || gmann, smcginnis
| Masakari || gmann, mugsie
| Mistral || lbragstad, zaneb
| Monasca || gmann, zaneb
| Murano || ttx, mnaser
| Neutron || cdent, mnaser
| Nova || lbragstad, mugsie
| Octavia || gmann, dims
| Openstack Charms || evrardjp, cdent
| Openstack-Helm || evrardjp, dhellmann
| Openstackansible || fungi, evrardjp
| OpenStackClient || fungi, TheJulia
| Openstacksdk || fungi, dhellmann
| Oslo || lbragstad, dhellmann
| Packaging-Rpm || evrardjp, zaneb
| Powervmstackers || ttx, TheJulia
| Puppet Openstack || mnaser, dims
| Qinling || ttx, zaneb
| Quality Assurance || fungi, dhellmann
| Rally || fungi, dims
| Release Management || lbragstad, dims
| Requirements || fungi, mugsie
| Sahara || smcginnis, ttx
| Searchlight || cdent, dims
| Senlin || ttx, zaneb
| Solum || fungi, TheJulia
| Storlets || cdent, mnaser
| Swift || cdent, zaneb
| Tacker || mnaser, TheJulia
| Telemetry || ttx, zaneb
| Tricircle || smcginnis, mugsie
| Tripleo || evrardjp, TheJulia
| Trove || smcginnis, mnaser
| Vitrage || lbragstad, TheJulia
| Watcher || mugsie, dhellmann
| Winstackers || ttx, dims
| Zaqar || zaneb, cdent
| Zun || gmann, ttx
== Status updates ==
=== Adjutant ===
Update: 19 October 2018 by lbragstad
* Team is essentially one core/PTL and lacks diversity. Internal development sometimes stalls upstream work.
* PTL is planning on socializing the project during the Berlin summit in order to attract more contributors.
* No dedicated meeting time, but since the project is currently only one developer the PTL doesn't really see this being an issue. Looking to certainly expand that if/when more contributors start getting involved with the project.
* The team is focused on cleaning up technical debt before jumping into more feature work.
=== Barbican ===
Last updated 2018-09-08 by fungi
The team seems generally healthy and was considered to have "diverse affiliation" at the time we removed the affiliation diversity tags. Vulnerability reports for its code deliverables are officially overseen by the OpenStack VMT and have no outstanding public security issues unhandled. Changes are reviewed and approved with regularity in most of their deliverables. They're keeping up with applicable cycle goals, release deadlines, holding regular weekly meetings in IRC (if sometimes a bit short and with only a handful of participants) and putting important design discussions on the development mailing list. Over the past cycle they migrated their task and defect tracking from Launchpad to Storyboard, and were bolstered somewhat in their mission by the inclusion of Castellan (though not officially a Barbican deliverable, still maintained by many of the same folks and basically a foster child in Oslo's care) in the base services list.
=== Blazar ===
Update: 09 Novemeber 2018 by gmann
* The team changed leadership in Stein.
* Blazar is not in user survey and it was requested by PTL but no response or fixed.
* Project looks healthy as of now.
* Number of contributions(review & commit)  is going with the same rate as in Rocky cycle.
* 4 Active contributors and one placement API core is actively working in Blazar now which is a great help.
* In Stein, contribution number is distributed among NTT and StackHPC which used to be NTT.
* ML and IRC channel are not active, but all incoming queries/pings are being responded on time.
* Meetings are happening actively but less attendance in the meeting.
* Team looking for more active contributors to keep good progress on the incoming features/development/reviews. Currently, Blazer is not adopted widely and that's the main reason for not having big team.
* Team hosted onboarding sessions in Vancouver but did not find it valuable and dropped the same in Berlin and plan to interact people during project update session only.
=== Chef OpenStack ===
Updated: January 7th, 2019,  TheJulia
Current status
* Better team diversity is evolving in the Stein cycle.
* Team is struggling with review velocity and name recognition because combining two individual community names seem to create some confusion.
* Team is also discussing going back to having a regular meeting to force a periodic sync-up of contributors. Up until now, they have worked "extremely asynchronously".
Past reported issues
* Individual fragility: Samuel Cassiba represents 75% of commits
=== Cinder ===
Update: 07 January 2019, TheJulia
* In follow-up discussion after reviewing gmann's notes, I started discussing project health with the PTL, partially because we were on another related subject of discussion.
* Cinder's health is moderately healthy because of the risk of core burn-out. PTL has indicated that himself and one other are the most active reviewers and counts dramatically fall off from there.
Update: 17 December 2018 by gmann
* Project is healthy.
* Project facing the serious issue of lack of core reviewers which impacting the pace of getting bug fixes, feature merged. It is Jay and Sean most of the time doing reviews etc. Team is trying to get more contributor involved and making them Core but fail to get Active Core.  It is going to be hard to keep the level of throughput and quality that people have come to expect from Cinder in the past.
* One idea that PTL considering to do in the future is continued development into Cinder as a Standalone service.  It is part of what will continue to keep Cinder relevant and healthy in the future
* Project meetings are going well with consistent participation. They are productive so far.
* Team is considering the stability of existing features. new features are more general and not backends specific.
Update: June 22, 2018, smcginnis
* Some drop off in participation by some cores, but still active enough not to raise any red flags
* Overall less community involvement
* Project may just be "stable" and doesn't need as much activity as the past
* Still a lot of bug fix work to be done, but no major new features on the roadmap
=== Cloudkitty ===
Updated July 19, 2018 (ttx)
* Currently single-vendor (all cores from ObjectifLibre), failure to retain onboarded people
* Activity is low but stable (33 commits in Rocky so far compared to 57 total in Queens)
* Works to support standalone operation and reusability in a Prometheus-driven stack, good feedback from users on that strategy
* It's mostly in competition with homegrown solutions, which makes it a bit special
* IRC meetings do not appear on eavesdrop.openstack.org -- no regular meeting, focusing on doing some small group meeting for key topics
* Migrated to StoryBoard
* Limited ML engagement (mostly used for team-wide announcements)
Update November 27, 2018 (evrardjp)
Same applies:
* Single vendor: Objectif-Libre (67% of reviews, 47% of commits, large majority of cores from said company -- although 2 other active cores doing code contributions in the last 6 months)
* One very active core (PTL)
* Still reviews and commits on the content in the last months (55 commits during Rocky cycle)
* Requests on the ML to take back meetings
* Current action points: Reworking on APIs, API v2 (stockage v2 + influx + graphana), "Plan to work" on  contributor guide, Plan to work with deploy projects more (kolla-ansible, rdo)
* Current goals: They need to test for the mutable configuration, else the rest is in progress or done. The active work on that side is upgrade checks (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/613076/ ) and tempest python3 for their plugins
* In terms of manpower: Objectif libre pulling things forward more: Q(48%), R (57%) with no change of the person-day effort (130).
* Contributors: 31% of reviews by PTL, 16% by a person which is independant and not core. Good progression there!
=== Congress ===
Update: 04 December 2018 by gmann
* Project is adequate healthy
* Project does not have many contributors but it is well enough to tackle the high priority features and bugs.
* Meetings happening regularly with low attendance but good enough for real-time discussions
* Mainly 2 developers including PTL are active.
* IRC channel and ML are not busy but well cover the incoming request.
Update 2018-07-30 by cdent
* Commits somewhat down from Queens (119 in Queens, 69 in Rocky so far)
* Commits and reviews in the hands of a small but diverse group
* Limited engagement on os-dev, but effective: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-May/130180.html
* IRC logged for both channel and meetings, low but steady traffic.
* Working to address step learning curve that new contributors face by refactoring tempest tests and associated documentation.
=== Cyborg ===
Update: 17 October 2018 by lbragstad
* No account of [http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_cyborg_project/ previous meeting logs] (404), but meetings are held in IRC.
* Development team is working on features and a presentation for the summit in Berlin.
* PTL noted that more resources would be a plus in helping with work queues.
* Development pace seems to have maintained through Rocky and into Stein
* IRC is relatively quiet, but there are long discussions with other teams every few days.
Update: 2018-07-10, TheJulia
* Email responded to by PTL on July 4th. PTL has nothing to really report.
* Activity seems to be moderately in-line with the prior cycle, although one of the cores has since become an independent contributor.
* Cyborg does presently hold a weekly meeting on Wednesdays which does appear active, otherwise IRC is quiet.
** There is no calendar entry on eavesdrop.openstack.org for cyborg, TheJulia let the PTL know.
* Email sent to the PTL to initiate communication on July 2nd
=== Designate ===
Last updated 2018-07-23 by cdent
* Low number of reviews, commits, and contributors but it is somewhat steady.
* A significant amount of the code activity is related to aligning with infra/testing/qa related goals and not feature development. "most of our work at the moment is based around fixing the gate / not breaking future versions"
* ML list use is light, but that's always been the case.
* IRC channel is not busy but is responsive.
* Lurking difficulties:
** As of yet, no support for WSGI, which will break things in a pure py3 environment (due to eventlet)
** Low number of reviews means meeting community goals difficult and distracting.
** Feature requesting is not formalized/transparent, people show up asking "why isn't thing X present?"
** Designate is present in many OpenStack distributions but vendors are not providing active contribution support.
Summary: muddling along, but struggling to address feature demands because of lack of incoming flow of people.
=== Diversity ===
Last updated 2018-07-03 by fungi
* The Diversity WG continues to have semi-weekly meetings in their IRC channel with anywhere from 2 to 8 participants (varying week to week)
* Current activities include finalizing the updated diversity survey and following up on feedback to the foundation event coordinators (preferred pronoun stickers for badges, some way to indicate visibly that you don't wish to be photographed, designated alcohol-free areas at official social events)
* Also communicating with the Women of OpenStack group about the possibility of more closely collaborating on sponsored event activities
=== Documentation ===
Update: 19 October 2018 by lbragstad
* The team made some progress on some initiatives like overhauling the documentation site and templates.
* Progress is slow given the team size only being a handful of people.
* PTL has organized a project onboarding session in Berlin to help attract new contributors.
* Meetings are relatively sporadic but do generate useful discussions.
Update: 2018-07-18, pabelanger
* Revist meeting format at stein PTG
* To early to report on new office hours, but people still seem to ask questions at random times.
* review queue is pretty stable
* suggestion in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/579177/, wondering if the TC could help the docs team promote some of the proposed docs guidelines
* could use more designer resources to work on some outstanding tasks wrt docs.o.o that we previously talked about in Dublin. I'm hoping to get some intern time secured from the Foundation in the coming weeks.
* Email send to PTL to initiate communication
=== Dragonflow ===
Reported issues
* Organizational diversity fragility: Huawei represents 100% of core reviews
* The team did not produce a Queens release. Their last release was 4.0.0 on Sept 1, 2017. Should projects that do not prepare releases be considered official? -- dhellmann
* [http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-August/132690.html No PTL volunteer(s) for Stein.]
=== ec2-api ===
Reported issues
* Individual fragility: Andrey Pavlov represents 100% of core reviews
* Standing TODOs to update ec2api to latest Nova APIs (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1612369#c1)
Last update: July 3, 2018 (cmurphy)
* Low activity due to general maturity
* Still actively used by operators, bugs are reported and fixed
* Three cores, all reportedly active
* Being part of OpenStack is still valued
** Operators are still using the project, so better to be coupled with OpenStack
** Depends on other components of OpenStack, so there is value in collaborating together
=== Extended Maintenance ===
Last updated 2018-09-08 by fungi
Newly formed SIG in the Rocky cycle, built on the ruins of the old Stable Branch Management team. They're still feeling out the changes we outlined in Dublin and Vancouver for EM as compared to the old stable/EOL workflow.
=== First Contact ===
Last updated 2018-09-08 by fungi
Primarily focused on fleshing out the contributor guide, working with OSF staff on the contributor portal, and most recently the employer guide (targeted at helping management at contributors' employing organizations understand what resources they can provide to help their upstream interactions be more successful and lower-friction). They meet fairly consistently in IRC each week, and while those active in the SIG are fairly few in number they represent work important to the overall health of our community so can use all the support they can get.
=== Freezer ===
Updated: January 7th, 2019, TheJulia
* Project's health appears to be improving.
* Substantial uptick in activity over the rocky cycle.
* Some organizational risk exists with the ZTE contribution level being 67%, but that is down from the prior cycle.
* Project has removed the use of pycrypto
* A stein release has been made.
* Sporadic team meetings are occurring.
Aug 28, 2018, ttx
* Lots of warning lights:
** Still uses pycrypto [http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-June/131103.html]
** freezer and freezer-web-ui missed the Rocky-2 and Rocky-3 milestones, so Freezer was not included in Rocky
** There was [http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-August/132690.html No PTL volunteer(s)] for Stein.
** No PTG presence
** No team meeting since August 2017
* That said:
** The historic PTL (Saad Zaher) is working on it on his free time, and was on paternity leave lately (congrats!)
** Several people stepped up to save it from being made unofficial (Trinh Nguyen from Edlab, Geng Changcai from ZTE)
** Activity was significant in Rocky (88 commits), with good diversity
* Recommendation is to reassess before stein-2 milestone
=== Glance ===
Update: 16 October 2018 by lbragstad
* Meetings occur weekly and seem to have good discussion.
* Most cores are employed by Red Hat, but this isn't a huge concern for the group since work in this area is needed.
* Team would benefit the most from code and specification reviews, especially since the select few cores are heads down coding.
* The team has been pushing out a lot of new functionality with respect to team size over the last 3 releases and they're concerned about getting feedback from users and operators.
* Didn't sound like the team was able to secure a slot for a project update or a general purpose feedback session.
* PTL is working with the foundation to massage the user survey questions to be more useful, sounds like the current set is too dated to be relevant.
=== Heat ===
Update: 2018-06-28, zaneb
* Under active development
* Only 4 active cores, 3 from Red Hat. This is limiting the amount of development that can be done and the velocity of the project.
** Especially struggling with stable reviews (only 1 active core, and the stable-maint team are the gatekeepers for adding more)
* Active on mailing list and IRC
* Regular IRC meetings
* [https://ethercalc.openstack.org/heat-mox-removal Excellent progress] on the (massive) mox-removal goal in Rocky
* The heat-translator sub-project no longer has any team overlap with the rest of the project, and is struggling for core reviewers. It might be time to [http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-June/131688.html consider another home for it].
=== Horizon ===
Stein Update: October 23, smcginnis
* Continues to see loss of reviewers and code contributors
* Planning an onboarding session in Berlin where they hope to attract more contributors
* Considering the need to add Horizon to the Help Most Needed list to try to attract more
Rocky Update: July 20, cmurphy
* Lost several core reviewers recently
* Some promising new contributors, could become cores if they help with reviews more
* Nearly complete with mox goal
* Focus on cross-project plugins and CI coverage
* Lots of participation in weekly meetings
* Concern about getting help with AngularJS work
** Converting more of horizon to AngularJS is still seen as the right technical direction (it provides a better user experience) but community contribution is suffering from it
** Hard to ask devs from other OpenStack projects to add support for new features in non-Python
** Hard in general to attract new JS devs when OpenStack is mostly Python
=== I18n ===
Update: July 04, emilien
Reported issues: none, yet.
The team changed leadership in Queens.
Queens status:
* 87 modules touched (+87%)
* 17 languages supported (+6%)
* 55 active translators (-14%) (TODO, need to check with PTL if it has an impact)
* 7 companies support (-22%)
I18n team previously had team meetings but decided to have office hours instead.
Usually tracks completion of Rocky community goals.
A lot of collaboration with Doc team.
Dedicated mailing-list: openstack-i18n - pretty busy
* <strike>Help is wanted around doc translation. See https://review.openstack.org/#/c/545377 for example.</strike>
Update: November 27, 2018 (evrardjp)
PTL told me reduced activity recently:
"we've lost 31% of the contributor in this cycle. We have lower count of modules touched and also language support is going down. This could have two reasons: The work is already done, or we lost people in real. There are still some use cases for machine learning and machine translation. Zanata team worked also on this topic for simplify the work a bit and automate it a bit more"
=== Infrastructure ===
Last updated 2018-09-11 by fungi
Probably the most significant note is that this team is slowly working on disassociating itself from direct OpenStack governance (the draft declaration of independence for it still seeks input from the OpenStack community as a part of its own decision-making processes however). The TC should of course continue to concern itself with the health of this collective under whatever new name and governance it assumes since OpenStack is heavily reliant on the services it provides. Reasonably healthy at present, the team has numerous deliverable repositories under its umbrella which see widely varied levels of contribution and review activity. During Rocky it lost a couple of its more active root sysadmins which has added a renewed strain on available bandwidth. The Zuul (+nodepool et al) project was also split out during this cycle, but the official separation  doesn't seem to have particularly drained any of the team away as there is still significant overlap between them. Upcoming concerns are making sure the team is still able to meet its charge with the increased responsibility of serving additional OSF projects beyond OpenStack itself, along with rebranding/debranding efforts coupled with whitelabeling of some relevant services.
=== Interop ===
Last updated 2018-07-03 by fungi
* Only a few active members of the Interop WG reviewing and contributing patches to the openstack/interop repository
* Affiliation is fairly diverse, but with so few active that's probably not really relevant
* Mandated to maintain interoperability guidelines in support of official trademark programs, so the board will likely step in if active participants fall below a minimum viable count
* Heavily dependent on the RefStack and QA teams for their tool development
=== Ironic ===
Stein update: October 31st (TheJulia)
* Ironic has taken on quite a bit of new feature and refactoring work for this cycle.
* We are seeing a drop in review activity, which is consistent in the beginning of a cycle, however we've had some reduced core reviewer activity as well so mentoring and recruiting is something we're activity having to do.
* Commit activity is off balance, but review activity is relatively balanced contributing organization wise.
Update from Summit Day one (cdent):
* A lot of interest in Ironic. Project update room standing room only.
=== Karbor ===
Stein Update, Oct 23, smcginnis
* Activity continues to decline
* Pengju has reached out to several companies in China (Huawei, ZTE) and has some informal commitments that they will contribute new developers
Update: Oct 5, ttx
* Activity dropped significantly over the last 6 months: no more meetings, only 16 (mostly cleanup) commits in Rocky
* Pengju Jiao stepped up in August to push the release and apply for the PTL position
* Activity dropped again in September as he was on paternity leave. Activity is expected to pick back up after the Golden Week in China
* Karbor is far from fully-functional and needs a lot of work. Pengju has a clear roadmap for Stein.
* In terms of contribution, Karbor has users involved (China Mobile, Huawei), and other users that are not yet contributing
=== Keystone ===
Update July 3, 2018 (cmurphy)
* High pressure due to being a central part of OpenStack
* Focus on "improving the commons" - policy/RBAC work, unified quota management, application development
* 10 cores with varying levels of activity, nearly all are at most part-time
** Concern over possibility of team burnout
=== Kolla ===
Update: 2019-01-07, TheJulia
* Team review velocity appears to be declining, possibly with stability, but contribution/commit levels seem consistent.
* Corporate and individual involvement seems fairly well distributed.
* No stein release(s) as of yet.
Update: 2018-07-30, TheJulia
* Discussion in IRC with the PTL about a week after initial contact in #openstack-tc
* PTL felt that the team was in a good state, that goals had been progressing.
* Slight increase in review activity/commits, overall seems fairly healthy.
Update: 2018-07-10, TheJulia
* No reply received. Follow-up email sent on 2017-07-10 and contact initiated on IRC.
* Email sent to the PTL to initiate communication on July 2nd
=== Kuryr ===
Updated 1st November 2018 by gmann after discussion and email response from dmellado.
* Project is quite a healthy. It has several full time contributors, are actively working on adding new features and keep track of upstream goals,such as python3 was finished as one of the initial projects.
* Project wanted to move to office hour and this is something PTL would like to discuss during Berlin Summit.
* Project maintaining their activeness in Conference by conducting the Physical PTG, Projects updates and onboarding sessions.
* Enough number of active contributors.
* Project is active in responding the incoming review request and able to maintain the low number of open Reviews count. 
* Number of contribution(review & commit)  is going with little higher rate compare tp Rocky cycle.
* Not much communication on ML and IRC channel but team stay online there for any incoming queries.
Key Issues:
* Release model is challenging where project has to consider both openstack and k8s release cycles. Need input from TC and Release team in Forum.
* Most of the active contributors are from Redhat. Projects used to have few contributor from Huawei which are not so active now.
Updated 2018-08-13 by cdent, from an email response by dmellado to a message from dims
Reported issues
* Organizational diversity fragility: RedHat represents 79% of core reviews
** Considering moving or adding meetings to reach more timezones
* Making good headway in general
* Have some challenges with infra that they'd like to figure out:
** Would be good to have an openstack-infra k8s registry for containers
** Would be nice to have nested VMs with large RAM to test pods
* Need to work with neutron to deal with API slowness
=== Large Deployment ===
Update: 2018-07-14, pabelanger
=== Loci ===
Reported issues
* [http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-August/132690.html No PTL volunteer(s) for Stein.]
** Sam Yaple has agreed to run as PTL again
* Sam Yaple was not able to continue his leadership during Stein cycle.
** Chris Hoge took interim PTL duties, and restarted the project meetings.
Update: 2018-08-09, pabelanger
* PTL missed original email, reason for delay.
* LOCI is now a single-repo project. Retired other repos.
* Is stable, but have not agreed and implemented a versioning system.
* Master branch of LOCI can build N-<HEAD of master> OpenStack currently, and this makes the stable branching structure a bit unappealing.
* LOCI has 3 independent efforts right now from a few people that are encouraging.
** aarch64 support though we haven't setup gates yet
** opensuse 15 support
** kolla-loci/loci-kolla support. The output will allow loci images to be used with kolla-ansible without kolla-ansible changes.
* core of LOCI is stable and solid throughout all of this. Most/all of this work is about integrations with other OpenStack projects with the long term goals of sharing the "deploy" gates with OSH/Kolla/Triple-O, testing LOCI images.
* Email send to PTL to initiate communication
Update: 2018-11-29 evrardjp
* A long time without the PTL appearing in meetings. (No news two weeks after the last PTG)
* Discussions in the IRC channel about leadership changes due to absence of Sam
* Discussions at the summit of an action plan
* Chris Hoge proposed himself as PTL, November 27th.
=== Magnum ===
=== Manila ===
Update: June 22, 2018, smcginnis
* Project appears to be in good shape
* Focusing on bug fixes and stabilization rather than any big new features
* Drop of in involvement from EU, particularly from HPE and IBM
* Increase of participation from China makes EU drop off not as much of an issue other than time coverage
** Not a lot of involvement on IRC or weekly meeting though
* Lots of good interest downstream, particularly from HPC and telco communities
=== Masakari ===
Update: 6 Nov 2018 by gmann
* Project is "unhealthy" due to lack of contributors and has "visible issues" .
** Only NTT groups developers are contributing.
** Only 3 active contributors (NTT groups) which are not sufficient for incoming feature/review request.
** Many operators & devs implement features and disappear.   
* PTL is trying to extend the Masakari scope from "VM HA" to integrate in NFV, Ironic baremetal instance HA etc to find more use cases, find more people to use masakari and so does more active contributors.
** Roadmap for Stein looks good but need more contributors.
* ML and IRC channel are not so active, but all incoming query/ping are being responded.
* Meeting are happening actively but seems 2-3 attendance only.
=== Mistral ===
Update: 16 October 2018 by lbragstad
* Lack of development
* Contributors haven't flagged development pace as a major concern yet, but it could become an issue in the future
* Attracting new contributors is a struggle
* Project contributors seem to be taking on multiple tasks that make development time for Mistral challenging
* The team continues to hold office hours weekly
* New contributors should have the most impact by helping with bug, features, and improving documentation.
* Code review volume doesn't seem to be a huge issue, yet
* Existing developers also noted that it is tough to concisely explain the purpose of the project (why should you care about workflows) and the problems it solves, which probably confuses new developers and raises the barrier to entry
* Active development, with a steady stream of reviews and patches spread fairly evenly across a handful of contributors
* Organisational diversity is low, however - most contributions come from Nokia and Red Hat.
* Switched to multiple weekly office hours, logged as meetings. Quoting Dougal on lessons learned:
** Essentially we have ended up with a less formal meeting, but it happens multiple times in the week. The biggest advantage is that we can cover more timezones. I think it generally works well, but sometimes it is very quiet and just me - in those cases I tend to do bug triage and other routine tasks. This has helped reduce the bug backlog by at least 50%! We are a small team and a more formal weekly meeting always felt forced, as we didn't always have specific topics to discuss or there would only be a couple of us. So now the structure of the meetings is generally "Anyone here and want to chat? We have X new bugs we can talk about" and then we take it from there. Having a list of IRC nicks to ping at the start of meetings has helped remind people :)
* Missing PTG4 because it happens that no cores are available, so virtual PTG is planned instead. Mistral have participated in previous PTGs and expect to find it easier being co-located with the Summit.
=== Monasca ===
Update: August 14th, 2018
* Team is fairly small and tends to utilize a single core reviewer strategy to approve changes.
* Team is holding weekly meetings which seem quite active. Contributor activity seems stable compared to the prior cycle.
* Check-in email sent to the PTL on August 14th. PTL is on vacation until end of month.
=== Murano ===
* murano and murano-dashboard missed the Rocky-2 milestone
Update 13 June 2018, dhellmann
* Recent US government action against ZTE has had an impact on the team, because ZTE employees are key contributors to the project and the core team. It is unclear how much ZTE will be able to continue to contribute in the future. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-blocks-zte-deal-rebuke-trump-deal-n882196]
* The murano-core team has members froM AT&T and Mirantis, as well as ZTE.
* emilien sent email on 2018-07-17
Update 6 Aug 2018, dhellmann
* Rong Zhu responded with some hopeful comments about the ZTE situation improving (and it seems to have) and meaning that team members will be more active on IRC again
=== Nova ===
Update 5 July 2018, dhellmann
* melwitt reports "I can't think of any issues we need help with"
=== Octavia ===
* Feeling a small shortage of contributors (contributions & code review)
* OpenStack-wide "interruptions" affect team heavily
* Moving from screen to systemd affected team for ~4 weeks
* WSGI Implementation took time (and changes) and team feels community goals aren't super constructive to project
* Zuul V3 cutovers (and constant restarts) affect productivity and slow down progress
* Sometimes certain things that should be done the "OpenStack" way such as involving PTLs in decisions don't happen
* Storyboard issues: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/storyboard-issues
=== Openstack Charms ===
Update: June 20, ttx
* Currently single-vendor (all cores from Canonical), but with some external participation
* Steady activity, keeping up with recent evolution (includes Vault and Gnocchi, integrates Designate with Neutron)
* Holds weekly IRC meetings with rotating chair
* Uses Launchpad, and is likely to stay there as it allows sharing tasks with Ubuntu packaging
* Limited ML engagement (thread left dangling at [http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-April/129314.html])
=== OpenStack-Helm ===
Update: June 26, ttx
* Currently single-vendor (all cores from AT&T), but with external participation (SKT, 99cloud, Intel...)
* Increasing activity (412 commits in Rocky so far compared to 513 total in Queens)
* Holds weekly IRC meetings, pretty active discussions
* Migrated to StoryBoard
* Limited ML engagement (mostly used for team-wide announcements)
* OpenStack-Helm is release-independent -- it aims to support Newton -> master and track latest all the time. They are waiting until they reach a certain quality level (and stable interface) before declaring a 1.0. See [https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-helm/latest/specs/osh-1.0-requirements.html requirements for 1.0]. This explains lack of releases.
=== OpenStackAnsible ===
=== OpenStackClient ===
Update: 07 Jan 2019, TheJulia
* Overall health seems unchanged.
* Team remains relatively small and review velocity seems to remain an issue.
* Team seems well distributed with diverse contributions.
Update: 28 June 2018, dhellmann, cmurphy
* uses IRC and the mailing list but no meetings
* the review team is small, but there are several active reviewers not on the core team yet who are candidates
* there is quite a review backlog, but the PTL is optimistic that adding the new reviewers will help with that
* they are still interested in being included on the help wanted list (hence the "orange" status, for now)
=== Openstacksdk ===
Update: 2018-07-02, TheJulia
* Initial communication with PTL, should expect to follow-up with-in the next few days.
=== Oslo ===
Reported issues
* Most of the more active members are employed by Red Hat, so it would be good to bring in more diverse contributors
* oslo.privsep, taskflow, and oslo.service are used in several significant service projects, but are effectively unmaintained.
* oslo.service has some issues with the WSGI service not working under python3. The plan is to encourage all projects to stop using that feature, deprecate, then remove it.
* taskflow is one of several projects that needs to update to a newer version of networkx, but the API changes in networkx mean reworking some of taskflow. Supporting both versions of the APIs may be complicated.
Update: 18 October 2018 by lbragstad
* Active discussions about moving taskflow out of OpenStack governance.
* Most of the core team is still employed by Red Hat. Red Hat is expanding development in this area with another contributor, which is a good thing, but doesn't necessarily help with diversity.
* Team missed a slot for a project update in Berlin and is looking into ways to have that virtually.
* The team is active and regularly participates in meetings.
* Some concern about large features taking a long time to review.
Update: 12 June 2018, dhellmann
* The team is small, but active and working on recruiting.
* Team produces regular and frequent releases for the maintained libraries
* Team meets weekly using IRC
* Team had both onboarding and project update sessions in Vancouver
* The level of activity within each library varies.
* Several of the libraries are reaching a "stable" state in which they may not see many updates beyond bug fixes. This has spurred a discussion of how to treat projects like that, led by the release management team [http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-June/131341.html]
=== Packaging-RPM ===
Reported issues
* Organizational diversity fragility: SUSE represents 77% of core reviews
* [http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-August/132690.html No PTL volunteer(s) for Stein.] (Update: PTL stepped up https://review.openstack.org/588617)
Update 21 Aug 2018 (cmurphy):
* Concern over low investment from original collaborators - was once a Mirantis/RH/SUSE project, now primary investment is mainly SUSE
* Not enough reviewers, and not a big pool of contributors to draw from given reduced corporate investment
* Seeing activity from several Asian companies but they don't participate in discussions, unclear on what their investment is or how to get them to engage more (some contributors seem to be clearly stats seeking)
* Requires significant effort to keep up to date, original vision of promoting CD by gating with other OpenStack projects and other deployment projects did not pan out (mostly due to lack of time for engagement)
* Not sure if it remains valuable to remain under governance
Update 5 Nov 2018 (evrardjp)
* These comments still apply.
=== Powervmstackers ===
Updated: January 7th, 2019, TheJulia
* Project looks moderately healthy. There is a noticeable decline in velocity when comparing commit/review counts to the Rocky cycle. This may be an element of stabilization.
* Primary commit contributor at this time is the PTL.
* Four active core reviewers, two of which are the primary reviewers for the project. One of which is also the PTL
* Sporadic IRC activity and some external to IBM contributor involvement which seems to be an improvement when comparing to the prior cycle.
Prior update:
* Email sent on August 9th (emilien).
* No help is needed, and their collaboration with other projects became better over time.
* Contributions are indeed owned by IBM but they welcome (and have) external contributors.
* The project looks quite healthy so far, and nothing much to report now.
=== Puppet Openstack ===
Update: 2018-08-06 (cmurphy)
* Good progress on important features
** Puppet 5 support
** Debian support
* Some frustration with spam changes (compounded over multiple modules)
* Tripleo moving away from depending on Puppet so maintenance shifting more toward operators
* Overall seems to be growing traction and staying healthy
=== Qinling ===
Update: August 20th, 2018, TheJulia
* PTL Confirmed small team nature, and that the team is largely focused on getting all of the minimum needs taken care of to have a viable FaaS component.
* Emailed PTL on August 14th, 2018.
* Project does not seem to hold regular meetings, but also appears to early in gearing up additional interest.
* Rocky timeframe contributions are much more diverse than Queens timeframe contributions which is a good sign.
* Core reviewing seems to use a mix of one and two core reviewers, weighted heavily towards a single reviewer.
=== Quality Assurance ===
Discussion with gmann, 2018-08-07:
* overall healthy with most repos receiving attention from a diversity of contributors
* grenade is one repo which is of concern, largely due to sdague's departure
* switch to office hours has been positive, increasing doing and discussion, rather than simply reporting
* help from individuals usually associated with other projects important aspect of QA health
Outside of that discussion, there are [http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-tc/%23openstack-tc.2018-08-02.log.html#t2018-08-02T16:13:21 concerns expressed] about QA being too focused on tempest, and tempest being too focused on Nova.
=== Rally ===
Reported issues
* Half on GitHub those days, and unwilling to drop direct branching ACLs
* Individual fragility: Andrey Kurilin represents 56% of commits
* Organizational diversity fragility: GoDaddy represents 97% of core reviews
* It looks like the project may be moving out of gerrit to GitHub? https://github.com/xrally and https://xrally.org -- dhellmann
=== Refstack ===
Reported issues
* [http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-August/132690.html No PTL volunteer(s) for Stein.]
Last updated 2018-07-03 by fungi
* The core review team has only two active members, both funded directly by the OpenStack Foundation (one reaching the end of that internship)
* The bulk of recent contributions to the main refstack deliverable are from the same two individuals
* Most recent outside development interest has been in the python-tempestconf library for tempest.conf generation, which has also produced some sideline support development in the refstack-client deliverable
* The Refstack effort is considered to be reaching feature-complete state in the coming weeks as some final pieces land, and then will likely be put in maintenance mode from a governance perspective
* The refstack and refstack-client deliverables may make sense to get adopted by the Interop WG so the Refstack team itself can be wound down and officially disbanded
* The python-tempestconf deliverable isn't necessarily a good fit for QA team adoption, but may be looking for an adoptive home or may warrant creation of its own official TC-recognized team
=== Release Management ===
Update: 16 October 2018 by lbragstad
* Task automation continues to make workload for the team easier
* Consistent drive-by attendees in weekly meetings
* Concerns over core team and what that means for transitioning leadership
Update: 28 June 2018, dhellmann & smcginnis
* The review work has become easier, but there are still only 3 team members. That leaves succession planning for the PTL role a bit up in the air, and also poses challenges with the members travel to conferences all at the same time.
* Working on a reviewers' guide to help with recruiting.
* Completed adjusting ACLs for all official teams to use the reviewable release process for deliverables that are part of the OpenStack release.
=== Requirements Management ===
* need more reviewers, badly, as discussed a joint leadership meeting in Vancouver
Update: 14 June 2018, dhellmann
* team has recently lost several members
* most work is really down to 3 people (Matt, Dirk, Tony)
* they work for 3 separate companies, but the team is so small that the diversity measures are questionable
* the changes this cycle to stop syncing requirements should lower the review burden somewhat, but the move to python 3 is going to take some work
* meets regularly
* accomplishments this cycle
** stopped syncing dependencies between projects
** working on networkx upgrade
** uncapped eventlet
** uncapped sphinx
** added optional lower-constraints test jobs for project teams that want them
=== Resource Management SIG ===
Update 2018-07-10, cdent. Summary: SIG is idling.
Concerns or Issues:
* While the project had some initial planning at [[Res_Mgmt_SIG]], little has happened since.
* This is likely due to the main participants being overbooked to be able to fit things in.
** cdent is one of those main participants and hasn't had a chance to do anything
* Given the desire for these evaluations to not include participants, cdent being the evaluator is probably not ideal
=== Sahara ===
Update: Nov 27, ttx
* Team is currently small (~3) and mostly Red Hat-based. It is fully operational but would welcome more contributors (and more corporate diversity).
* Visible commit activity appears to have dropped in Stein, but that's mostly a reflection of most team members working on significant features (APIv2, health repair)
* Core functionality is pretty stable. Most activity is geared toward Python 3 and above-mentioned new features.
* Team runs regular meetings on IRC, and did project updates and on-boarding in Vancouver and previous summits (PTL missed Berlin)
* Not much discussions on ML, mostly administrative details and announcements. Most team discussions directly happen on IRC and Gerrit.
Update: June 13, emilien
Reported issues: none, yet.
* The team changed leadership in Queens
* Most commits in Rocky are from Red Hat (92% of core reviews)
* The team is really small, most of commits are done by 2 contributors and 3 contributors are active in reviews
* Latest survey shows that Sahara is used in production by 3% of deployments and 8% in test phase. 25% of users are interested by Sahara
* Following goals and releases
* Email sent to PTL on June 13th
=== Searchlight ===
Reported issues
* searchlight and searchlight-ui missed the Rocky-1 milestone
* Release forced for searchlight and searchlight-ui for the Rocky-2 milestone; also missed the Rocky-3 milestone
* [https://review.openstack.org/#/c/590601/ Trinh Nguyen has volunteered to be the PTL for Stein.]
=== Security (SIG) ===
Last updated 2018-09-11 by fungi
Operated for a while in parallel with the project team of the same name, during Rocky it assumed responsibility for the corresponding deliverable repositories. Many of its previous members (both the SIG and the team) have slowly faded from the OpenStack community, and most of those who remain have also been drafted into the VMT. It still holds regular weekly meetings, has a consensus chair, is present for events like the PTG and Summit/Forum, and has continued to manage OSSN and security assessment tasks to assist the VMT... but as it's now mostly the same people the lines there have become increasingly blurry.
=== Security (team) ===
Last updated 2018-09-11 by fungi
This mostly defunct team was retired at the end of the Rocky cycle, and its deliverable repositories folded into the SIG of the same name.
=== Scientific ===
Update: July 17, pabelanger
=== Senlin ===
Updated Nov 30, ttx
* Team is active, with a base of contributors from Blizzard but also other organizations involved
* Most contributors are part-time involved, and use IRC / Gerrit to communicate. Regular meetings on IRC.
* Main issue is project awareness: Senlin is missing users. Hopefully the autoscaling SIG will help clarify Senlin's relationship with other OpenStack components
=== Solum ===
Updated: January 07, 2019, TheJulia
* Project health is at risk.
* Activity has been only py2/py3 compatibility changes for this cycle.
* Last release was in the rocky cycle.
* No apparent IRC, Meeting, Mailing list, or forum activity.
* TheJulia will reach out to the PTL to identify their perception of the project status and direction.
Prior reported issues
* Individual fragility: Zhurong represents 100% of core reviews
* Zhurong is employed by ZTE and recent US government actions might affecting contributions
=== Stable Branch Maintenance ===
Last updated 2018-09-08 by fungi
This team was disbanded during the Rocky cycle, morphing into the Extended Maintenance SIG.
=== Storlets ===
Update: August 9, ttx
* The team is essentially one person: Kota Tsuyuzaki the PTL represents 100% of core reviews
* Kota is pretty active though, and maintains the project well. He ran a project update session in Vancouver, and tries to recruit more contributors (including in local meetups).
* The team currently being one person, there are no IRC meetings or ML threads. Best way to join the team is the IRC channel (#openstack-storlets)
Update: Berlin Summit, cdent
* python3 work still needed for the contained user-application
=== Swift ===
Update: July 3, smcginnis
* Team has recently lost two very active long time cores
* Activity has gone down, like many OpenStack projects, but there is still a large list of important work to complete
* Changed their policy to only require one +2
** Change in policy is allowing to land more code
** No bad side effects of this change have been encountered so far
* Some recent progress has been made on Python 3 compatibility
=== Tacker ===
Update: January 07, 2019, TheJulia
* Project health seems to be improving.
* Some regular mailing list activity is occurring, and the project seems to be trying to hold them on a regular basis.
* Less individual contributor based fragility when compared to the Rocky cycle. This is largely due to some new contributors.
* They also seem to be in a good position to expand their core reviewer pool.
Update: August 14th, 2018, TheJulia
* Reached out via email to the new PTL to obtain their perspective as to the current status.
* Worth noting that the new PTL is different than the prior PTL who was attributed to having 75% of the core reviews.
* They have meetings, although occasionally do seem to skip a week or two, but the team is relatively small and diverse which would make missing lacking quorum to have a meeting more of a possibility.
Prior reported issues
* Individual fragility: Yong Sheng Gong represents 75% of core reviews
=== Telemetry ===
Update: 2018-07-25, cdent
* Only two active cores and contributors (from Red Hat), despite [http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-June/131443.html continued value].
* Lowish number of commits and reviews, but about what one would expect for a small and stable project
* Effectively in maintenance mode
* Some potential for greater engagement with Monasca
* The features in ceilometer are being shrunk to meet the needs of the people who are making contributions and there is concern that lack of engagement by others will lead to something breaking.
=== Tricircle ===
Reported issues
* Not set up for zuulv3 so cannot land patches that interact with other repositories? http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-June/131643.html
* email sent on July 18th 2018 (emilien)
=== TripleO ===
Update: January 07, 2019, TheJulia
* Overall status seems unchanged from the prior update.
* Some increased diversification in contributions/reviews
** 87% of commits are still from Red Hat
** 92% of reviews are from Red Hat
* Contribution levels seem steady when compared to past levels.
Update: June 13, 18, emilien
* Mainly Red Hat (99% of core reviews). Some contributors from vendors (storage/network plugins)
* Number of contributors / core reviewers always increasing
* Quite healthy, no problem reported so far
=== Trove ===
Reported issues
* [http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-August/132690.html No valid PTL volunteer(s) for Stein.]
* During the public cloud issues session at the Rocky Forum someone in the room raised the question of whether Trove is still actively maintained.
** [https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-forum-missing-features-pc Missing features in OpenStack for public clouds] forum session notes
Stein Update: October 23, smcginnis
* Samsung team has taken over, but finding it hard to get folks outside of Samsung participating in meetings and development
* Technical debt of the project is more than they realized
** Downstream changes against Ocata are turning out harder to update and merge to master
** Existing unit testing is poor, slowing things down as well
* Those involved also have downstream product responsibilities so they are struggling to get enough time to focus on upstream work
Rocky Update: June 12, ttx
* The team changed leadership in Rocky
* Zhao Chao handles bulk of commits (51%)
* The new team is small, but pretty alive and active. Needs more contributors to be stable.
* Mostly contributors in China (AWCloud, China Telecom, China Mobile)
* Drop in activity in Rocky: 45 commits by Rocky-2, to compare with the 245 commits in Queens
* Organizational diversity: 53% of commits are from AWCloud. Reviews are shared between 23% China Telecom, 19% China Mobile, 19% Awcloud. Last cycle with 41% IBM.
* Regular weekly meetings, well run with clear documentation of outcomes
* Tracks completion of Rocky community goals
* A few ML threads, but mostly to discuss things external to the team (new meeting time, stable maint team composition)
* Missed Rocky-2 milestone, but mostly due to a [http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/trove/2018/trove.2018-06-06-14.00.log.html#l-95 misunderstanding of release policy].
* No project update in Vancouver, but was discussed in meeting: sadly [http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/trove/2018/trove.2018-05-16-14.00.log.html#l-20 no team member was present].
* Reached out to PTL by email on June 12 for additional concerns / questions.
=== Upgrade SIG ===
WIP (emilien)
=== Vitrage ===
Reported issues
* Organizational diversity fragility: Nokia represents 100% of core reviews
Update: 07 January 2019, TheJulia
* Overall un-changed from prior reports.
* Almost exclusively nokia contributions. One external contributor has indicated that the team is very receptive to input and communicative externally.
* Meeting activity does seem to have picked up and there is active mailing list discussion.
Update: 17 October 2018 by lbragstad
* PTL reported that the virtual PTG they held was very productive, but continue to look for new contributors.
* Developers were optimistic about what they achieved in Rocky and are looking forward to Stein.
* Interested in the self-healing SIG.
* IRC activity is relatively low, but that doesn't seem to be impacting communications between developers.
* Will be holding sessions at the Summit in Berlin for onboarding and project updates. On the waiting list for a project-onboarding session.
* The issues originally reported by Doug are still present.
Update 2018-07-18 (dhellmann)
* Meeting regularly on IRC
* One of their cores who works for ZTE has been absent for a while, but has returned to contributing.
* They usually have a hands-on lab at summits to attract users and potential contributors.
* The next PTG aligns with Jewish New Year, so many of their contributors will not be attending. They intend to have a virtual PTG instead.
* The CFP for the Berlin summit caught them off guard because it was so early, and they found it a bit hard to plan discussions because they don't even know what the next release will hold. They did submit a few talk proposals.
* Vitrage, by its nature, relies heavily on other projects. They have had good success working with other project teams, but do frequently struggle to find accurate and complete developer-oriented documentation for some of them.
=== Watcher ===
Update: 2018-07-10 TheJulia
* PTL inquires if there is any way for the TC to assist with raising awareness of Watcher.
* Actively recruiting and seeking out new contributors, and anticipating to meet community goals. Anticipating to create new roadmap at the PTG.
* Contributions appear mainly from NEC at this time, but history shows a moderately more diverse contributor base.
* PTL indicates core team is critically small, and that they have lost two out of five cores due to the ZTE withdraw due to the conflict with the US Government. Review metrics line up with what would be expected from loss of 40% of the core reviewers.
* Email sent to the PTL to initiate communication on July 2nd
=== Winstackers ===
Reported issues
* Individual fragility: Claudiu Belu represents 100% of core reviews
* Claudiu missed the deadline for being PTL but would like to continue
* His organization is invested in making sure that Hyper-V continues to be well supported in Nova, Neutron, Cinder
* Increased release velocity by Microsoft means greater change in Hyper-V
* Issues with having access to sufficient CI hardware for feature parity with other hypervisors, especially things like SR-IOV
=== Zaqar ===
Reported issues
* zaqar and zaqar-ui missed the Rocky-2 milestone
=== Zun ===
Updated: 20190108 (ttx)
* Project update shows a lot of achievements in Rocky and an ambitious roadmap for Stein
* Smaller rate of commits in Stein, activity mostly coming from Hongbin Lu (listed as independent)
* But the numbers don't tell the story: large features were contributed in a limited number of commits, and a lot of past activity was driven by zun-dashboard initial ramp-up
* Less activity from ZTE and casual contributors, but new activity from China Union Pay in association with Fudan University
* "One core approval is sufficient" oplicy works well, complex commits still require multiple -core approvals
* Regular IRC meetings and mailing-list activity
* Hongbin Lu is more responsive/visible than the PTL

Latest revision as of 18:02, 11 June 2019

This page is no longer in use. During discussions at the Train cycle PTG, the OpenStack TC concluded that its experiments in formally tracking problems within individual project teams was not providing enough value for the investment of effort it required. The component of it which is still deemed valuable is having specific TC members officially assigned as liaisons to each project team, so in future that will continue but will be documented in the openstack/governance Git repository's project metadata and on the project pages linked from the https://governance.openstack.org/reference/projects/ page.