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'''!!!This is a design discussion document, not for end user reference!!! '''
===Related Resource===
This design is based on the PCI pass-through IRC meetings, provide common support for PCI SRIOV:
This document was used to finalise the design:
link back to bp:
===Common PCI SRIOV design ===
PCI devices have PCI standard properties like address (BDF), vendor_id, product_id, etc, Virtual functions also have a property referring to the function's physical address.  Application specific or installation specific extra information can be attached to PCI device, like physical network connectivity using by Neutron SRIOV.
This bp focus on functionality to provide the common PCI SRIOV  support.
* on compute node the pci_information/white-list define a set of filter. PCI device passed filter will be available for allocation. at same time extra information attached to the PCI device.
* PCI compute report the PCI stats information to scheduler. PCI stats contain several pools. each pool defined by several PCI property, control by the local configuration item: pci_flavor_attrs , default value is vendor_id, product_id, extra_info.
* PCI flavor define the user point of view PCI device selector: PCI flavor provide a set of (k,v) to form specs to select the available device(filtered by pci_information/white-list).
the new PCI design based on 2 key change: the PCI flavor and the extra information attache to pci device. the following diagram is a summary of the design:
====Design Choice ====
      PCI flavor:  User don't want to know details of a pci device and all of it's attrs and extra information attached to it.
      (pci_flavor_attr:  admin need to know all PCI attrs to define flavor for user/tenant.)
      PCI Stats:  compute node might have many devices and most of device properties are same,  summary a stats to scheduler can reduce DB load, simply schedule.
      PCI extra info:  a pci device might attach to a specific network, a specific resource, with can be attach to device and schedule base on it.
PCI devices has not only PCI standard property like BDF, vendor_id etc, it also has some extra information which may be application specific. For example, attached network switch for NIC, or resolution for GPU etc.These information can't be achieved through hypervisor, and may be provided externally through like configuration file.
Currently nova PCI support has basic support for such extra information in database and object layer. But we need more effort to it, including: get such information from configuration file, group devices with same extra information value etc.
====PCI flavor====
this design based on this discsstion docs, the part which achieve agreement :
For OS users, PCI flavor is a reasonable name like 'oldGPU', 'FastGPU',  '10GNIC', 'SSD', describe one kind of PCI device. User use the PCI flavor to select available pci devices. Internally the PCI flavor created by a set of API and saved in a DB table, keep PCI flavor available for all cloud.  
link back to bp:
Administrator define the PCI flavors via matching expression that selects available(offer by white list) devices, and a reasonable name. PCI flavor  matching expression is a set of (k,v), the k is the PCI property, v is its value. not every PCI property is available to PCI flavor, only a selected set of PCI property can used to define the PCI flavor, the selected property should be global to cloud like vendor/product_id, can not be BDF or host of a PCI device. these selected PCI property is defined via compute local configuration :
    pci_flavor_attrs = vendor_id, product_id, ...
a important behavior is the PCI flavors could overlap - that is, the same device on the same machine may be matched by multiple flavors.
====Use PCI flavor in instance flavor extra info====
user set pci flavor into instance flavor's extra info to specify how many PCI device/and what type PCI flavor the VM want to boot with.
===PCI configration API use cases ===
    nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:pci_flavor= <pci flavor spec list>
To get a better between user and amdin, and remove redudent code from pci, alias will fade out, white-list will be used to map devices to an  pci-flavor:  the group to use for scheduler and configration.  this approach keep the  possibility to take advange of aggregate.
    pci flavor spec:
    mean: want <number>'s pci devices from flavor or flavor
    pci flavor spec list:
                <pci flavor spec1>; <pci flavor spec2>
User will see flavors like:
* flavor that gives you a cheap GPU
* flavor that gives you a big GPU
* flavor that gives you two SSD disks (of varying types depending on where it lands) and a big GPU
* flavor that gives you your public network via SRIOV (which could be one of several makes of network card, depending on the host picked)
And for the admin...
for example:
    nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:pci_flavor= 1:IntelGPU,NvGPU;1:intelQuickAssist;
    which define requirements:
          boot with 1 of IntelGPU or NvGPU, and 1 IntelQuickAssist card.
Admin sees:
====PCI pci_flavor_attrs ====
* per host devices (adding things to os-host/<host>/pci-device)
this configuration is keep local to every compute node, this will make deploy process can locally decide what PCI properties this node will exposed.
** lists pci devices present
** lists pci devices that are exposed to users, and which are in use or free
* per pci-flavor
    pci_flavor_attrs = vendor_id, product_id, ...
** creates a pci-device description
** specifies vendor-id, address, uuid, name, etc
** this used to be a combination of alias and whitelist
** this could be overlapping descriptions
* flavor extra specs
compute node update local pci extra properties to PCI flavor Database, which is accessible by flavor API, provide PCI properties to define flavor.
** this has entries that describe:
*** list of possible pci-flavors that could be picked
*** use the key: pci-passthrough:<label_just_to_make_uniqe  value:<pci-flavor-uuid-1>,<pci-flavor-uuid-2>
** for multiple devices, you just add multiple entries
Take advantage of host aggregate:
pci_flavor_attrs store in flavor DB as a normal flavor, it's name "_flavor_attrs", it's UUID use "0":
* host aggregates used to map hosts to pci-flavor  
** use host aggregates to expose specific pci-flavors as available on a particular host
    {"vendor_id":"Ture", "product_id":"True", ... }
==== Review comments ====
this flavor contain all available attrs can be used to define pci flavor, list it's content use:
Overall review comments:
    nova pci-flavor-show  0
* need a better split between admin (setup) and user use cases
    GET v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavor/<0>
* need to clearly define what the user will see
        os-pci-flavor: {
                                'UUID':'0' ,
                                'description':'Available flavor attrs '
                                'vendor_id": "True",
                                'product_id": "True",
I think users will see... (move to text)
====PCI request====
====Use cases ====
PCI request is a internal structure to represent all PCI devices a VM want to have.
=====admin check PCI devices avaliable per host =====
    request = {'count': int(count),
admin might want to know if there are some pci device avaliable to use, eventhough admin should know such infomation but if the inspect works, it's convenience. there is 2 methods to implemt inspect.
              'spec': [{"vendor_id":"8086", "phynetwork":"phy1"}, ...],
              'alias_name': "Intel.NIC"}
    nova  host-list pci-device  
====Extra information of PCI device  ====
    GET v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-hosts/​{host_name}​os-host/<host>/os-pci-devices
return a summary infomation about pci devices on this host:
the compute nodes offer available PCI devices for pass-through,  since the list of devices doesn't usually change unless someone tinkers with the hardware, this matching expression used to create this list of offered devices is stored in compute node config.
        [  {'vendor_id':'8086', 'product_id':'xxx',  'address': '0000:01:00.7',  'pci-type'VF', 'status': 'avaliable' , 'pci-flavor':'xxx'  }}
to find which pci-flavor this device belong to, status, we had to query the database.
    *the device information (device ID, vendor ID, BDF etc.) is discovered from the device and stored as part of the PCI device, same as current implement.
    *on the compute node, additional arbitrary extra information, in the form of key-value pairs, can be added to the config and is included in the PCI device
currently pci device in the  databse is after filter, if want inpect the device on node from db, we should let all device going in to database. db will too large then eventually slow down query, became a scale problem. so we'd use RPC call for this goal, use RPC call to get reulst from a node, show it to admin. 
this is achieved by extend the pci white-list to:   
Review comments: (addressed, by yongli)
* I think we need a REST API to list the PCI devices present on a host
* That API could also show the groups
* Also maybe it could say which are in use (as currently reported to the scheduler)
* I think we should list them here: v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-hosts/​{host_name}​/os-pci-devices (or similar)
* See http://api.openstack.org/api-ref-compute.html and look for os-hosts
  *pci_information = [ { pci-regex } ,{pci-extra-attrs } ]
  *pci-regex is a dict of { string-key: string-value } pairs , it can only match device properties, like vendor_id, address, product_id,etc.
  *pci-extra-attrs is a dict of { string-key: string-value } pairs.  The values can be arbitrary  The total size of the extra attrs may be restricted. all this extra attrs will be store in the pci device table's extra info field. and the extra attrs should use this naming schema: e.attrname
=====admin check avaliable pci flavor (white-list)  =====
====PCI stats grouping device base on pci_flavor_attrs ====
PCI stats pool summary the devices of a compute node, and the scheduler use flavor's matching specs select the available host for VM. The stats pool must contain the PCI properties used by PCI flavor.
* list all avaliable pci flavor (whitelist)
  * current grouping is based on  [vendor_id, product_id, extra_info]
    nova pci-flavor-show
  *  going to group by keys specified by  pci_flavor_attrs.
     GET v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavors
The algorithm for stats report should meet this request: the one device should only be in one pci stats pool, this mean pci stats can not overlap. this simplifies the scheduler design.
    [ { 'description':'xxxx' 'vendor_id':'8086', 'product_id':'xxx', 'address': '0000:01:*.7', 'pci-flavor':'xxx',  'host':'compute-id' ,'UUID':'xxxx-xx-xx' } }
on computer node the pci_flavor_attrs provide the specs for pci stats to group its pool. and the pci_flavor_attrs on control node collection the attrs which can be used to define the pci_flavor. the definition of pci_flavor_attrs on controller should contain all the pci_flavor_attrs's content on every compute node.
*but compute node report stats pool by a subset of controller's pci_flavor_attrs is acceptable, in such scenario, this means the compute node can only provide the devices with these propertes.*
===Use cases ===
==== General PCI pass through  ====
given compute nodes contain 1 GPU with vendor:device 8086:0001
*on the compute nodes, config the pci_information
     pci_information =  { { 'device_id': "8086", 'vendor_id': "0001" }, {} }
    pci_flavor_attrs ='device_id','vendor_id'
the compute node would report PCI stats group by ('device_id', 'vendor_id').
pci stats will report one pool:
  {'device_id':'0001', 'vendor_id':'8086', 'count': 1 }
* create PCI flavor
  nova pci-flavor-create  name 'bigGPU'  description 'passthrough Intel's on-die GPU'
  nova pci-flavor-update  name 'bigGPU'  set    'vendor_id'='8086'  'product_id': '0001'
* create flavor and boot with it ( same as current PCI passthrough)
  nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:pci_flavor= 1:bigGPU;
  nova boot  mytest  --flavor m1.tiny  --image=cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec
==== General PCI pass through with multi PCI flavor candidate ====
given compute nodes contain 2 type GPU with , vendor:device 8086:0001, or vendor:device 8086:0002
*on the compute nodes, config the pci_information
     pci_information =  { { 'device_id': "8086", 'vendor_id': "000[1-2]" }, {} }
* on controller
  pci_flavor_attrs = ['device_id', 'vendor_id']
the compute node would report PCI stats group by ('device_id', 'vendor_id').
pci stats will report 2 pool:
  {'device_id':'0001', 'vendor_id':'8086', 'count': 1 }
  {'device_id':'0002', 'vendor_id':'8086', 'count': 1 }
* create PCI flavor
  nova pci-flavor-create  name 'bigGPU'  description 'passthrough Intel's on-die GPU'
  nova pci-flavor-update  name 'bigGPU'  set    'vendor_id'='8086'  'product_id': '0001'
  nova pci-flavor-create  name 'bigGPU2' description 'passthrough Intel's on-die GPU'
  nova pci-flavor-update  name 'bigGPU2'  set    'vendor_id'='8086'   'product_id': '0002'
* create flavor and boot with it
  nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:pci_flavor= '1:bigGPU,bigGPU2;'
  nova boot  mytest  --flavor m1.tiny  --image=cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec
==== General PCI pass through wild-cast PCI flavor ====
given compute nodes contain 2 type GPU with , vendor:device 8086:0001, or vendor:device 8086:0002
*on the compute nodes, config the pci_information
    pci_information = { { 'device_id': "8086", 'vendor_id': "000[1-2]" }, {} }
    pci_flavor_attrs = ['device_id', 'vendor_id']
the compute node would report PCI stats group by ('device_id', 'vendor_id').
pci stats will report 2 pool:
  {'device_id':'0001', 'vendor_id':'8086', 'count': 1 }
  {'device_id':'0002', 'vendor_id':'8086', 'count': 1 }
* create PCI flavor
  nova pci-flavor-create  name 'bigGPU'  description 'passthrough Intel's on-die GPU'
  nova pci-flavor-update  name 'bigGPU'  set    'vendor_id'='8086'   'product_id': '000[1-2]'
* create flavor and boot with it
  nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:pci_flavor= '1:bigGPU;'
  nova boot  mytest  --flavor m1.tiny --image=cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec
* list avaliable pci flavor on host (white list)
====  PCI pass through support grouping tag ====
    nova host-list pci-flavor
    GET  v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-hosts/​{host_name}​os-host/<host>/os-pci-flavors
given compute nodes contain 2 type GPU with , vendor:device 8086:0001, or vendor:device 8086:0002
    [  { 'description':'xxxx' 'vendor_id':'8086', 'product_id':'xxx', 'address': '0000:01:*.7',  'pci-flavor':'xxx','host':'compute-id' , 'UUID':'xxxx-xx-xx'}  }
* get detailed infomation about one pci-flavor:
*on the compute nodes, config the pci_information
    pci_information = { { 'device_id': "8086", 'vendor_id': "000[1-2]" }, { 'e.group':'gpu' } }  
    nova pci-flavor-show  <white-list UUID>
    GET v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavor/<UUID>
    { 'description':'xxxx'  'vendor_id':'8086', 'product_id':'xxx', 'address': '0000:01:*.7',  'pci-flavor':'xxx', 'UUID':'xxxx-xx-xx' ,'host':'compute-id' }
=====admin create a  pci flavor (white-list)  =====
    pci_flavor_attrs = ['e.group']
#  create flavor
the compute node would report PCI stats group by ('e.group').
  nova pci-flavor-create name 'GetMePowerfulldevice' description "xxxxx"
pci stats will report 1 pool:
  {'e.group':'gpu', 'count': 2 }
  POST  v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavors
        { 'pci-flavor':'GetMePowerfulldevice', description: "xxxxx" }
  action:  create database entry for this flavor.
# update flavor defination
* create PCI flavor
    nova pci-flavor-update UUID set    'description'='xxxx'  'address'= '0000:01:*.7', 'host'='compute-id'
  nova pci-flavor-create name 'bigGPU' description 'passthrough Intel's on-die GPU'
    PUT v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavors/<UUID>
  nova pci-flavor-update name 'bigGPU'   set    'e.group'='gpu'
    with data :
          { 'description':'xxxx',  'address': '0000:01:*.7'}
    action: set this as the new defination of the pci flavor.
* create flavor and boot with it
  nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:pci_flavor= '1:bigGPU;'
  nova boot  mytest  --flavor m1.tiny  --image=cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec
Review comments:
====  PCI SRIOV with tagged flavor ====
* I would go for: create/v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-device-flavor
given compute nodes contain 5 PCI NIC , vendor:device 8086:0022, and it connect to physical network "X".
* please add a uuid for the group/flavor
* why is there no vendor id here?
* please consider the APIs for listing the current white-lists
* we need all the CRUD operations really. Please see other APIs to copy the patterns we use there (http://api.openstack.org/api-ref-compute.html see host-aggregates)
* I think you might want to add key-value metadata to these groups, like host-aggregates, but maybe lets ignore that for now, it can be added later
=====Take advantage of host aggregate  =====
*on the compute nodes, config the pci_information
host aggregate can be used to enhancement the schduler for PCI.
* create aggregate
     pci_information = { { 'device_id': "8086", 'vendor_id': "000[1-2]" }, { 'e.physical_netowrk': 'X' } }
     nova aggregate-create  pci-aware-group
    nova aggregate-add-host host1
    nova aggregate-add-host  host2
* map flavor to aggregate
     pci_flavor_attrs = 'e.physical_netowrk'
     nova aggregate-set-metadata pci-aware-group set 'pci-flavor:ntel.INC'=true
* set aggregate extra spec to enhancement PCI scheduler
the compute node would report PCI stats group by ('e.physical_netowrk').
    nova flavor-create --is-public true m1.iwantPCI 100 2048 20 2
pci stats will report 1 pool:
    nova flavor-key 100 set  pci-flavor:ntel.NIC=true
=====admin delete a  pci flavor (white-list)  =====
    nova pci-flavor-delete <UUID>
    API will be:
  {'e.physical_netowrk':'X', 'count': 1 }
    DELETE v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavor/<UUID>
    flow: delete it from database
Review comments:
* this is good information, but I don't like the flow or the API
* please rework after seeing my comments above
* I think this could be simpler and more consistent
=====admin configures extra spec in flavor request pci device =====
* create PCI flavor
  nova pci-flavor-create  name 'phyX_NIC'  description 'passthrough NIC connect to physical network X'
  nova pci-flavor-update  name 'bigGPU'  set    'e.physical_netowrk'='X'
to allocate the device from a pci flavor, just fill pci flavor into the flavor's extra spec:
    nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:pci_flavor=GetMePowerfulldevice:
* create flavor and boot with it
  nova boot  mytest  --flavor m1.tiny  --image=cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec  --nic  net-id=network_X  pci_flavor= '1:phyX_NIC;'
Review comments:
====encryption card use case ====
* again, this just becomes the pci-device-flavor
=====admin boot VM with this flavours =====
there is 3 encryption card: [ V1-3 here means a vendor_id number.]
    nova boot  mytest  --flavor m1.small --image=cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec
  card 1 (vendor_id is V1, device_id =0xa) 
* perfect, this is what I hoped for
  card 2 (vendor_id is V1, device_id=0xb)
  card 3 (vendor_id is V2, device_id=0xb)
suppose there is two images. One image only support Card 1 and another image support Card 1/3 (or any other combination of the 3 card type).
=====admin configures SRIOV flavor =====
*on the compute nodes, config the pci_information
* create a pci flavor for the SRIOV
    pci_information = { { 'device_id': "0xa", 'vendor_id': "v1" }, { 'e.QAclass':'1' } }
  nova pci-flavor-create name 'vlan-SRIOV' description "xxxxx"
    pci_information = { { 'device_id': "0xb", 'vendor_id': "v1" }, { 'e.QAclass':'2' } }
  nova pci-flavor-update UUID set    'description'='xxxx'   'address'= '0000:01:*.7'
    pci_information = { { 'device_id': "0xb", 'vendor_id': "v2" }, { 'e.QAclass':'3' }}
    pci_flavor_attrs = ['e.QAclass']
Reviewer comments:
the compute node would report PCI stats group by (['e.QAclass']).
* this info is missing
pci stats will report 3 pool:
* how does the admin associate PCI devices to neutron networks?
* I think the answer is that the pci-flavor has some metadata that tells you what neutron network it maps to, but its messy
=====user requests SRIOV=====
*   config the instance flavor
   { 'e.QAclass":"1" ,  'count': 1 }
    nova flavor-key m1.small set "pci_passthrough:sriov:<nic1-tag>:pci-flavor"="vlan-SRIOV"
  { 'e.QAclass":"2" ,  'count': 1 }
  { 'e.QAclass":"3" ,  'count': 1 }
for sriov there should be a marker <nic1-tag>  for nic, the <nic1-tag> will be store in the device allocated to this nic.
* create PCI flavor
after allocation finised on compute node, related network module can find the device via the <nic1-tag> to perferm interface configration.
* 5) admin boot VM with this flavours
  nova pci-flavor-create  name 'QA1'  description  'QuickAssist card version 1'
    nova boot mytest --flavor m1.small --image=cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec
  nova pci-flavor-update  name 'QA1'    set 'e.QAclass"="1"
  nova pci-flavor-create  name 'QA13'  description 'QuickAssist card version 1 and version 3'
  nova pci-flavor-update  name 'QA13'    set 'e.QAclass"="(1|3)"
Reviewer comments:
* create flavor and boot with it
* I really don't understand this SRIOV stuff: 
   nova boot mytest --flavor m1.tiny --image=QA1_image  --nic  net-id=network_X  pci_flavor= '1:QA1;'
   nova boot  mytest  --flavor m1.tiny --image=QA13_image  --nic net-id=network_X  pci_flavor= '3:QA13;'
        SRIOV need 2 things,  
          1) group device like pci-flavor, we given it as nature
          2) SRIOV need to find the device allocation from the pci-flavor, <nic1-tag> here give the device allocated as a marker, later, the SRIOV code can find it from DB.
* I think the VIF attach logic should do the deciding, and we probably need more config in the flavor extra specs to make the mapping
   A( yongli ):
      nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:sriov:<nic1-tag>:pci-flavor"="vlan-SRIOV:2"  map the SRIOV tage <nic1-tag> to the device, capibale to find this device, SRIOV code can do it's work.
====transite config file to API ====
===Common PCI SRIOV Configuration detail ===
#  the config file for alias and whitelist defination is going to deprecated.
#  if database is not NULL , configration is ommit and given deprecated  warning.
#  if database is NULL, config if read from the file,
    *white list/alias schema still work
    * And also  given a deprecated notice, alias will fade out  which will be remove start from next release.
with this solution, we move pci config from file to API.
====Compute host====
pci_information = [ {pci-regex},{pci-extra-attrs} ]
====DB for pci configration====
For instance, when using device and vendor ID this would read:
each pci flavor will be a set of (k,v), and the pci flavor don't need to contain same k, v pair. another problem this define try to slove is, i,.e  SRIOV also want feature autodiscovery(under discuss), with this, the flavor might need a 'feature' key to be added if not store it as (k,v) pair.  the (k,v) paire define let more extra infomation can be store in the pci device.
When the back end adds an arbitrary ‘group’ attribute to all PCI devices:
When you wish to find an appropriate device and perhaps also filter by the connection tagged on that device, which you use an extra-info attribute to specify on the compute node config:
  talbe: pci_flavor{
                id  :  data base of this k,v pair
                UUID:  which pci-flavor the  k,v belong to
                compute_node_id:  easy to query per host configration, NULL for global flavor defination( if aggreate avaliable, this fade out)
                value_type:  ( value might be a simple value or Regular express, don't sure for now.)
====PCI releated Objects====
====flavor API====
  Objects: white list/ alias/ group keys(on demand grop)
  objects property:  sets of k,v
====API interface====
* get pci devices infomation on host
* overall
  nova host-list pci-device
nova pci-flavor-list  
   GET v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-hosts/​{host_name}​os-host/<host>/os-pci-devices
nova pci-flavor-show   name|UUID <name|UUID>
  return a summary infomation about pci devices on this host:
nova pci-flavor-create  name|UUID  <name|UUID>  description <desc>
    [ {'vendor_id':'8086', 'product_id':'xxx', 'address': '0000:01:00.7', 'pci-type'VF', 'status': 'avaliable' , 'pci-flavor':'xxx' }}
nova pci-flavor-update name|UUID <name|UUID> set    'description'='xxxx'   'e.group'= 'A'
nova pci-flavor-delete <name|UUID> name|UUID
* list avaliable pci flavor on host (white list) [might not needed]
  nova host-list pci-flavor
  GET  v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-hosts/​{host_name}​os-host/<host>/os-pci-flavors
    [  { 'description':'xxxx' 'vendor_id':'8086', 'product_id':'xxx',  'address': '0000:01:*.7',  'pci-flavor':'xxx','host':'compute-id' , 'UUID':'xxxx-xx-xx'}  }
* list all avaliable pci flavor (whitelist)  
* list available pci flavor (white list)
  nova pci-flavor-show
    nova pci-flavor-list
  GET v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavors
    GET v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavors
    [ { 'description':'xxxx' 'vendor_id':'8086', 'product_id':'xxx', 'address': '0000:01:*.7',  'pci-flavor':'xxx', 'host':'compute-id' ,'UUID':'xxxx-xx-xx' }  }
                                'UUID':'xxxx-xx-xx' ,
                              } ,
* get detailed infomation about one pci-flavor:  
* get detailed information about one pci-flavor:  
    nova pci-flavor-show  <white-list UUID>
    nova pci-flavor-show  <UUID|name>
  GET v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavor/<UUID>
    GET v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavor/<UUID|name>
  { 'description':'xxxx'  'vendor_id':'8086', 'product_id':'xxx',  'address': '0000:01:*.7',  'pci-flavor':'xxx', 'UUID':'xxxx-xx-xx' ,'host':'compute-id' }
        os-pci-flavor: {  
                                'UUID':'xxxx-xx-xx' ,  
* create pci flavor  
* create pci flavor  
   nova pci-flavor-create  name 'GetMePowerfulldevice'  description "xxxxx"
   nova pci-flavor-create  name 'GetMePowerfulldevice'  description "xxxxx"
   POST  v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavors
   POST  v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavors
      { 'pci-flavor':'GetMePowerfulldevice', description: "xxxxx" }
      pci-flavor: {
              description: "xxxxx"  
  action:  create database entry for this flavor.
*update the pci flavor  
*update the pci flavor  
    nova pci-flavor-update UUID  set    'description'='xxxx'  'address'= '0000:01:*.7', 'host'='compute-id'
    nova pci-flavor-update UUID  set    'description'='xxxx'  'e.group'= 'A'
    PUT v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavors/<UUID>
    PUT v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavors/<UUID>
    with data  :
    with data  :
         { 'description':'xxxx', 'address': '0000:01:*.7'}
         { 'action': "update",
                            'vendor': '8086',
                            'e.group': 'A',
    action: set this as the new definition of the pci flavor.
* delete a pci flavor
* delete a pci flavor
Line 279: Line 367:
   DELETE v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavor/<UUID>
   DELETE v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavor/<UUID>
=== Current PCI implementation gaps ===
concept introduce here:
spec: a filter defined by (k,v) pairs, which k in the pci object fields, this means those (k,v) is the pci device property like: vendor_id, 'address', pci-type etc.
extra_spec: the filter defined by (k, v) and k not in the pci object fields.
====pci utils support extra property ====
      * pci utils k,v match support the address reduce regular expression
      * uitils provide a global extract interface to extract base property and extra property of a pci device.
      * extra information also should use schema 'e.name'
====PCI information(extended the white-list) support extra tag====
      * PCI information support  reduce regular expression compare, match the pci device
      * PCI information  support  store any other (k,v) pair pci device's extra info
      * any extra tag's k, v is string.
      * implement the attrs parser, updated to flavor Database
====support pci-flavor ====
      * pci-flavor store in DB
      * pci-flavor config via API
      * pci manager use extract method extract the specs and extra_specs, match them against  the pci object & object.extra_info.
====PCI scheduler: PCI filter ====
    When scheduling,  marcher should  applied  regular expression stored in the named flavor, this read out from DB.
==== convert pci flavor from SRIOV ====
in API stage the network parser should convert the pci flavor in the --nic option to pci request and save them into instance meta data.
1. translate pci flavor spec to request
    * input flavor_spce is a list of pci flavor and requested number:  "flavor_name:number, flavor_name2:number2,..." if number is 1, it can be omit.
    * output is pci_request, a internal represents data structure
2. save request to instance meta data:
    *update_pci_request_to_metadata(metadata, new_requests, prefix='')
==== find specific device of a instance based on request ====
to boot VM with PCI SRIOV devices, there might need more configuration action to pci device instead of just a pci host dev. to achieve this, common SRIOV need a interface to query the device allocated to a specific usage, like the SRIOV network.
===Requements from SRIOV===
3 steps facility to achive this:
*group device
  for SRIOV, all VFs belong to same PF share same physical network reachability. so if you want, say, deploy a vlan network, you need choose the right PF's VF, otherwise network does not work for you.
*tracking device alloced to the NIC
  networking or other special deive is not as simple as pass though to the VM, there is need more configration. to acheive this, SRIOV must know the device infomation allocation to the specific NIC.
=== Implement the grouping===
    * Mark the PCI request use UUID, so the pci request is distinguishable.
  spec: a filter defined by (k,v) paris
    * remember the devices allocated the this request.
  extra_spec: the filter defined by (k, v) and k not in the pci object fileds.  
    * a interface function provide to get these device from a instance.
====pci utils/objects support grouping ====
====DB for PCI flavor ====
      * pci utils k,v match support the list values
each pci flavor will be a set of (k,v), store the (k,v) pair in DB.  both k, v is string, and the value could be a simple  regular expression, support wild-cast, address range operators.
      * objects provide a class level extrac interface to extract base spec and extra spec
====pci-flavor(white list) support address set====
      * white list support 'address':[bdf1, ....]
      * white list support  any other (k,v) pair to group or store special infomation
      * object extrac specs and extra_info, specs use as whitelist spec, extra info will be updated to device's extra_info fields
====enable alias request extra property====
      * alis can specify extra (k,v) pairs
      * pci manager use extrac method extrac the specs and extra_specs, match them agains  the pci object  object.extra_info.
====pci stats grouping device on demand====
Talbe: pci_flavor
        * pci_grouping_key configration option define a set of key name which will used to group the device to stats
        * default value is  [vendor_id, product_id], this current implemtation
        * limited support to 3 keys grouping for algorithm simplicity.
=== Implement tracking device allocated to alias===
              UUID:  which pci-flavor the  k,v belong to
              name: the pci flavor's name, we need this filed to index the DB with flavor's name
              value (might be a simple string value or reduce Regular express)
here is the idea how user can identify which device allocated for the pci alias.
DB interface:
    *while allocated such device, user put a  marker into the device ( into the pci device extra_info fileds)
    *after finished allocation, user can seach a instance's pci devices to find the specific marker
     the way marker data transfer from user to device utilize the pci_request, which convert from the pci alias.
===transient config file to API ===
     *the config file for alias and white-list definition is going to deprecated.
    *new config pci_information will replace white-list
    *pci flavor will replace alias
    *white list/alias schema still work, and given a deprecated notice, will fade out  which will be remove start from next release.
    *if pci_flavor_attrs is not defined it will default to vendor_id, product_id and extra_info. this is keep compatible with old system.

Latest revision as of 03:21, 27 July 2016

!!!This is a design discussion document, not for end user reference!!!

Related Resource

This design is based on the PCI pass-through IRC meetings, provide common support for PCI SRIOV:

This document was used to finalise the design:

link back to bp:

Common PCI SRIOV design

PCI devices have PCI standard properties like address (BDF), vendor_id, product_id, etc, Virtual functions also have a property referring to the function's physical address. Application specific or installation specific extra information can be attached to PCI device, like physical network connectivity using by Neutron SRIOV.

This bp focus on functionality to provide the common PCI SRIOV support.

  • on compute node the pci_information/white-list define a set of filter. PCI device passed filter will be available for allocation. at same time extra information attached to the PCI device.
  • PCI compute report the PCI stats information to scheduler. PCI stats contain several pools. each pool defined by several PCI property, control by the local configuration item: pci_flavor_attrs , default value is vendor_id, product_id, extra_info.
  • PCI flavor define the user point of view PCI device selector: PCI flavor provide a set of (k,v) to form specs to select the available device(filtered by pci_information/white-list).

the new PCI design based on 2 key change: the PCI flavor and the extra information attache to pci device. the following diagram is a summary of the design:


Design Choice

     PCI flavor:  User don't want to know details of a pci device and all of it's attrs and extra information attached to it.
     (pci_flavor_attr:  admin need to know all PCI attrs to define flavor for user/tenant.)
     PCI Stats:   compute node might have many devices and most of device properties are same,  summary a stats to scheduler can reduce DB load, simply schedule.
     PCI extra info:  a pci device might attach to a specific network, a specific resource, with can be attach to device and schedule base on it.

PCI flavor

For OS users, PCI flavor is a reasonable name like 'oldGPU', 'FastGPU', '10GNIC', 'SSD', describe one kind of PCI device. User use the PCI flavor to select available pci devices. Internally the PCI flavor created by a set of API and saved in a DB table, keep PCI flavor available for all cloud.

Administrator define the PCI flavors via matching expression that selects available(offer by white list) devices, and a reasonable name. PCI flavor matching expression is a set of (k,v), the k is the PCI property, v is its value. not every PCI property is available to PCI flavor, only a selected set of PCI property can used to define the PCI flavor, the selected property should be global to cloud like vendor/product_id, can not be BDF or host of a PCI device. these selected PCI property is defined via compute local configuration :

    pci_flavor_attrs = vendor_id, product_id, ...

a important behavior is the PCI flavors could overlap - that is, the same device on the same machine may be matched by multiple flavors.

Use PCI flavor in instance flavor extra info

user set pci flavor into instance flavor's extra info to specify how many PCI device/and what type PCI flavor the VM want to boot with.

   nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:pci_flavor= <pci flavor spec list>
   pci flavor spec:
   mean: want <number>'s pci devices from flavor or flavor 
   pci flavor spec list:
               <pci flavor spec1>; <pci flavor spec2>

for example:

   nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:pci_flavor= 1:IntelGPU,NvGPU;1:intelQuickAssist;
   which define requirements: 
         boot with 1 of IntelGPU or NvGPU, and 1 IntelQuickAssist card.

PCI pci_flavor_attrs

this configuration is keep local to every compute node, this will make deploy process can locally decide what PCI properties this node will exposed.

   pci_flavor_attrs = vendor_id, product_id, ...

compute node update local pci extra properties to PCI flavor Database, which is accessible by flavor API, provide PCI properties to define flavor.

pci_flavor_attrs store in flavor DB as a normal flavor, it's name "_flavor_attrs", it's UUID use "0":

   {"vendor_id":"Ture", "product_id":"True", ... }

this flavor contain all available attrs can be used to define pci flavor, list it's content use:

    nova pci-flavor-show  0
    GET v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavor/<0>
       os-pci-flavor: { 
                               'UUID':'0' , 
                               'description':'Available flavor attrs ' 
                               'vendor_id": "True",
                               'product_id": "True",

PCI request

PCI request is a internal structure to represent all PCI devices a VM want to have.

   request = {'count': int(count),
             'spec': [{"vendor_id":"8086", "phynetwork":"phy1"}, ...],
             'alias_name': "Intel.NIC"}


Extra information of PCI device

the compute nodes offer available PCI devices for pass-through, since the list of devices doesn't usually change unless someone tinkers with the hardware, this matching expression used to create this list of offered devices is stored in compute node config.

   *the device information (device ID, vendor ID, BDF etc.) is discovered from the device and stored as part of the PCI device, same as current implement.
   *on the compute node, additional arbitrary extra information, in the form of key-value pairs, can be added to the config and is included in the PCI device

this is achieved by extend the pci white-list to:

  *pci_information = [ { pci-regex } ,{pci-extra-attrs } ]
  *pci-regex is a dict of { string-key: string-value } pairs , it can only match device properties, like vendor_id, address, product_id,etc.
  *pci-extra-attrs is a dict of { string-key: string-value } pairs.  The values can be arbitrary  The total size of the extra attrs may be restricted. all this extra attrs will be store in the pci device table's extra info field. and the extra attrs should use this naming schema: e.attrname

PCI stats grouping device base on pci_flavor_attrs

PCI stats pool summary the devices of a compute node, and the scheduler use flavor's matching specs select the available host for VM. The stats pool must contain the PCI properties used by PCI flavor.

  *  current grouping is based on  [vendor_id, product_id, extra_info]
  *  going to group by keys specified by   pci_flavor_attrs.

The algorithm for stats report should meet this request: the one device should only be in one pci stats pool, this mean pci stats can not overlap. this simplifies the scheduler design.

on computer node the pci_flavor_attrs provide the specs for pci stats to group its pool. and the pci_flavor_attrs on control node collection the attrs which can be used to define the pci_flavor. the definition of pci_flavor_attrs on controller should contain all the pci_flavor_attrs's content on every compute node.

  • but compute node report stats pool by a subset of controller's pci_flavor_attrs is acceptable, in such scenario, this means the compute node can only provide the devices with these propertes.*

Use cases

General PCI pass through

given compute nodes contain 1 GPU with vendor:device 8086:0001

  • on the compute nodes, config the pci_information
   pci_information =  { { 'device_id': "8086", 'vendor_id': "0001" }, {} }
   pci_flavor_attrs ='device_id','vendor_id'

the compute node would report PCI stats group by ('device_id', 'vendor_id'). pci stats will report one pool:

 {'device_id':'0001', 'vendor_id':'8086', 'count': 1 }
  • create PCI flavor
 nova pci-flavor-create  name 'bigGPU'  description 'passthrough Intel's on-die GPU'
 nova pci-flavor-update  name 'bigGPU'   set    'vendor_id'='8086'   'product_id': '0001'
  • create flavor and boot with it ( same as current PCI passthrough)
 nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:pci_flavor= 1:bigGPU;
 nova boot  mytest  --flavor m1.tiny  --image=cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec

General PCI pass through with multi PCI flavor candidate

given compute nodes contain 2 type GPU with , vendor:device 8086:0001, or vendor:device 8086:0002

  • on the compute nodes, config the pci_information
   pci_information =  { { 'device_id': "8086", 'vendor_id': "000[1-2]" }, {} }
  • on controller
  pci_flavor_attrs = ['device_id', 'vendor_id']

the compute node would report PCI stats group by ('device_id', 'vendor_id'). pci stats will report 2 pool:

 {'device_id':'0001', 'vendor_id':'8086', 'count': 1 }
 {'device_id':'0002', 'vendor_id':'8086', 'count': 1 }
  • create PCI flavor
 nova pci-flavor-create  name 'bigGPU'  description 'passthrough Intel's on-die GPU'
 nova pci-flavor-update  name 'bigGPU'   set    'vendor_id'='8086'   'product_id': '0001'
 nova pci-flavor-create  name 'bigGPU2'  description 'passthrough Intel's on-die GPU'
 nova pci-flavor-update  name 'bigGPU2'   set    'vendor_id'='8086'   'product_id': '0002'
  • create flavor and boot with it
 nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:pci_flavor= '1:bigGPU,bigGPU2;'
 nova boot  mytest  --flavor m1.tiny  --image=cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec

General PCI pass through wild-cast PCI flavor

given compute nodes contain 2 type GPU with , vendor:device 8086:0001, or vendor:device 8086:0002

  • on the compute nodes, config the pci_information
   pci_information =  { { 'device_id': "8086", 'vendor_id': "000[1-2]" }, {} }
   pci_flavor_attrs = ['device_id', 'vendor_id']

the compute node would report PCI stats group by ('device_id', 'vendor_id'). pci stats will report 2 pool:

 {'device_id':'0001', 'vendor_id':'8086', 'count': 1 }
 {'device_id':'0002', 'vendor_id':'8086', 'count': 1 }
  • create PCI flavor
 nova pci-flavor-create  name 'bigGPU'  description 'passthrough Intel's on-die GPU'
 nova pci-flavor-update  name 'bigGPU'   set    'vendor_id'='8086'   'product_id': '000[1-2]'
  • create flavor and boot with it
 nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:pci_flavor= '1:bigGPU;'
 nova boot  mytest  --flavor m1.tiny  --image=cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec

PCI pass through support grouping tag

given compute nodes contain 2 type GPU with , vendor:device 8086:0001, or vendor:device 8086:0002

  • on the compute nodes, config the pci_information
   pci_information =  { { 'device_id': "8086", 'vendor_id': "000[1-2]" }, { 'e.group':'gpu' } } 
   pci_flavor_attrs = ['e.group']

the compute node would report PCI stats group by ('e.group'). pci stats will report 1 pool:

{'e.group':'gpu', 'count': 2 }

  • create PCI flavor
 nova pci-flavor-create  name 'bigGPU'  description 'passthrough Intel's on-die GPU'
 nova pci-flavor-update  name 'bigGPU'   set    'e.group'='gpu'
  • create flavor and boot with it
 nova flavor-key m1.small set pci_passthrough:pci_flavor= '1:bigGPU;'
 nova boot  mytest  --flavor m1.tiny  --image=cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec

PCI SRIOV with tagged flavor

given compute nodes contain 5 PCI NIC , vendor:device 8086:0022, and it connect to physical network "X".

  • on the compute nodes, config the pci_information
   pci_information =  { { 'device_id': "8086", 'vendor_id': "000[1-2]" }, { 'e.physical_netowrk': 'X' } }
   pci_flavor_attrs = 'e.physical_netowrk'

the compute node would report PCI stats group by ('e.physical_netowrk'). pci stats will report 1 pool:

 {'e.physical_netowrk':'X', 'count': 1 }

  • create PCI flavor
 nova pci-flavor-create  name 'phyX_NIC'  description 'passthrough NIC connect to physical network X'
 nova pci-flavor-update  name 'bigGPU'   set    'e.physical_netowrk'='X'

  • create flavor and boot with it
 nova boot  mytest  --flavor m1.tiny  --image=cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec  --nic  net-id=network_X  pci_flavor= '1:phyX_NIC;'

encryption card use case

there is 3 encryption card: [ V1-3 here means a vendor_id number.]

  card 1 (vendor_id is V1, device_id =0xa)  
  card 2 (vendor_id is V1, device_id=0xb)
  card 3 (vendor_id is V2, device_id=0xb)

suppose there is two images. One image only support Card 1 and another image support Card 1/3 (or any other combination of the 3 card type).

  • on the compute nodes, config the pci_information
   pci_information =  { { 'device_id': "0xa", 'vendor_id': "v1" }, { 'e.QAclass':'1' } }
   pci_information =  { { 'device_id': "0xb", 'vendor_id': "v1" }, { 'e.QAclass':'2' } }
   pci_information =  { { 'device_id': "0xb", 'vendor_id': "v2" }, { 'e.QAclass':'3' }}
   pci_flavor_attrs = ['e.QAclass']

the compute node would report PCI stats group by (['e.QAclass']). pci stats will report 3 pool:

 { 'e.QAclass":"1" ,  'count': 1 }
 { 'e.QAclass":"2" ,  'count': 1 }
 { 'e.QAclass":"3" ,  'count': 1 }
  • create PCI flavor
 nova pci-flavor-create  name 'QA1'  description  'QuickAssist card version 1'
 nova pci-flavor-update  name 'QA1'    set 'e.QAclass"="1"
 nova pci-flavor-create  name 'QA13'   description 'QuickAssist card version 1 and version 3'
 nova pci-flavor-update  name 'QA13'    set 'e.QAclass"="(1|3)"
  • create flavor and boot with it
 nova boot  mytest  --flavor m1.tiny  --image=QA1_image  --nic  net-id=network_X  pci_flavor= '1:QA1;'
 nova boot  mytest  --flavor m1.tiny  --image=QA13_image  --nic  net-id=network_X  pci_flavor= '3:QA13;'

Common PCI SRIOV Configuration detail

Compute host

pci_information = [ {pci-regex},{pci-extra-attrs} ] pci_flavor_attrs=attr,attr,attr

For instance, when using device and vendor ID this would read:


When the back end adds an arbitrary ‘group’ attribute to all PCI devices:


When you wish to find an appropriate device and perhaps also filter by the connection tagged on that device, which you use an extra-info attribute to specify on the compute node config: pci_flavor_attrs=device_id,vendor_id,e.connection

flavor API

  • overall

nova pci-flavor-list nova pci-flavor-show name|UUID <name|UUID> nova pci-flavor-create name|UUID <name|UUID> description <desc> nova pci-flavor-update name|UUID <name|UUID> set 'description'='xxxx' 'e.group'= 'A' nova pci-flavor-delete <name|UUID> name|UUID

* list available pci flavor  (white list)
   nova pci-flavor-list 
   GET v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavors
                               'UUID':'xxxx-xx-xx' , 
                              } ,

  • get detailed information about one pci-flavor:
    nova pci-flavor-show  <UUID|name>
    GET v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavor/<UUID|name>
       os-pci-flavor: { 
                               'UUID':'xxxx-xx-xx' , 
  • create pci flavor
 nova pci-flavor-create  name 'GetMePowerfulldevice'  description "xxxxx"
 POST  v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavors
     pci-flavor: { 
             description: "xxxxx" 
 action:  create database entry for this flavor.

  • update the pci flavor
    nova pci-flavor-update UUID  set    'description'='xxxx'   'e.group'= 'A'
    PUT v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavors/<UUID>
    with data  :
        { 'action': "update", 
                            'vendor': '8086',
                            'e.group': 'A',
   action: set this as the new definition of the pci flavor.
  • delete a pci flavor
  nova pci-flavor-delete <UUID>
  DELETE v2/​{tenant_id}​/os-pci-flavor/<UUID>

Current PCI implementation gaps

concept introduce here: spec: a filter defined by (k,v) pairs, which k in the pci object fields, this means those (k,v) is the pci device property like: vendor_id, 'address', pci-type etc. extra_spec: the filter defined by (k, v) and k not in the pci object fields.

pci utils support extra property

      * pci utils k,v match support the address reduce regular expression
      * uitils provide a global extract interface to extract base property and extra property of a pci device.
      * extra information also should use schema 'e.name'

PCI information(extended the white-list) support extra tag

      * PCI information support  reduce regular expression compare, match the pci device 
      * PCI information  support  store any other (k,v) pair pci device's extra info
      * any extra tag's k, v is string.


      * implement the attrs parser, updated to flavor Database

support pci-flavor

      * pci-flavor store in DB
      * pci-flavor config via API
      * pci manager use extract method extract the specs and extra_specs, match them against  the pci object & object.extra_info.

PCI scheduler: PCI filter

   When scheduling,  marcher should  applied  regular expression stored in the named flavor, this read out from DB. 

convert pci flavor from SRIOV

in API stage the network parser should convert the pci flavor in the --nic option to pci request and save them into instance meta data.

1. translate pci flavor spec to request

   * input flavor_spce is a list of pci flavor and requested number:  "flavor_name:number, flavor_name2:number2,..." if number is 1, it can be omit.
   * output is pci_request, a internal represents data structure

2. save request to instance meta data:

    *update_pci_request_to_metadata(metadata, new_requests, prefix=)

find specific device of a instance based on request

to boot VM with PCI SRIOV devices, there might need more configuration action to pci device instead of just a pci host dev. to achieve this, common SRIOV need a interface to query the device allocated to a specific usage, like the SRIOV network.

3 steps facility to achive this:

   * Mark the PCI request use UUID, so the pci request is distinguishable.
   * remember the devices allocated the this request.
   * a interface function provide to get these device from a instance.

DB for PCI flavor

each pci flavor will be a set of (k,v), store the (k,v) pair in DB. both k, v is string, and the value could be a simple regular expression, support wild-cast, address range operators.

Talbe: pci_flavor

              UUID:  which pci-flavor the  k,v belong to
              name: the pci flavor's name, we need this filed to index the DB with flavor's name
              value (might be a simple string value or reduce Regular express)

DB interface:


transient config file to API

   *the config file for alias and white-list definition is going to deprecated.
   *new config pci_information will replace white-list 
   *pci flavor will replace alias
   *white list/alias schema still work, and given a deprecated notice, will fade out  which will be remove start from next release.
   *if pci_flavor_attrs is not defined it will default to vendor_id, product_id and extra_info. this is keep compatible with old system.